
美 [ˈedɪt]英 ['edɪt]
  • v.编辑;剪辑;编纂;编选
  • n.编辑[校订]工作
  • 网络编辑框;编辑菜单;修改

第三人称单数:edits 现在分词:editing 过去式:edited

edit text,edit book,edit paper,edit report,edit magazine



1.[t][i]~ (sth)编辑,编纂,校订(文章、书籍等)to prepare a piece of writing, a book, etc. to be published by correcting the mistakes, making improvements to it, etc.

2.[t]~ sth编选;编纂;编集to prepare a book to be published by collecting together and arranging pieces of writing by one or more authors

3.[t][i]~ (sth)编辑to make changes to text or data on screen

4.[t]~ sth剪辑,剪接(影片、电视节目等)when sbedits a film/movie, television programme, etc. they take what has been filmed or recorded and decide which parts to include and in which order

5.[t]~ sth主编(报纸、杂志等)to be responsible for planning and publishing a newspaper, magazine, etc.(= to be the editor )


编辑:如果是修改内容的话,点击菜单栏编辑Edit)菜单中最下面一个选项,我的是英文版的,不知道怎么翻译,TouchUp O…


  编辑框(Edit)控件实际上是一个简易的文本编辑器,用户可以在编辑框中输入可添加或插入文本。还有复制、粘贴、剪切、删除 …


我们在编辑菜单Edit)下设置一对表格进行删除的子菜单 “删除(工资表)”,单击 该子菜单,即可弹出一对话框以供操作员 …


高考英语考试大纲核心单词汇总(985个) - 豆丁网 ... eastern a. 东方的, 朝东的 edit vt. 编辑, 编纂, 校订 effect n. 效果, 效力 ...


DataList用法 - wuxhyou的日志 - 网易博客 ... "Cancle" 取消" /> "Edit" 修改" /> "Delete" 删除" /> ...


动画制作_百度百科 ... 动画师 - Animator 剪辑- Edit 脚本- Script ...


尚蒂图库-尚蒂时尚网-最好的时尚图片库 ... 时尚商城: http://mall.shondy.net 主编editshondy.net 信箱: gongyishondy.net ...


编辑模式edit)中的注册球员(register)中选中你要的人(他们在最后一篇),在选中要加入的球队即可。顺便说一句, …

The control appears in the dialog box, where you can edit it or create handlers for it just as you would any other control. 控件出现在对话框中,在那里可以像对待任何其他控件那样编辑该控件或为其创建处理程序。
Notepad also has the facility to wrap your HTML text over to the next line, making it easy to read and edit. 记事本还可以贴切的启动换行您HTML文本在下一行对齐,使它容易读和编辑。
By using the Document Information Panel, you can edit properties like this directly within the Word environment. 使用文档信息面板,就可以直接在Word环境中编辑此类属性。
Our easy-to-use interface allows you to view and edit your annotations without leaving the document reading view. 拥有相当方便的使用界面,可以让你一边浏览一边编辑你的注解。
If you want to edit a view for posts, click the name of any discussion, and then select the view that you want to edit from the View menu. 若要编辑张贴内容的视图,请单击任一讨论的名称,再从“视图”菜单中选择要编辑的视图。
Although it might be acceptable for the public to view your wishlist, you want to be able to control who can edit it. 尽管让公众都能查看您的愿望列表的做法可以接受,但您希望能够控制对其进行编辑的人员。
If you decide to edit the config file, you may be surprised to see that the security rules in it aren't applied, even after a reboot. 如果您编辑配置文件,可能会吃惊地发现即使在重新引导之后其中的安全规则也没有生效。
I go back and edit, and I constantly try new things. But none of this can happen unless you spit it out. 我回去编辑以前的文章,并坚持尝试新的事物。
iFrame is a newer video format meant to make it easy to import, edit and share videos. iFrame是一种比较新的视频格式,能够轻松地导入、编辑和共享。
It also offers to edit the code for you at the cost of a click or two. 它还提供您编辑代码,单击一次或两个的代价。
The Edit Local Site dialog box shown in figure 7 opens with the name and path information for your update site. 出现如图7所示的EditLocalSite对话框,其中显示了更新站点的名称和路径信息。
It is an error to call Delete again or to call Edit. 再次调用Delete或调用Edit是错误的。
The SUMO knowledgebase is a wiki that you can help edit, so it's really easy to dive in and get started. SUMO知识库是一个Wiki,您可以帮助一起编辑,很容易就可以加入进来并开始工作。
This template must also be easy to edit and user must be able to change the color of the header. 该模板还必须易于编辑和用户必须能够改变标题的颜色。
The practice that can help you past your learned bad habits of trying to edit as you write is what Elbow calls "free writing. " 练习是指ELbow所说的“自由写作”,它可以帮助你改正边写边改的话习惯。
It is possible to edit the logical datacenter diagram in Logical Datacenter Designer to force compliance with the system you are deploying. 可以在逻辑数据中心设计器中编辑逻辑数据中心关系图,以强制与您所部署的系统兼容。
One way is to have the user edit information in the plugin's PHP file, but this makes many users uncomfortable (to say the least). 一种方式是使用户在插件的PHP文件中编辑信息,但多数用户觉得这样做不便利(至少是这样觉得的)。
Thanks for trusting me to edit you all into the song in a way that would make for a positive union of all of the talent represented. 感谢信任我的歌曲编辑成的方式,将让所有的积极联盟人才的代表。
So as to see complete links, bother you reproduced your blog again above edit bowen, should be able to appear complete links. 所以如看不到完整链接,麻烦你转载到你的博客上面再进行编辑博文,应该能出现完整链接。
So my function was that everybody would be able to edit in this space, or different people would have access rights to different spaces. 因此我的目标就是所有人都能在此区域中进行编辑;或者不同的人有不同区域的访问权限。
Adam: With a Mac, I could do those things, but I would also get programs that allow me to edit photos, record music, and even make movies. 亚当:有一台“魅可”,我也可以同样能做这些事,我也有同样的程序可以让我编辑照片,收录音乐甚至电影等。
User story: As a User I wan to be able to edit text and images and have the system spell and grammar check the result before submitting it. 用户故事:作为一个用户,我湾能够编辑的文本和图像,并有拼写和语法检查系统在提交前的结果。
As such, it provides a robust, easy-to-use widget to view, add, edit or delete del. icio. us bookmarks from within any PHP application. 因而提供了一种从PHP应用程序查看、添加、编辑或删除del.icio.us书签的健壮而易用的小部件。
Please consider that if using AVI-Files, a Codec might have to be installed so that you will be able to edit them in Nero Vision. 请考虑到如果使用AVI文件,则可能需要安装编解码器,这样您才能够在NeroVision中编辑AVI文件。
And even though I've been at this for a few years, I still can't believe I get paid to read, write, and edit all day long. 甚至我已经做这份工作有几年了,却一直不敢相信我整天的在阅读,写作和编辑。
This parameter might be a query, an edit or delete operation, an authentication request, or any one of the other supported actions. 该参数必须是一个查询、一个编辑或删除操作、一个认证请求、或者所支持的任何一个操作。
The actual note itself is just a small box with standard text and a link that enables the user to edit the text later, as seen in Figure 2. 实际节点本身只是一个带有标准文本和链接的框,这个框允许用户稍后再编辑文本,如图2所示。
By default, Edit and Continue re links your program at the end of a debugging session to create an up-to-date executable. 默认情况下,“编辑并继续”在调试会话结束时重新链接到程序,以创建最新的可执行文件。
Since the contents view is meant for management, only principals with the Edit permission should be able to see it (line 34). 因为内容视图意味着管理,只有编辑许可的主体才能看到它(34行)。
It is possible for a site to direct a user to a challenge screen before directing them to the actual edit screen. 站点在将用户引导到实际的编辑屏幕之前,可以直接将用户引导到一个质询屏幕。