
美 [teɪp]英 [teɪp]
  • n.磁带;胶带;录音带;带子
  • v.把…录在磁带上;用胶带粘住;用带子系紧;用胶带粘贴
  • 网络卷尺;甜蜜的强暴我;胶纸

复数:tapes 过去式:taped 现在分词:taping

video tape,audio tape,backup tape,reflective tape,composite tape
broadcast tape,hear tape,use tape,rewind tape,play tape


n. v.

2.[c]录了音的盒式磁带;录了像的盒式磁带a cassette that contains sounds, or sounds and pictures, that have been recorded

3.[u]胶带;胶条a long narrow strip of material with a sticky substance on one side that is used for sticking things together

4.[c][u](捆、系物品或作标记的)狭带,带子,线带,窄布条a narrow strip of material that is used for tying things together or as a label

5.[c](赛跑场地的)终点线a long narrow strip of material that is stretched across the place where a race will finish


绝命毒师吧_百度贴吧 ... Okay 的节操君 Tape 磁带 rt。 那个是么子 ...


度尺部位词汇 - N * N的日志 - 网易博客 ... Tack Edge 假缝边 Tape 卷尺,胶带,带条 Throat Plate;Needle Plate 喉片 ...


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... video n. 录像;视频 tape n. 录音带 video tape 录像带 ...


家纺英语_百度文库 ... metallic thread 金属线 tape 带子 ribbon 丝带, 缎带 ...


度尺部位词汇 - N * N的日志 - 网易博客 ... Tack Edge 假缝边 Tape 卷尺,胶带,带条 Throat Plate;Needle Plate 喉片 ...


新浪微博甜蜜的强暴我(Tape),电影资料,电影预告,上映戏院,上映时间,观众短评,专业影评,理察林雷特,伊森霍克, 劳勃辛雷纳, 乌 …


中亿电子有限公司 ... 海绵 Sponge 胶纸 Tape 毛毡 Felt ...

They took me to the homicide division, and played a cassette tape on which a man I knew named Kevin Freeman accused me of shooting a man. 他们把我带到了杀人犯区审讯,播放一盒录音带,在这段录音中,我认识的一个名叫凯文·弗里曼的人指控我开枪射死了一名男子。
The man who worked at the cash register noticed my fascination with it and offered the tape to me for being such a good client. 收银员看到我这么好奇,慷慨地把磁带送给了我,以嘉奖我这名好顾客。
The wrapping paper was all twisted, and it was bound together into a shapeless mass by at least a mile of tape. 礼物外面包着皱皱巴巴的包装纸,又用至少一英里长的胶带裹成了乱糟糟的一团。
After so many years as the enemy, the bathroom scale and the measuring tape are about to become some of your best friends. 在与体重搏斗了这么多年以后,浴室里面的磅秤和卷尺已经成了你的一部分。
After formatting, each file or tape contains a media header for the media set and is ready to receive backup content. 设置格式后,每个文件或磁带都包含媒体集的媒体标头,可以开始接收备份内容。
He fell into a deep hole, which had actually been clearly marked as "DANGEROUS" by various signs, traffic cones, and yellow police tape. 他陷入了深孔,这实际上已明确为“危险”的种种迹象,交通圆筒和黄色警示带标记。
Our technician has adjusted the switches for you and your tape recorders are ready to use. 机是不会运转的,技术员已经把开关调好。录音机可以用了。
Hold one end of the Measuring Tape over the plug, then wrap around the ball's circumference until the ends meet. 将测量带的一头覆盖住塞子,然后用另一头绕球一圈直至两头相接。
So the failed uprising on Wednesday night, combined with the police's tape of her apparent plotting, is only likely to help Saakashvili. 因此,在周三晚上起义失败与警方的阴谋,她明显磁带相结合,只可能帮助萨卡什维利。
I wondered if Cody knew that I was just a poor struggling CIO trying to hold together an email infrastructure with duct tape and PVC pipe. 我不知道科迪是否知道我只是一个可怜的首席信息官,奋力地用布基胶带和聚氯乙烯管将电子邮件设施整合起来。
It was one of your friends who copied a CD onto a tape for you last week. 正是你的一位朋友上星期替你把磁盘内容复制到磁带上。
Tape-Glasses stopped at the sign that said "Shoes" and stepped into what appeared to be elegant slippers the color of mourning doves. 胶布眼镜男停在那块写着“鞋子”的牌子前,穿上一双似乎是哀鸽颜色的优雅拖鞋,它们有着一种令我惊奇的神秘感。
If you think I'm gonna. let go of me. Let you walk out of here with that tape, you're crazy. 如果你认为我能…,-放开我。让你带着那磁带离开这里,你就错了。
I can't believe how much red tape there is in getting a visa. 我简直不能相信拿到一个签证有多少手续。
Then he took his gloves off to gag her with duct tape, cut the phone lines, and left with a pair of her panties. 接着,他摘下手套用胶带封住了她的嘴,切断了电话线,拿起她的内裤然后离开了(离开时拿走了她的内裤)。
Perl is often thought of as a Swiss Army Knife or a large roll of duct tape. Perl常常被认为是“瑞士军刀”或一大卷管带。
Some of the cars are also wearing black tape, most likely to hide some details so expect to see a few more changes down the line. 一些汽车也身穿黑色带,最有可能隐藏了一些细节,以便将看到一些变化了线。
"These guys are trying to forget it, but I'm going to make them watch tape of it, " Jackson said. 杰克逊说:“队员们正试图去忘记那场比赛,不过我还是要给他们看看那场比赛的录像。”
Maxwell turned half around, with his hands full of papers and ticker tape. "What position? " he asked, with a frown. 麦克斯韦尔半转过身,双手满是纸张和写着股票行情的纸带。“什么职位?”他皱着眉头问道。
When he was very ill, he used to pray alone in his room before burning candles, wound round his head was something like tape. 在他病重时,他惯于在房间里,在一些燃烧的蜡烛前独自祈祷;
Hi, um, I'm account number 7143457. And, uh, I don't know if you got any of that, but I would really like a copy of the tape. 嗨,我的户头是7143457.嗯,我不知道你们有没有拍到,但我真的想要这一卷带子。
Leader: (1) Row of dots used to lead the eye across a page. (2) A length of blank paper or magnetic tape used FOR loading purposes. 引点,(2)引纸:(2)引导视线横过纸面的小点。(2)用来引导纸卷或磁带进入机内装置的空白部份。
It was all caught on this surveillance tape, as you see here. 所有这些都被这监视录像拍摄下来,就像你们看到的。
The place was not fenced properly: the role of warning protection was played by the two-meter piece of a striped tape lying on the ground. 这个地方没有很好地进行保护:警告标志仅仅是放在地上的一条2米长的条纹带。
A bit of tape attached to a bell-wire hung at the right of the grated opening. 有条棉纱带子,一头垂在那有遮护的洞口右边,一头系在铃上。
But she is always listening to music that every song a few, a tape playing over and over again, as if heard the more tasty. 但是她每次听音乐总是那几首曲子,一盒磁带翻来覆去播放着,仿佛越听越有味儿。
Indeed, it was the televising of a tape of him actually administering a lethal injection that eventually put him in prison. 实际上,在电视上播放的一部他实施致命注射的录像带最终使他进了监狱。
The state government, he says, kept red tape to a minimum, did not ask for bribes, and does not interfere much now. 他还说,当地政府把繁文缛节维持在最低限度,既没要求贿赂,目前的干涉也不太多。
"He later turned the tape over to a linguist who confirmed that she was speaking in Mandarin, a Chinese dialect, " reveals Dr. Helzinsky. 透露:「他后来将录音带交给一位语言学者,而学者证实她说的是北京话(国语)--中国的方言。」
And he sent me a tape of the first two records, a few weeks. . . oh, about a month ago. And I really liked it. 他几周前寄给我前两个唱片的磁带…哦,大约一个月前。而且我真的非常喜欢。