end of the line

  • 网络地铁四重奏;终局;热线的另一端

end of the lineend of the line

end of the line


 地铁四重奏(END OF THE LINE) 2007-6-20(周三) 第五场(18:30) YC3205 流氓学校里的天使们(MASALA) 2007-6-20(周三) 第六 …


圣安地列斯 - 搜搜百科 ... 1.Los Desperados( 亡命之徒) 2.End Of The Line( 终局) 2.Grove 4 Life( 重振家业) ...


share & infect... ... 高三逃课日 Senior Skip Day 热线的另一端 End of the Line 演员: 乔·鲍里托 Olek Krupa Vinny Vella ...


猛兽侠_百度百科 ... The Catalyst 催化剂 End Of The Line 穷途末路 Megatron 无敌龙 ...


篝火图片 Bonfire 7 - 图蛙 ImageWa.com ... 摩洛哥革图片 morocco 14 线的结束图片 end of the line 2 拖拉机图片 Tractor 1 ...


...约的民主党联邦参议员舒默此前提出,非法移民要回到“队尾”(end of the line)排队,但问题是这条合法的移民队伍是根据原居 …


...果你追求「轰动的一时性」,敬请翻阅(以及 点阅)「终点」(End of the Line),你会读到七截车厢里在列车到站时,一些乘 …


凯文·贝肯_互动百科 ... 1988《天下父母心》 She s Having a Baby 1988《死线大突围End of the Line 1995《阿波罗13号》 …

Oops, we seem to have missed a word at the beginning of the line, and our cursor is at the end of the line, what do we do now? 额,我们发现这行文字头部少了一个单词,但是我们的光标已经在行尾了,现在该怎么办?
Examples of these key sequences include Control-A to jump to the beginning of the line, and Control-K to delete to the end of the line. 这些键顺序的示例包括Control-A(跳至行首)和Control-K(删除到行尾)。
"You talk to people on the telephone and don't see them on the other end of the line, right? " he began. The children nodded yes. 他开始说:“你们用电话跟人们交谈,虽然他们在电话线的那一端,但你看不到他们,对吧?”孩子们点头。
"The worrying thing is that this was orchestrated as the beginning of something better, but this may be the end of the line, " Ms Hama said. 滨纪子表示:“令人担忧的是,这被包装为事情向更好方向发展的开端,但它也可能是道路的尽头。”
If the company goes down the pan, ordinary shareholders are at the end of the line and seldom get a crumb. 如果公司破产的话,普通股股东排在清盘队伍的最后面,连一点面包屑都分不到。
I could tell there was no trouble on the other end of the line, and Mother could tell I was getting over my homesickness. 我听得出来,电话那一头没有什么麻烦,母亲也能听出我开始不再那么念家了。
You say you're falling apart. Reached the end of the line. Just looking for your place in an ordinary life. 你说你即将无法承受,临近崩溃的边缘。只想在平凡的生活中找到自我。
I called Dave Morrow to vent my frustration and found a new attitude on the other end of the line. 我打电话给戴夫.莫洛,发泄自己的不满,结果发现电话那头的态度有了变化。
As he got up the second time, he said to the person at the end of the line: "That does it! " 当他再次爬起来的时候,他对排在队伍最后面的那个人说;
Then at last they reached the end of the line-or so it seemed until one of the scientists actually walked the group right through a wall. 接着他们终于到达了该趟行程的终点——看起来大概如此,直到其中一个因维科学家居然带领队伍直接穿过了一堵墙。
You do not want the person on the other end of the line to hear you shuffling papers in the background! 您不想人对其他行的结尾听到你洗牌文件,在背景中!
But this time Watson replied that it would take him a week; he was on the other end of the line in San Francisco. 但是这一次华生说要一个星期的时间才能到达,因为他当时正在旧金山。
When he finally answered the phone and heard a Swedish accent on the other end of the line, he realized what was happening. 当最终接到电话时,他听到电话另一端传来了瑞典口音的话语,这时他意识到了所发生的事情。
There was a soldier, playing like a sergeant or something, at the other end of the line. 电话的另一端是一个士兵,看起来像是个士官什么的。
When he got to Grandma, at the end of the line, he was bewildered. 当他在队尾看到这位奶奶的时候,他有些不知所措了。
So many people showed up that the police blocked off the parking lot, he said. "You couldn't even find the end of the line. " 太多人了以致警察都要封锁停车场,他说:“你都难以看到队伍的尾端。”
At each end of the line he stopped to thaw out, but he could have groaned at the anguish of it. 每次到了终点站,他都要停车暖和一下,但他还是难过得想要呻吟了。
I met Susan at the bank and she was standing at the end of the line. 我在银行遇见了苏珊,她当时正站在队尾。
"He knows I don't, " said the Senator to somebody on his end of the line. “他知道我不需要。”老议员好像对电话另一头的什么人重复了一遍这句话。
With a red face I said sorry and went to the end of the line. 我的脸红了,于是我走到了队伍的最后站下来。
Around the end of the line of students, there was a kid named Steve Lankester. 教室的最后一排坐着一个全班最调皮的学生,史蒂夫-兰凯斯特。
At the downtown end of the line, one of the officers went to call up his station and report the trouble. 到了商业区的电车终点站,一个警察去打电话给他所在的警察分局,报告路上遇到的麻烦。
"You communicate with friends on the telephone and don't see them on the other end of the line, right? " he began. “你们和别人在电话里交谈时,并没有看到电话线另一端的人,对吗?”他开始问道。
South Australia, with the least rainfall and at the end of the line, had been hit hardest, and began trading water allocations in the 1980s. 南澳大利亚州是降水最少的州并且处于河流的尽头,所以是受伤害最严重的地方,它从20世纪80年代便开始河水引流项目。
In GRUB Legacy, menu entries begin with the keyword title, and the text up to the end of the line is the title. 在GRUBLegacy中,菜单项以关键字title开始,直到行尾的文本都是标题。
And then I got a phone call, and the voice at the other end of the line said, "You've just won the best blog in the world award. " 最后我接到了一个电话,电话那头的声音告诉我:“您刚刚获得了最佳博客奖。”
When no one answered her phone call on the other end of the line, a trace of disappointment came over her face. 当另一端无人接电话时,一丝失望掠过她的面颊。
Method performs no parsing; an end-of-line character within a delimited field is interpreted as the actual end of the line. 方法不执行分析;分隔字段中的行尾字符被解释为实际的行尾。
When I Explained Stevie's problem, the man on the other end of the line considered for a moment and then told me about the "cool suit. " 当我解释了史蒂夫的难处后,电话那端的人考虑了片刻,然后向我讲述了“降温服”的一些情况。
The distance between the beginning of the cap and the end of the line. 线帽的起始处和直线的结束处之间的距离。