every single day

  • 网络每一天;你的每一天;在孤独的每一天

every single dayevery single day

every single day


杨阳_新浪博客 ... and never let go 别放弃 every single day 每一天 every word you say 你说的每一句话 ...


徐米米的七月 ... every step u take. 你跨出的每一步. every single day. 你的每一天. every word u say. 你说的每一个字. ...


血腥电影 Scott... ... not a shadow not a trace. 消失的无影无踪 every single day 在孤独的每一天 Oh my love 噢,我的爱 ...


2011年实用口语练习:今日事今日毕_新东方网 ... due: 到期的 every single day 每天 Put off 推迟…… ...


... I'll be watching you 我都会注视著你 Every single day 一年中的每一天 And every word you say 还有你说的一字一句 ...


"Every... ... We'll be watching you/ 但我要监督你 Every single day/ 在每天之间 When growth goes away/ 当经济不再成长 ...


请问谁可以帮我翻译这... ... Every move I make 我做的每个动作 Every single day 过的每一天 Everytime I pray 我祈祷的每一次 ...


... She lived life to the fullest 她的生命很充实 Every single day 在活着的每一天里 To her it was simple 对她来说这很简单 ...

I am looking for a passionate and positive lady that believes in making the absolute most out of every single day. 我要寻找一个充满激情的和积极的老太太,在决策的绝对多数相信每一天。
I fight Resistance every single day, and I thought you might be interested in some of the ways I fight and beat Resistance, daily. 每一天我都在跟阻力作斗争,我想你们或许会对我在日常生活中对抗甚至打败阻力的方法很感兴趣。
Personally, had I not been surrounded by the language every single day, I don't think I would have been able to do it. 就我个人而言,如果我每天不浸泡在中文里,我想我不可能成为一个译者。
Now he had been slipping in and out of a coma for several months, yet she stayed by his bedside every single day. 现在,他已昏迷了几个月,时而苏醒,时而又马上入睡,但是,她日夜陪伴在他的床边。
And I wear it every single day, and it reminds me of how lucky I was to have that moment and that memory. 每天我都戴着它,而且它总是让我想起拥有那时刻是多么幸运,那美好的回忆。
Even better for the professional class are the long campaigns, when budgets matter less than the struggle to win every single day. 对于这些专业人士来说,更棒的是那些长期的竞选活动,预算的多寡的重要性,远低于每天为了求胜所作的努力。
Oh, Oh, yea, yea, I miss you every single day. Why must my life be filled with sorrow? Oh, Oh, love you more than I can say. 哦,我每天都想著妳,为什麽我的生活必须充满著忧愁?哦,我爱妳在心口难开。
You know youwoulre thought of lovingly every single day throughout the year. 您知道我们无日不把你接近思念。
My sister, who lost a son of 33, told me, a few years ago, that she re-experienced the grief every single day. 我的姐姐前几年失去了她33岁的儿子,她告诉我说她每天都生活在痛苦之中。
"Tragic events such as these remind us of the fragility of life and the value of every single day, " he said. 他说:“这种悲剧事件使我们想到生命的脆弱和每一天的价值。”
maybe i lead you to believe that basketball is a god given gift and not something i worked for every single day of my life. 也许是我,让你相信篮球是上帝给的天分,而不是需要日日夜夜努力加强的技巧。
It's better to meditate just for a few minutes every single day than to do it for 20 minutes sporadically. 每天只冥想几分钟的效果,好过三天打鱼两天晒网每次二十分钟。
That's the work you elected me to do. That's what I'm focused on every single day. Thanks. 这是大家选择了我,我所应该做的。也是我每一天都会关注的事情。谢谢!
Every single day, the good people of this country work as hard as you can to meet your responsibilities. 每一日,我们善良的人民都在尽心尽力履行自己的职责。
That's the equivalent of every person in the world having to read 174 newspapers from cover to cover every single day. 这相当于每人每天将阅读174份报纸所含有的信息量。
She wears leg warmers every single day. The point is she only eats green foods because she thinks they help her phase better. 她每天都穿暖腿套更关键的是她只吃绿色食物因为她觉得能更好地进阶
Simple positive actions repeated every single day will have a tremendous impact on your life in the long run. 每一天都充分简单的积极地行动,将会对你以后的人生产生巨大的影响。
Sometimes, if you drive home the same route every single day, it's good to drive a new route, even if it's a little longer. 如果你每天都从同一条路驾车回家,也许有时换换线路是个不错的方案,即使远一点儿。
Now, you know these things are true because you prove them every single day. 你们知道这些都是事实,因为你们每一天都在证明这一点。
It's illegal for bodily fluids to touch skin, and yet it happens every single day in the porn industry. 在看非法的体液接触皮肤,然而这种事在色情行业每天都在发生。
And every single day these tuna , bluefin like this, are stacked up like cordwood, just warehouse after warehouse . 而每一天,这些金枪鱼,像这样的蓝鳍金枪鱼,被像木材一样堆积在一个又一个仓库。
and thousands of businesses began to rely on trucks every single day. 上千家企业每天都离不开卡车,
If I took a shower every single day, I know it would work wonders, but I don't. 如果我能每天都用效果会更好的,但是我没有。
Sticking to a schedule allows your body to set its internal rhythm so you can get up at the time you want, consistently, every single day. 严格遵守时间表让你的身体可以调整好内部节奏,这样一来你就能在你想要起床的时间起床了,每一天都要始终如一地坚持下去。
I have the knowledge, and now the only problem is staying motivated enough to get into the gym every single day. 我才学现在唯一的问题是出于留够进入体育每一天。
You burn so much energy making this trip that you have to make the same trek every single day of your life or else you starve. 你为了这趟旅途燃烧了那么多的能量,而且在你生活中的每一天,你都不得不同样的艰苦跋涉,除非你愿意饿死。
There is no possibility(for you)to write to your mother every single day. (你)不可能每天都给你母亲写信。
But of course beauty counts also for wouldn't it be awful to see a homely face beside you every single day? 当然,相貌也是要考虑的,要是每天就看着你旁边一张平庸的脸,那也很惨。
To speak fluently and correctly, I kept imitating a tape every single day and tried to remember new words with my whole heart and soul. 讲流利正确,我不断模仿磁带的每一天,并试图记住新单词,用我的心和灵魂。
For example, I can run every single day but not be prepared to run a marathon if I don't do enough miles or long runs. 例如,我可以每天跑步,但如果我不能跑足够长的距离就并不能为跑马拉松做好准备。