
美 [ˈentri]英 ['entri]
  • n.记录;词条;登录;录入
  • 网络进入;条目;入口


make entry,gain entry,submit entry,facilitate entry,entry give
forcible entry,illegal entry,late entry,entry force,unauthorized entry



进入going in

1.[c][u]进入(指行动)an act of going into or getting into a place

2.[u]进入(指权利、机会)the right or opportunity to enter a place

加入集体joining group

3.[u]~ (into sth)参与,加入(指权利、机会)the right or opportunity to take part in sth or become a member of a group

比赛in competition

4.[c]参赛作品;竞赛答题something that you do, write or make to take part in a competition, for example answering a set of questions

5.[u]参赛the act of taking part in a competition, race, etc.

6.[sing]参赛人数the total number of people who are taking part in a competition, race, etc.

书面资料written information

7.[c](词典等的)条目;词条;账目;记录an item, for example a piece of information, that is written or printed in a dictionary, an account book, a diary, etc.

8.[u]登记;登录;录入the act of recording information in a computer, book, etc.


9.[c]大门;入口处;通道;门厅a door, gate or passage where you enter a building; an entrance hall


自考英语二词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... unfair a. 不公平的,不公正的 entry n. 进入;入口;登记,条目,账目 privilege n. 特权 ...


CATIA软件的10个使用技巧 —— 机械英才网 ... entity 图元 元件 . 图元 entry 条目 资料项 environment 环境 环境 ...


自考英语二词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... unfair a. 不公平的,不公正的 entry n. 进入;入口;登记,条目,账目 privilege n. 特权 ...


eol_百度百科 ... Entropy 焰 entry 项目 Entry Block 进入块,输入块 ...


记录Entry): 标题和其下所有的正文行组成一个记录或者条目子树(Subtree): 标题和其下的所有子标题以及它们的正文 …


初中英语词汇手册 - 豆丁网 ... enter v. 进入 entry n. 进入;参加;登记;入口;参赛作品 environment n. 环境 ...


690个英语四级高频词汇 ... enthusiasm n. 热情,热心 373. entry n. 进入,入口处;参赛的人(或物) 374. enviroment n. 环境 …

account created by the debit part of the entry is closed into the Income Summary account in the same manner as any other expense account. 上述分录中借记的坏账损失像其他费用一样结转到收益汇总账户。
Why would you want to leave an established career at an employment agency for an essentially entry level position in marketing? 为什么你要放弃职业介绍所里一份已经稳定下来的工作,而去追求一个实质上你只是入门者的市场推广职位呢?
It contains types that will be referenced by other assemblies, but it has no entry point to begin execution. 它包含将由其他程序集引用的类型,但没有开始执行的入口点。
Notifies all observers that have been registered with the agenda model when an entry or to-do list is added, updated or deleted. 观察者控制器:当一个日程条目或者待办理列表添加、更新或者删除时,通告所有在日程模型中注册的观察者。
In writing up the logbook at the end of your watch, you make an error in writing an entry. What is the proper means of correcting the error? 在当班结束时写航海日志,输入数据有一个错误,哪种方式才是合适的来更改这个错误?
Comply with the controls stated on the permit. Post the permit at the point of entry prior to any person entering the space. 遵守许可证上规定的控制措施。进入密闭空间前将许可证张贴在各个入口处。
The parameter -a entry, always indicates that the rule should always be invoked at the beginning of the system call execution. 参数-aentry,always说明了在系统调用执行开始时总要调用的规则。
Typically, this would be inserted into a database to save a lot of data entry. + Dynamic exchange of up-to-date info between users. 通常人们通过向数据库中插入这些数据来保存大量数据,用户之间可动态交换最新的信息。
Writing a Web-based data entry UI for a complex application is never fun and is often downright tedious. 为复杂应用程序编写基于Web的数据输入UI永远都不是件快乐的事,通常都是非常单调乏味的。
He might have become president in 1844 if he had not opposed Texas's entry into the Union. 如果他当时没有反对德州添加联邦,那么他在1844年就有可能成为美国总统。
Close the present position regardless of its amount or result. Do not open a new position until the next entry signal has been raised. 关闭现在的位置不论其数额或结果。不要打开了一个新阵地,直至下一次进入的信号已经提出的问题。
Find out to which section of the Immigration Department you should submit your applications for visas entry permits and extensions of stay. 你可在此网页浏览有关递交签证及延长逗留期限申请的入境事务处组别,并查看其地址及办公时间。
She recently put the antibiotic powder mitomycin under her lens, as shown in her winning entry in the Small World photo contest. 她最近把抗生素粉末丝裂霉素放到了镜头之下,正如这张为她获得了微小世界照片竞赛的胜利入场券所示。
Her cupped hands often form the Yoni Mudra, symbolizing the womb as the door for entry to this world through the universal female principle. 她凹陷的手形态经常形成女性外阴像情态,象征子宫通过普遍的女性法则作为进入这个世界的通道。
As for the tape, there will not be an entry for 4MMPOOL, as it has not been used yet. 至于磁带,不会有针对4MMPOOL的条目,因为尚未使用它。
Don't attempt to understand it, or reason with it, or defer it, or deny it entry to your heart with excuse molded from doubt or insecurity. 不要试图去理解爱情,或者给它讲道理,或者将它拖延。或者以基于疑虑或不安全感的借口来拒绝它进入你的内心。
Unexpected code paths: By following the entry and exit points, it is possible to see any unexpected code paths taken by the program. 意外的代码路径:通过跟踪进入和退出点,可以看出程序是否采用了意外的代码路径。
Your entry must be a valid login for your database, one that is able to create tables and add data as shown in this article. 您的条目必须对您的数据库有效,如本文所示,它能够创建表和添加数据。
I never really intended to tell my divorce story but as I made my first entry I began sharing my feelings about divorce and its challenges. 我并不想诉说离婚的故事,但是当我第一次登陆自己的网站,我开始在上面分享离婚后的感受,以及那件时以后的种种挑战。
A link is simply an additional directory entry for a file or directory, allowing two or more names for the same thing. 一个链接仅仅是文件或目录的一个附加目录条目,允许同一文件或目录有两个或多个名称。
At this point, you may either type the name of an image, or press Enter to select the first entry. 此时,您可以键入映像名称,或者按Enter选择第一个条目。
This reflects the period of its entry into English, i. e. the nineteen-fifties, but the word is by no means a newcomer in its native land. 这反映了它进入英语的时期系二十世纪五十年代,但它在自己的国土上并非新词。
He made also a hanging in the entry of the tabernacle of violet, purple, scarlet, and fine twisted linen, with the work of an embroiderer. 又做了会幕的门帘,是用紫色、红色、朱红色的毛线和捻的细麻编成的。
In simple terms, a cache entry is considered to be valid if the entity has not been modified since the Last-Modified value. 简单来说,如果实体值在Last-Modified值之后没有被更改,则认为该缓存条目有效。
Clinton said he would not "coddle the butchers of Beijing" but negotiated China's entry into the W. T. O. 克林顿说他不会“放纵北京的屠夫”,但却与中国谈判加入世贸。
The long run answer may well be the entry of new and smaller banks into a more competitive banking industry. 着眼于长期的解决方案很可能是,让规模较小的新银行进入更具竞争性的银行业。
With just a few clicks, I had entry into an ex's most-private life, and I didn't have to suffer through the boring parts. 只稍几次点击,我就可以进入我前男友最私密的生活里,并且我不用长篇累牍完所有大段的文章。
Printed out, it is also the entry ticket to the embassy, controlling outsiders' access to one of the main terrorist targets in London. 将其打印出来便是大使馆的入场券,这将那些不受欢迎者拒之门外,毕竟这里是伦敦最主要的恐怖袭击目标之一。
Uses the Undo command to reverse the last command or to delete the last entry that you typed. 使用“撤消”命令来撤消上一个命令或删除最后键入的内容。
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is still trying to also gain visa-free entry to the US, Australia, and the Philippines. 外交部也表示正积极向美国、澳洲、马来西亚、菲律宾等国积极争取。