
美 [ˈempti]英 ['empti]
  • adj.空的;空洞的;说话不算数的;无诚意的
  • v.倒空;腾空;掏空;变空
  • n.空箱;空瓶;空车
  • 网络空虚;清空;空虚的

比较级:emptier 最高级:emptiest 第三人称单数:empties 现在分词:emptying 过去式:emptied

empty space,empty house,empty stomach,empty box,empty shell
empty shelf,empty tank,empty gun


1.空的with no people or things inside

2.[ubn]空洞的;说话不算数的;无诚意的with no meaning; not meaning what is said

3.空虚的;无意义的;无目的的unhappy because life does not seem to have a purpose, usually after sth sad has happened

4.~ of sth没有;缺乏;无without a quality that you would expect to be there


初中英语单词表大全2182个带音标 - 豆丁网 ... heavy 重的 430 empty 空的 431 certainly 当然 432 ...


词汇竞赛 - 中国习网 ... last 持续 empty 倒空 complete 完成 ...


空字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 空心砖〖 hollowbrick〗 空虚〖 hollow;empty〗 空穴〖 hole〗 ...


(D-F)英语四级词汇表下载 ... employment n. 工业;雇用;使用 empty a. 空的;空洞的 enable vt. 使能够,使可能 ...


eol_百度百科 ... Empirical 实验的,经验的 empty 清空 empty link set 空链接集 ...


单词演义 - 豆丁网 ... employee n. 雇员, 受雇者 empty a. 空的; 空洞的; 空虚的 encourage vt. 鼓励, 激励, 支持 ...


2008年05月新增专辑 ※ Mojim.com 魔镜歌词网 ... 11.Mary Jane( 玛莉珍) 12.Empty( 空洞无心) 4.Stepping Stone〔 垫脚石〕 ...

After you add a LINQ to SQL file to your project, the empty design surface represents a DataContext ready to be configured. 向项目中添加LINQtoSQL文件后,空白设计图面将表示一个可供配置的DataContext。
And before you leave the market place, see that no one has gone his way with empty hands. 在你们离开市场之前,要确知没有一个人空手归去。
He thought the noise in the empty room was a ghost moving about and he was in a blue funk when I saw him. 他认为空房里的响声是鬼魂在走来走去。我见到他时他万分惊恐。
The only thing worse than not being able to ask your uber bucket meaningful questions is having an empty uber bucket. 唯一比不能向您的超级木桶询问有意义问题更糟糕的事情是,拥有一个空的超级木桶。
Empty bottle slumbered the bottom of every closet . 每个储藏室的底部都零乱地堆积着空瓶子。
Let me show you . First boil some water in a kettle . OK . Then warm the pot by pouring in a little boiling water , and then empty it out . 我泡给你看。首先用壶把水烧开。好。然后倒一点沸水温一下茶壶,然后倒出来。
As I stood there, hushed and still, I could swear that the house was not an empty shell but lived and breathed as it had lived before. 我肃然站在宅子前,竟断定它不是一个空洞的躯壳,而像过去那样是有生命的、在呼吸着的活物。
Tim was sitting on the floor with the empty box. His mouth was red and he had strawberry juice all over his face. 这时蒂姆正拿着空盒子坐在地上。他的嘴是红的,满脸都是草莓汁。
See for yourself: Tune an old analog TV to an empty channel. Much of that "snow" is from the cosmic microwave background. 自己看看:打开老式模拟电视,切换到一个空台,许多“雪花”就是宇宙微波背景辐射。
Exaggerate a component more or less though one is only for a short time humorous, but absolute fault an empty hole invites the wind. 虽然只是一个小幽默,多少有些夸张成分,但绝对不是空穴来风。
I just stood there and stared at the empty station and the black tunnel holes where they all ran in. It was completely silent. 我只是站在那里,并盯着空站和黑色隧道洞都跑了进来,他们是完全沉默。
The round table where we are to eat, bedecked with white cloth and silver cutlery, is something of an oasis in a desert of empty carpet. 我俩吃饭的圆桌铺着白布,上面摆着银餐具,有点象铺着空地毯的沙漠中的绿洲。
The children then carried the empty basket back to the boat. 然后孩子们拿着这空篮子回到船上。
Additionally, Notes prompts you to confirm whether or not a message should be sent with an empty subject. 此外,在主题为空时,Notes会提示确认是否发送该消息。
Police station was dark and empty as it was unmanned at this time of night (it is only a small rural town). 但是警察局里又黑又空,因为在夜里这个时候那儿是没有人的(我们只是一个小小的乡下小镇)。
If any of these constants had been tweaked at all, the universe would likely be empty, with no stars and no life. 如果这些常量中的任何一个被扭曲了,这个宇宙很可能是空的,没有星星,也没有生命。
Okay maybe it wasn't but she said it was. (She was 8 at the time. ) It was awkward carrying that empty cage down the long winding hallway. 好吧也许并不是,但她却坚持说是。(她那时8岁。)带着空笼子穿过长长的曲折走廊是很难操作的。
In the case of a new method built from scratch, the Method Definition is empty at the beginning of the project. 从新创建方法的例子中,方法定义在这个项目的开始是空白。
Now, with her containers still empty and the sun blazing overhead, she has returned home for a moment's rest. 此刻,已是烈日当空,查雅空载而归,稍作休息。
Now, as a reminder, it is simple enough to say that spirit fills up all that space in the atom, it is not "empty. " 现在,以点及面来推导,可以十分简单地概括,灵性充满于原子之间的空隙,原子之间并不是“真空的”。
Seems to be the cold wind has taken away all the joy, an unnatural distressed initiation from the heart, empty. 似乎寒风带走了所有的快乐,一种不自然的忧伤由心底萌生,万般空洞。
Out of love for her, even is to keep her alive, does he have the right to steal the poison and empty it? 出于对她的爱,甚至是为了让她活下去,他是否有权力偷那瓶药,喝了它?
A handful of city folks will turn an empty lot into a playground for the children of their neighborhood. 几个城里人要为周围的儿童把一块空地开辟为游乐
When a bottle is empty, it goes out in the trash. But bottle glass can be ground into sand and used to pave streets. 还有废弃在垃圾里的空瓶子,玻璃瓶可以被磨成沙用来铺路。
Cao Chong ordered the elephant to an empty boat, to see how deep draft vessels, inscribed with marks on both sides of the ship's side. 曹冲命人把大象牵到空船上,看船吃水有多深,在船舷两边刻上记号。
"I have to see you, " he said in a low voice, without thinking, as if there were someone else in the empty common room. “我必须见你一面,”他不假思索地放低声音说,就好像空荡的教员公用室里还有别的人似的。
he set off at a brisk pace , past an empty inn and a few houses . according to a clock on a nearby church , it was almost midnight. 他迈着轻快的脚步走着,经过了一家空荡荡的小酒馆和几所房屋。从附近一座教堂的钟上看,时间差不多已经是午夜了。
If I go back empty-handed, I might be coming back to you soon to ask for a job. 如果我空手回去,大概很快就会来找你要份工作啰。
I had a seat next to me which stayed empty the whole evening, and I was sure it had been paid for by you. 我旁边有一个位子今天晚上一直空着,我还以为这个座位是您订下的呢。
He wandered down the empty corridors and found a doorway that led out onto a rain swept courtyard full of righteous dustbins. 他漫无目的的在走廊里徘徊,发现在门后面被雨水冲刷过的院子站立着两个忠心耿耿的垃圾桶先生。