
美 [hɪt]英 [hɪt]
  • v.打;打击;击中;命中
  • n.打;击中;命中;很受欢迎的人(或事物)
  • 网络碰撞;命中率

现在分词:hitting 第三人称单数:hits

hit ball,hit bottom,hit button,hit floor,hit peak
hit hard,badly hit
hit song


v. n.

打touch sb/sth with force

1.[t](用手或器具)击,打to bring your hand, or an object you are holding, against sb/sth quickly and with force

2.[t]~ sth/sb碰撞;撞击(造成损伤)to come against sth/sb with force, especially causing damage or injury

3.[t]~ sth (on/against sth)使(身体部位)碰上(某物)to knock a part of your body against sth

4.[t][oftpass]~ sb/sth击中;命中to reach and touch a person or thing suddenly and with force


5.[t]~ sth (+ adv./prep.)击(球)to bring a bat , etc. against a ball and push it away with force

6.[t]~ sth击球得分to score points by hitting a ball

有坏影响have bad effect

7.[t][i]~ (sb/sth)产生不良影响;打击;危害to have a bad effect on sb/sth


8.[t][i]~ (sb/sth)攻击;进攻;袭击to attack sb/sth


9.[t](informal)~ sth到达(某地)to reach a place

10.[t]~ sth达到(某水平)to reach a particular level


11.[t](informal)~ sth遇到(困难);经历(不愉快的事情)to experience sth difficult or unpleasant

突然意识到suddenly realize

12.[t](informal)~ sb使突然想起to come suddenly into your mind

按钮press button

13.[t](informal)~ sth按,压(按钮等)to press sth such as a button to operate a machine, etc.


hit (it) big

很成功to be very successful

hit the buffers

(计划、事业等)突然受挫if a plan, sb's career, etc.hits the buffers , it suddenly stops being successful

hit the ceiling/roof

勃然大怒;怒气冲天to suddenly become very angry

hit the deck

摔倒在地;落到地上to fall to the ground

hit the ground running

迅速而顺利地投入某事;一炮打响;一举成功to start doing sth and continue very quickly and successfully

hit the hay/sack

上床睡觉to go to bed

hit sb (straight/right) in the eye

很显然;一目了然to be very obvious to sb

hit it

(要某人开始做某事,如演奏音乐)开始吧used to tell sb to start doing sth, such as playing music

hit it off (with sb)

(和某人)投缘to have a good friendly relationship with sb

hit the jackpot

突然意外赚大钱(或赢大钱);发大财to make or win a lot of money quickly and unexpectedly

hit the nail on the head

说到点子上;正中要害to say sth that is exactly right

hit the road/trail

出发;上路to start a journey/trip

hit the roof

hit the spot

发挥正当作用;适得其用;恰到好处if sthhits the spot it does exactly what it should do

hit the streets|hit the shops/stores

大量上市to become widely available for sale

hit a/the wall

筋疲力尽;陷入绝境;遇到不可逾越的障碍to reach a point when you cannot continue or make any more progress

hit sb when theyre down

落井下石;乘人之危to continue to hurt sb when they are already defeated

hit sb where it hurts

刺着某人痛处;击中要害to affect sb where they will feel it most

不规则动词_百度百科 ... cut 割,切 hit put 放下 ...


小学英语反义词大全 ... catch 抓住赶上 hit 击中 less,fewer 更少的 ...


打字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 打伙〖 formpartnership〗 打击hit;strike;attack〗 积极性受到了打击〖 knock〗 ...


...用是将你攻击产生的一次未命中(Miss) 变成一次命中(Hit),当Miss率为0的情况下,命中等级就是无效果的了,它不会帮助你减少 …


NK-words2 - 博客的日志 - 网易博客 ... hip 臀部,髋;屋脊 hit 打,击;碰撞 hitherto 到目前为止,迄今 ...


传奇完全私服修改方案_网络编程_脚本之家 ... Speed 不知道是什么速度 HIT 命中率 Walk-SPD 行走速度 ...

Unfortunately, or fortunately, the fact of the matter was he respected people who actually bit him and hit him. 很不幸,拟或是很幸运的事实是,他尊重曾经咬过他、打过他的人。
The game was opening up. Rooney powered goal-side of Essien and raced for goal, but Cech claimed it from his feet when he over hit it. 比赛开始激烈起来。鲁尼抢下艾辛的球,长驱直入,但是切赫在他倘大的一瞬从他的脚下把球扑住。
Kazakhstan was flying high until it was one of the first countries to be hit by the global financial crisis. 在成为首批受全球金融危机冲击的国家之一之前,哈萨克斯坦一直高歌猛进。
Pakistani officials said the air attack hit a militant hideout near the Afghan border. 巴基斯坦官员表示,这次空袭击中了阿富汗边境附近一个好战分子藏身之处。
Jaap Stam was one of the best in the win over Samp and the defender said: 'It was tough, Sampdoria defended well and hit on the break. 斯坦姆是在赢得桑普多利亚的比赛中表现最好的球员之一。这名后卫说:‘这是场硬仗,桑普多利亚的防守非常的好,进攻犀利。
One day, when it was storming, lighting hit the house and traveled up the metal rails that she had in her bathroom. 一个下着暴风雨的天气,闪电击中了她家的房子和她安装在浴室的金属栏杆。
It happened so quickly, I didn't see how he saved it but a few people told me afterwards that it hit him in the face. 事情发生的太快,我不知道他是怎么扑出来的,但后来有人告诉我他是用脸把球挡出来的。
Two years ago the first Android phone hit the market and, frankly, it was a bit of a dud. 坦白地讲,当两年前第一款Android手机上市时,它还是一个不太中用的东西。
But he still boasts of his small, highly trained "Promised Day" brigades, who are said to be ready to hit the Americans at any moment. 但他依然拥有一支人数不多但训练有素的“承诺日”游击队,据说是准备用来随时打击美国。
You could also find you are hit with a bit of an independent streak and might want to strike out on your own professionally or spiritually. 你也可以找到你打了一个独立的连胜位和可能希望自己的罢工或进行专业精神。
Tropical storm Isaac moved across the Caribbean over the weekend, one of the countries it hit there was Haiti. 而上周末热带风暴艾萨克穿过加勒比海,最早登陆的国家之一是海地。
A rare burst of autumn hit, a slight fraction of coolness, as if I went back to that deep autumn field. 一阵难得的秋风袭来,略有几分凉意,仿佛我又回到那秋意浓浓的田野。
As I walked out the door, I was hit in the face with a paper plate full of whipped cream and sprinkles, and then locked outside. 刚一出门,一盘奶油和薯片的混合物就砸在我脸上,然后门锁了。
Hazarika said the center had applied for a patent and the pill, with a bit more fine tuning, should hit the market in six months. 哈扎里卡还说,中心已经为此申请了专利,而茶丸将在稍经改良之后于六个月内上市。
Today, my mum hit me with her car as she was backing out of the drive way, hurting my leg and crushing my bike. 今天,我的妈妈倒车时撞倒了我,伤倒我的腿和压坏我的自行车。
One of the fathers was "a butthole" who hit her, she says, and is no longer around. 其中一个父亲是个经常打她的“混蛋”,现在已经没有什么来往。
For a minute he stood by the door of the cab and said nothing. Then he hit the cab with his stick. 他在车门边站了一会儿,什么话也没有说。后来他用拐杖敲了敲车子。
That time is just a temporary hit upon a sudden idea, then for a long time did not have to have been higher. 那段时间只是一时的心血来潮,后来很长时间里一直没有想过网赚。
The next time one of your insurance policies is up for renewal, you may get hit with an unexpected rate increase. 下次当你的一个保单要续费的时候,对你会有超出预期的保险费率增长。
Moles pop out of their holes and your task is to hit them as hard as you can, sending them back to where they came from. 摩尔流行出的洞和您的任务是打他们硬,可以送回他们来自何处。
Ishikawa is also working on getting the batting robot to be able to hit to all parts of the field. 石川也正在努力让击球机器人能够击中场地各区域的球。
As you let the hitting hand and racquet go towards the net post it will feel as though you're going to hit the ball onto the adjacent court. 以你的网拍在背后预备好的状态中转身向旁边击出正手拍。你的打击手现在是在内侧位置。
When I got out, I saw that someone hit my car but were nice enough to leave a note. It said, "Ouch - that's going to cost you some money. " 出来的时候发现有人把我的车撞了,还好心地留了张纸条说:哎哟,这下你可要破费了。
Does resistance meet the child that did not hit precautionary needle be differed quite? 没打预防针的小孩子是不是抵抗力会比较差呢?。
Suddenly, McCarty threw his head back, bellowed out a wordless roar and hit his own chest with balled fists. 可突然间,麦卡迪头往后一甩,大喊一声,握紧拳头,捶打自己的胸口。
If you dropped to the ground from a very high point, you know that you would hit the ground with a great amount of energy. 倘若你从很高的地方摔下来,你知道你会以很大的动能撞击地面。
Mom said Oh, I ask, gold, the home also, I also hit a her about how much and what form? 妈妈说,哦,我问问,金子,家里也有,我打个还她吧,大约多大的,什么模样?
Elton: Yup, my car hit a fence and I managed to get out of it before it caught fire. 埃尔顿:是啊,我的车撞上了护栏,着火之前我爬了出来。
the foot of the aircraft hit the ball in the sky, it is said that the plane is to attack the white house, it seems that bush to thank him! 这脚球把天上的飞机打了下来,据说着飞机是去袭击白宫的,看来布什要感谢他了!
High school to go skiing was man hit fractures. Resting at home for half a year. From then on I began to fear skiing this movement. 高中的时候去滑雪被人撞骨折过。在家休息了半年。从那之后我开始害怕滑雪这种运动。