
美 [ˈelɪdʒəb(ə)l]英 ['elɪdʒəb(ə)l]
  • adj.有资格的;合格的;具备条件的;(指认为可做夫妻的男女)合意的
  • n.合适的人
  • 网络符合条件的;有资格当选的;适宜的




1.有资格的;合格的;具备条件的a person who iseligible for sth or to do sth, is able to have or do it because they have the right qualifications, are the right age, etc.


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... selection n 选择,精选 eligible a 合格的,有资格的 elegance n 优雅,漂亮 ...


新东方|英语六级绝密资料 - 豆丁网 ... tantalize v. 逗弄 eligible 合格,符合条件的; condemnation 指责,谴责 ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... selection n 选择,精选 eligible a 合格的,有资格的 elegance n 优雅,漂亮 ...


8000词必记词根_百度文库 ... selection 选举 eligible 合格的,合适的 lev 举,升 ...


SamStar - 博客园 ... 结果。因此 consequently 有资格当选的 eligible 先例 precedent ...


雅思英语完整版_馆档网 ... elicit 引出,诱出 eligible 合格的,适宜的 eliminate 消灭,消除 ...


字根字尾构词法.doc - 豆丁网 ... elide 略去 eligible 合格,适当的 elite 社会名流,精华 ...

person . I was the only eligible to occupy you . You know what ? You are my everything . You said don't. 我曾唯一有资格占有你。你了解么?你是我的所有。你说。
the Electoral Commission determines that the registration be cancelled as the party no longer has at least 500 eligible members. 选举委员会的决定,作为党不再拥有至少500个合资格成员的注册被取消。
Generally, after about a year of experience, they would be considered 'practicing' professionals and be eligible for exempt status. 一般而言,该员工若有一年的专业经验就可能被归类为不适用加班费领取资格的职位(exempt)。
The security incidents that have occurred have "failed to deter the determination" of those Iraqis who were eligible to vote early, he said. 克劳利说,已经发生的几起安全事件并没有动摇那些有资格提前投票的伊拉克选民的决心。
The former chief executive officer will be eligible to shave up to 54 days a year off his sentence for good behavior in prison. 如果这位前总裁在狱中表现好的话,他将可以每年得到54天的假期。
Because none of the other objects (the spouses or the children) are of type Employee, they aren't eligible and therefore aren't sent back. 因为其他对象(配偶或者孩子)不属于Employee类型,他们不符合条件,所以没有被返回。
Eligible films must have a running length of more than 40 minutes and have appeared in cinemas during 2003 for at least a week. 参评影片必须具备两个基本条件:连续播放时间必须超过40分钟;2003年中,在电影院上映的时间不得少于一周。
But not everyone can be as eloquent as you are if you were eligible to run for an elected office, would you do it? 若是有资格来竞选一个当局公职,你会列入竞选吗?
"As many staff are eligible for government funding under the Train to Gain scheme, the costs to the company are minimal, " he said. “由于许多工作人员有资格获得政府的资助下乘火车到增益计划,该公司的成本是最低限度的,”他说。
That's because a product must be legal for interstate trade to be eligible for trademark protection, said a spokeswoman for the office. 这名发言人指出,这是因为一项产品必须可以合法地进行州际贸易才能获得商标保护。
She figured Blinds. com would be eligible for tax credits for 8 or 10 of the 35 employees it had brought in since the beginning of the year. 她算出Blinds.com将能够在今年年初所招的35个员工中,为8至10人取得税收抵免。
One of the Canadian government's first budget reforms was to raise the minimum amount of time worked to be eligible for these benefits. 加拿大政府的第一项预算改革就是提高可获得失业救济金的最低失业时间。
You may be eligible to apply part of your ticket price towards future travel (for a limited time, usually a year). 你可能有资格申请部分,你的门票价格对未来的旅行(在一段有限的时间,通常是一年)。
The Bank should stand ready to repo (against eligible collateral) or reverse repo any amount at any time at the official policy rate. 银行应随时准备回购(对符合条件的抵押品)或反向回购协议的任何款项在任何时候在官方政策利率。
Is immense media interest in her every move. That's the downside of going out with one of the most eligible bachelors in the world. 她从未做任何事情来讨好公众,但是众多的媒体在密切关注她的一言一行。
I shall write to Mrs. Partridge in a day or two, and shall give her a strict charge to be on the look-out for any thing eligible. 过一两天我给帕特里奇太太写封信,叫她仔细留心给找个合适的人家。
In fact even before he met her, the world's most eligible bachelor was only seriously discussed in terms of whom and when he would marry. 事实上,在查尔斯遇见戴安娜之前,这个世界上最抢手的未婚男子就一直在被人们讨论,讨论他将在什么时候,跟谁结婚。
Though only 50% of the city's eligible voters bothered to turn out, it was refreshing to see even a glimpse of democracy in action. 虽然只有50%的合格选民参加选举投票,纵使选举体现出的民主极为有限,也依然令人感到欣喜。
The officials did not say whether companies would also be eligible for aid from lost production due to the storms. 有关官员并没有说那些由于雪灾而受损的企业是否也能得到政府的资助。
Value is set to any nonzero value , the value is interpreted as a bit mask that specifies those processors eligible for selection . 值设置为任何非零值时,该值被解释为指定符合选择条件的处理器的位掩码。
To be eligible to participate, a school must have had income of at least $2m from the relevant programme type during 2006. 有资格参加排名的学校,2006年相关课程收入至少为200万美元。
But I missed being eligible for a regular scholarship by one point on the entrance exams, and a scholarship was the only way I could attend. 奖学金是我上学的唯一途径,然而在入学考试中,我因一分之差与奖学金失之交臂。
A child's education was compulsory to the age of 21 in order for him to be eligible to attend citizenship school. 一个小孩的义务教育必须要到21岁,以便可以符合条件去进入公民的职责与权利学校。
Square dancing was popular among the young people and the young lads would leap up to dance with the eligible young ladies. 青年人中很流行方块舞,年轻的小伙子们就会跳出来与中意的姑娘们一起跳舞。
Children over 6 months old up to the age of entering elementary school are eligible to attend a day nursery. 超过六个月大一直到入小学年龄的小孩,都有资格进入日间托儿所。
Catherine was considered to be one of the most eligible and lovely women of her day. 19世纪的那位凯瑟琳被认为是当时最宜室宜家的可爱女性。
Only people who are trying to do a good job, make a mistake and learn from it are eligible for the $400 annual cash award. 只有努力做好工作、犯下错误并从中吸取教训的人才有资格获得每年400美元的现金奖励。
An employee is not eligible for a redundancy payment unless he has been with the company for two years. 除非一位员工在公司任职两年,否则他不能得到离职津贴。
Pass mark: The pass mark is the total points you need to score to be eligible for a points-tested General Skilled Migration visa . 大部分的一般技术移民签证,都要通过一个分数测试,根据你个人的情况,通过几个方面获得分数,来反映你是否符合澳洲劳工市场的需求。
If it considers an object eligible for destruction, it calls the destructor (if any) and reclaims the memory used to store the object. 如果垃圾回收器认为某个对象符合析构,则调用析构函数(如果有)并回收用来存储此对象的内存。