
美 [hætʃ]英 [hætʃ]
  • v.孵化;孵出;策划;出壳
  • n.(船甲板或飞机底部装货物的)舱口
  • 网络图案填充;剖面线

第三人称单数:hatches 现在分词:hatching 过去式:hatched

hatch chicken


v. n.

1.[i]~ (out)孵出;出壳to come out of an egg

2.[i]~ (out)孵化;破壳to break open so that a young bird, fish, insect, etc. can come out

3.[t]~ sth使(小鸟、小鱼、小虫等)孵出to make a young bird, fish, insect, etc. come out of an egg

4.[t]~ sth (up)策划;(尤指)密谋to create a plan or an idea, especially in secret


托福词汇表_百度文库 ... aggression 侵略 hatch 孵化 hibernation 冬眠 ...


机务英语基础 - 豆丁网 ... 旅客舱 Passenger cabin 舱口 Hatch 终止 Terminate ...


大学课程英文翻译 ... hardware requirement 硬件需求 硬体需求 hatch 图案填充 剖面线 hatch areas 填充区域 剖面区域 ...


同义词与词根记忆_英语杂谈_天涯论坛 ... harbor[ n]港,避难所 hatch[ v]孵出 hedge[ n]树篱,限制 ...


大学课程英文翻译 ... hardware requirement 硬件需求 硬体需求 hatch 图案填充 剖面线 hatch areas 填充区域 剖面区域 ...


雅思英语完整版_馆档网 ... hasty 急速的;匆促的 hatch 孵出,策划 haven 安全处所,避难所 ...

The most they could have done was to lock Mr. Hatch up while he cooled off for a few days, or refine him a little something. 他们至多把哈奇关上几天,让他冷静下来,或是罚他几个钱。
They hatch and they have no paternal care or maternal care at all, you know, these little chicks and they're all by themselves from day one. 母鸟孵化后,没有喂养小鸟的义务,你知道,这些雏鸟们从出生那天后,就靠自己生存。
At the on-ramp to the expressway leading to the city center was a burnt-out tank, with people crawling in and out of its turret hatch. 在通往市中心的高速公入口处,一辆烧尽的坦克里,人们从炮塔舱盖爬进爬出。
We had fallen into a crater, and I climbed out of my hatch with a flashlight to figure out what had happened. 我们掉进了一个弹坑,我从我的舱门上爬了出来,用闪光信号灯表示我们出事了。
"The good news is, " I say to her, when she was just beginning to hatch this Evil Plan of hers, "you won't die. " “好在,”在Cindi胡斯乱想些坏结果的时候我告诉她,“你死不了的。”
clearance between the hatch and the fuselage to see that the seal is satisfactory. 检查应急门与机身的缝隙,判断封严是否满足要求。
The biggest change to the exterior has to be the front end which comes straight off the Golf VI hatch. 最大的改变外观,必须在前端的是直了高尔夫六舱口。
Mr. Hatch recalled tearing off the brown paper. It had never occurred to him to look at the address. 哈奇先生仔细回想了一下当时的情景。的确,当时只顾撕掉包装,根本就没有想到去留意一下地址。
As they hatch, the developing pupae fuse to one another, growing into a combined single lifeform. 他们孵化后,蛹一边发育一边互相结合,最后结成单一的组合生命体。
He said the odor is noticeable on re-entering the space station after the airlock's outer hatch is locked and the inner door is reopened. 他说,气味是很明显的重新进入空间站后舱的外舱口被锁定和内门是重开。
He opened the hatch and climbed up the ladder, then pulled out a metal box that looked like a World War II ammunition case. 他爬上梯子打开了阁楼门,拉出了一个像是在二战中军火箱一样的金属盒。
Hatching chicken eggs were hatched by a large hen's body temperature to the, if I were to hatch, then break eggs easily squeezed. 孵小鸡的鸡蛋是靠年夜母鸡的体温孵出来的,我如果来孵的话,鸡蛋很容易被挤破。
The young spiders hatch out in spring. None of the British spiders is harmful, so you need't be afraid of them. 这些新生的蜘蛛会在春天被孵化出来。没有一种英国蜘蛛是有害的,所以你不用怕他们!
It's easy to speculate that the A3 concept with its innocuous TDI engine was just a "feeler" to guage public reaction to the hyper hatch. 可以很容易地推测,3号的概念,其无害TDI发动机只是一个“触角”,以搜集公众的反应,超舱口。
The police found a dirt-covered hatch hiding a stairway that led into a pitch-black cave. 警方发现一个用脏东西覆盖的升降口,掩盖着一条通向漆黑洞穴的楼梯。
Central authorities almost certainly did not hatch a plan to strong-arm one of the west's most famous companies. 几乎可以肯定的是,中央政府并没有策划用强硬手段对付西方最知名的公司之一。
The front page picture shows paratroopers jumping out of the hatch near Mao County, Chongqing yesterday. 报纸首页的彩图展示的是昨天伞兵在重庆茂县附近上空跳离机舱的一幕。
The tallest man in the group, George Phoenix, an engineer, found a hatch in the ceiling of the lift. 一行中个头最高的男子-一位名叫GeorgePhoenix的工程师-在电梯顶棚上发现了一个开口。
Generally, when the egg is ready to hatch, the segment breaks off and is eliminated through the host's excretory system. 一般的,当蛋准备孵蛋,这段折断,而未被通过主人的排泄系统。
Zhai appeared to struggle with the hatch and a fire alarm was triggered in the orbiter as he began the spacewalk. 翟志刚在看舱门时很费劲,此外,在开始太空行走时,轨道舱显示有火警。
"Yes, I believe so, " replied Mr. Hatch, beginning to feel a little uneasy. “记得。怎么了?”哈奇先生回答,开始觉得有点不安。
Then they nail on battens to hold the hatch coverings firmly in place. This keeps rain and waves out of the ship. 然后钉上木板牢牢固定覆盖物,可以防止雨水和海浪进入船内。
The hatch has been revealed in high-res photos and a few key details, though full official information is still waiting in the wings. 舱口已显示在高分辨率的照片和一些关键的细节,但正式的信息仍然是伺机而动。
Stress concentrations arising at hatch corners of the container ship with large opening is usually encountered. 货柜船结构有大舱口,于舱口角隅处常会形成应力集中现象。
However, their play equipment cannot be used for at least one month while the bird eggs hatch. 在海鸥孵蛋期间,学校的运动器材至少在一个月内不能使用。
But when the main hatch of the ship rolled open, there were none of the dramatics Lisa had unconsciously braced herself for. 那艘船的主舱门卷动打开,丽莎下意识地振作了精神,可里面并没有惊心动魄的场面。
It can take up to a year to fully hatch a revolutionary plan to alter your work life, so there's no need to hurry. 可能需要一年时间才能完整地孵化出一份革命性计划,来改变你的职业生涯。所以,没有必要着急。
Tiny worms hatch from the eggs in the water, and use snails as an intermediate host until they're large enough to float freely in the water. 在水中,微小的血吸虫从卵里孵化出来,利用钉螺作为中间宿主,直到它们长大到足以在水中自由飘浮。
They then travelled to the lake and removed a batch of ready-to-hatch eggs from a lake-side nest. 然后,他们到湖边,从湖边的鸭巢中移走了一批即将要孵化的蛋。
And after a few days, depending upon temperature, the egg will hatch, and the larva of this parasitoid will eat the aphid from the inside. 过了几天之后,依据温度状况,蛋就会孵化出来,寄生者的幼虫会从内部将蚜虫吃掉。