end up

  • na.结束;完事;[俚]死;直立着
  • 网络告终;竖着;最终成为

第三人称单数:ends up 现在分词:ending up 过去式:ended up

end upend up

end up


人教版九年级上册英语单词表 ... not at all 一点也不 end up 结束 pronounce 宣布 ...


八年级下册英语单词_百度百科 ... 433 on board 在船上 435 end up 结束,告终 437 especially adj. 特别,尤其 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... end off 结束 end up 结束,告终;竖着 end up with 以…而结束 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... end off 结束 end up 结束,告终;竖着 end up with 以…而结束 ...


四级模考 重点归纳_塞浦路斯有水_新浪博客 ... screen filter 保护屏 end up 最终成为 blanket ban 一律禁止 ...


严辰松讲座_江筱鱼_新浪博客 ... 3,big:the big question 大问题 8,end up: 最后(居然) 9,fine: 好的,合适的 ...

死了英语怎么说?_百度知道 ... pass away 去世 end up 竖着, 结束, in the dust 死了, 屈辱, 入土 ...


动词介词搭配_百度文库 ... focus /fix on 集中,关注 * end up 以…告终 * use up 用光,耗尽 * ...

The study found the nation's ladies hear three nuggets of gossip a week, but end up passing it on to at least one other person. 这项研究表明英国的女性每礼拜能听到三封谣言,最后却把它们至少传给一个人。
"The ECB could well end up getting much of the blame for the sharp economic slowdown, which is now in the pipeline, " he said. 他表示:“欧央行最终很可能要为经济急剧放缓承担大部分责任,目前经济已有放缓之势。”
In a flight to safety triggered by a default, much of the money bailing out of risky assets could end up in Treasury debt. 在违约导致投资者纷纷投资安全之所的过程中,从风险资产中抽身的大部分资金最终可能成为国库券债务。
When you end up on a RSS page with XML tags all over the place, copy the URL at the top of your screen and paste it into your feed reader. 当您碰到到处是XML标记的RSS页面时,请复制屏幕顶部的URL并将其粘贴到阅读器中。
"I'm not comfortable saying that we're going to end up in the Great Depression, " he told me. "I'm a reasonable person. " 他告诉我:“我不会轻松自在地说,我们最终将陷于经济大萧条之中,我是一个讲道理的人。”
The germs leave their nose, and end up in yours. It is all most unfortunate. 病菌离开他们的鼻子进入你的鼻子,这真不幸。
Q: My wife and I each use a different Windows laptop, so we end up having documents scattered between them. 问:我和太太都有一部安装了Windows操作系统的笔记本电脑,所以我们的文档在两部电脑中都有。
In practice we see that although many people do have the desire to serve the masses, they end up in failure, doing great harm to the masses. 实践证明,许多人并非在主观上没有为人民服务的愿望,但是他们仍然把工作做坏了,使群众受到重大的损失。
There is no ultimate meaning to any person or activity . We are here by a fluke and are going to end up as no more than dust and ashes . 任何人或行为都没有终极意义。我们在这里只是个意外,我们只能像尘土一样完结。
Hes beginning to get that anybody he attaches himself toisgonna end up in prison. 他会开始认为任何和他有关系的人最后都会进监狱。
I was glad to see Felix Krull end up in the arms of the mother rather than the daughter. 我高兴地看到弗里克斯-克鲁尔最终投入了母亲的怀抱,而不是女儿的怀抱。
A: It's nice, but how much did you end up paying? 是不错,不过你最后付了多少钱?
Some Iranians did not conceal their hope that the Islamic Republic, whatever its public words on the subject, would end up making a bomb. 无论官方辞令如何,一些伊朗人始终期待着伊斯兰共和国最终能制造出一枚核弹。
If you don't check to see if the record exists before you insert it, you could end up with duplicates in the database. 如果在插入之前没有检查记录是否存在,可能会在数据库中得到重复项。
He's beginning to get that anybody he attaches himself to is gonna end up in prison. . . 他开始觉得每个和他有关的人最终都会进监狱……
If there's a problem with the air tank, the diver could end up stuck too far underwater to be able to get up in time to breathe. 要是氧气筒出了问题,潜水员最后可能会受困在过深的水底而无法及时浮上水面呼吸。
Given transaction costs, any attempt to follow every move of the market will end up with happy brokers but a diminished investment account. 由于每笔交易的执行均涉及成本,若市场一波动就跟著买卖,最后不仅便宜到券商,投资帐户的金额还会减少。
I keep asking dad to let me get my license. But all he does is hem and haw and then end up saying he wants to think it over some more. 我一直要爸爸让我去考到驾照,但是他总是支支吾吾地,末了又说他还得想想再说。
He told me that if I didn't stop, he was "going to end up tearing me apart" and that if I wanted to leave a virgin, I needed to quit. 他说如果我不停止,他就会“最终将我扯碎”,而且如果我想保持处女之身,我就必须停止我所做的。
If you think of it as a huge deal that is completely ruining your game, then chances are it might end up doing just that. 如果你觉得这是个很严重的,彻底玩完的事情,那很有可能你就真的玩完了。
If that day comes, the United States and China could end up in a trade war that only worsens the situation for both countries. 如果那一天果真到来,中美两国或许将陷入一场只会恶化两国经济局势的贸易大战。
I was never a big Facebook addict to begin with, but I'd still end up wasting my time there just to see what everybody else was up to. 我从来都不沉迷于Facebook,但是我仍然会把我的时间浪费在那里,仅仅是看别人在忙什么。
Granted, men can be deluded about the reasons a woman they've just met might end up in their hotel rooms. 如果说他们刚刚认识的女子后来去了他们酒店的房间坐坐,人们兴许会相信这样的托词。
It's a very serious thing, that you who are the children . . . (short pause) . . . they'll end up like this . . . (long pause) . . . 这是一个非常严肃的事情,你是谁的孩子…(短暂的停顿)…他们最终会不会这样结束?
Given the number of contradictory rulings by the courts, the matter is bound to end up, sooner or later, in the Supreme Court. 鉴于存在大量相互矛盾的法庭裁决,这个问题必定迟早要由最高法院来解决。
Strict surveillance and ECB independence was meant to make it impossible to end up in this situation; both have been undermined. 严格的监督与欧洲央行的独立性,本意是避免出现这种结局;但如今这两者都受到了破坏。
But as Wal-Mart can attest, no matter how much people say they want to buy American, they usually end up going with whatever's cheaper. 但是,正如沃尔玛已经证明的那样,不管有多少人(口头爱国者)声称他们希望购买美国货,他们最终还是要买最便宜的那个。
One may try to combine them, but that could end-up in an overwhelmingly complex and heavyweight tool set. 一些人可能尝试合并他们,但是可能会中止与过度的复杂和重量的工具集。
At this point, if the racer were to continue pressuring the outside ski, he would end up moving too far across the hill and slowing down. 在这个时点,如果选手继续给外侧板压力,他将会沿着那个小半径的弧运动,并造成速度下降。
Concerted fiscal restraint could trigger another recession, but the lack of it could end up in bigger default risks. 各国协同施行财政紧缩,有可能引发新一轮衰退,但如果不这样做,最终可能加剧违约风险。