
美 [end]英 [end]
  • n.端;目的;结果;最后
  • v.结尾;终止;死;竖立
  • 网络段结束(end segment);末端;电缆中导线的头数

复数:ends 现在分词:ending 过去式:ended

come end,end war,end violence,life end,achieve end
probably end,finally end,abruptly end,end happily,successfully end
eastern end,southern end,south end,Common end,northern end


段结束(end segment)

汇编指令大全(有注释) - 蓝色理想 - C++博客 ... ASSUME 建立段寄存器寻址. ENDS 段结束. END 程序结束. ...


郑景婷考研英语高频词汇 - 豆丁网 ... endless 无尽的 463. ends 目的 464. endure 忍受 465. ...


3d max 中英文对照 - 小M的日志 - 网易博客 ... End Time 结束时间 Ends 结束;端点;末端 Entities 实体 ...


连接器专业英语_百度文库 ... 电介质 dielectric 电缆中导线的头数 ends 外部干扰 external interference ...


因此由结果 (ends) 來看,不同的生殖方式的确都有可能使个人获得子嗣,


(background)、主体(main body)和结尾ends)四部分构成,在句首和句尾常出现主 题句 。


3d max 中英文对照 - 小M的日志 - 网易博客 ... End Time 结束时间 Ends 结束;端点;末端 Entities 实体 ...

A mathematical model of the system composed of the vibration absorber with a base and coupled with an ends-fixed beam is established. 建立有底座吸振器和两端固支梁主系统耦合的数学模型。
"That's okay, " I said. "Enjoy it, the game ends too soon, you know. " “没关系,”我说,“好好享受,你知道,球赛结束得太快了。”
More appellate reviews are expected before the matter ends up in the Supreme Court. 在这起争端在最高法院结束之前肯定会有更多的案例发生。
The very anonymity of money then makes it a poor mechanism for guiding financiers' activities toward socially desirable ends. 货币的匿名特性使其成为一种糟糕的机制,不善于将金融家的行为朝有利于社会的方向引导。
Watch out for that signal, when life as you know it ends. P. S. 当你知道人生快要结束的时候,要注意那些暗示。
The doctors fitted her with prosthetic limbs and they even put little wooden feet on the ends for her as they were so touched by her. 医生们深深的为她所感动,为她做了一副义肢,而且给义肢装上了一双木制的脚。
The problem is that a not only does a great deal of it not get recycled, much of it escapes into the environment and ends up in the ocean. 问题是,不仅很大一部分没有被回收,很多已被抛弃到大自然中,结果流入海洋。
You don't have to thank him for doing that "favor" for you. He did it for his own ends. 你不用为他上次“帮”你忙而感谢他,他那样做是为了自己的需要。
To get today's version , ask your stylist to add a bit of edgy texture to the ends of your hair with a razor shear. 要问今天的版本,请要求你的发型师,在你的发梢添加毛躁的纹理(用剃刀)。
The divorce rate in the United States is the highest in the world. One out of every three marriage ends in divorce. 美国的离婚率居世界首位。三分之一是以离婚结束的。
When one word ends with a vowel sound and the next word begins with a vowel sound , we link the words with a sort of "w" or "Y" sound. 当一个单词以元音结尾下一个单词以一个元音开头时,我们用一种“w”或“y”的声音将它们连起来。
Even if he is right, as Banyan hopes and believes, it is not just a question of limping through the next few weeks until the monsoon ends. 即使他是对的,正如我们所希望和相信的那样,这也不仅仅只是蹒跚着熬过在季风季结束前的几个礼拜的事情。
Fur from China - much of it unlabeled - ends up in stores all across America. 美国所有的商店都已经禁止销售中国用这种方法生产的皮毛。
No matter how kind her mistress is, -no matter how much she loves her home, beg her not to go back, -for slavery always ends in misery. 不管她的主人心地多么好--不管她多么爱她的家乡,求她千万不要回去--因为奴隶的下场终归是悲惨的。
But he said he "inherited" a recession, and noted that his tenure ends in one. 但是他又说,他“继承”了经济不景气,并指出他的任期即将结束。
He knew in advance what O'Brien would say. That the Party did not seek power for its own ends, but only for the good of the majority. 他知道奥勃良会说些什么:党并不是为了自己的目的而要当权,而只是为了大多数人的利益。
I am still trying to get on stable financial ground, but compared to a year ago, when I couldn't make ends meet, I am light years ahead. 我一直致力于获得一个稳定的财政基础,但是相比一年前,我仅能保证不会入不敷出,今年我已经轻松很多。
I am really enjoying the long, slow lovemaking that never really ends; we just take a break and start again the next day. 我享受着永不结束的漫长又缓慢的性交,我们今天结束了明天又开始了。
The ad ends with a deaf man signing to his wife while on a business trip. 广告以一位在出差中的失聪者跟妻子打手势作为结束。
The MRM CWF parser uses the record's properties (the length of each field) to determine where one Invoice ends and the next one begins. MRMCWF解析器使用记录的属性(每个字段的长度)来确定一个Invoice记录从何处结束以及下一个Invoice记录从何处开始。
Neither is an attractive prospect, but Mr Brown's disappointing premiership seems to be heading towards one of those two sad ends. 两者均不是美好的未来,但是布朗令人失望的首相生涯似乎正走向这两个悲伤结局之一。
This is often taken to be the starting point of a position that ends with the slogan that "religion is the opium of the people" . 这常常被当做一种立场的起点,它以这一口号结束“宗教是人民的鸦片”。
Hass ends the poem there, with a sudden question, as if to ask when a poet's hidden passion can matter more than the life of his times. 哈斯两端有这首诗,突然问题,如果要问时,诗人的激情可以隐藏的问题超过了他生活的时代。
Each of the segments has a recess making up a magnetic reluctance portion and an opposite pair of ends making up salient-pole portions. 该对末端在旋转轴的圆周方向上彼此相对,并且在该对末端之间设置有该凹口,从而各自地构成一对凸极部;
The cube self-assembles from pieces of DNA designed to adhere to one another, but the ends of each piece do not join up . 立方体是由设计成会互黏在一起的DNA片段自行组合而成的,但每个片段的两端并不会连在一起。
In his comments at the White House he made clear once again that he believes Hamas is using the people of Gaza to achieve militant ends. 布什在白宫的讲话再次明确表示,他认为哈马斯在利用加沙人民达到军事目的。
"I figured if I could even make a fraction of that, we'd be able to make ends meet, " he said. 他称:“我在想,自己是否也能够赚到那个人的一小部分,这样我就能维持收支平衡了。”
Its face has a pair of slits that extend from the nostrils to just below its eyes, and its tail ends in a "T" shape. 他的脸上有一对狭长的裂口,从鼻孔一直延伸到眼睛下面,他的尾巴最终弯曲成一个“T”一样的形状。
The end of love is not the end of life. It should be the beginning of understanding that love ends for a reason and leaves with a lesson. 爱的终结并不是生活的终止。它让人开始懂得爱总会为某个原因结束,留下教训。
A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth. All that ends well is well. 说谎者即使讲真话也没人相信。