
美 [ɪɡˈzæk(t)li]英 [ɪɡ'zæk(t)li]
  • adv.到底;确切地;准确地;精确地
  • 网络正是;完全正确;恰恰

exactly match


1.精确地;准确地;确切地used to emphasize that sth is correct in every way or in every detail

2.(informal)(要求得到更多信息)究竟,到底used to ask for more information about sth

3.(答语,表示赞同或强调正确)一点不错,正是如此,完全正确used as a reply, agreeing with what sb has just said, or emphasizing that it is correct


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... exact a. 精确的;确切的 exactly ad. 精确地;确切地 examine vt. 检查;诊察 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... exact a. 精确的;确切的 exactly ad. 精确地;确切地 examine vt. 检查;诊察 ...


高中英语 必修1-5词汇表_第二教育网 ... fall in love 相爱;爱上 exactly adv. 确实如此;正是;确切地 disagree vi. 不同意 ...


盘锦nurse的英语学习博客 - pjnurse - 网易博客 ... 28 Encore! 再来一次! 29 Exactly完全正确! 30 Fantastic! 妙极了! ...


职称英语考试大纲答案 ... A. throughout 遍及,贯穿: B. exactly 准确地,确切地: D. altogether 总共: ...


人教版九年级英语单词表_百度文库 ... to one's surprise 令某人惊奇的是…… exactly 正;恰恰 even though 即使 ...


S01_EP04_Lines-xlpang-ChinaUnix博客 ... drop: 放弃 exactly: 确切的 stuff: 特质 ...


恰_百度百科 ... [in perfect] 形式精确或比例一致地 [exactly;just] 正好;正 [twitter] 形容鸟叫声 ...

Callum: Exactly. And that's what the word used to mean, but now it refers to a rude and violent man, often a young man but not always. 对极了!这个单词过去就是“男孩”的意思,但是现在用来指粗鲁粗俗的男人了,通常是指年轻人但有时候也不一定。
Exactly! And finally, waiting is often a physical thing. We often stand or sit somewhere until something happens. 我们通常是站着、坐着或是徘徊着等待一件事情发生,或某人出现。
In this system, analysts say, Mr. Zhou's role is akin to that of an economic adviser a position not exactly on par with Ms. Clinton's. 分析师们说,在这样一个体系中,周小川的角色相当于经济顾问,而这样的地位并不能跟克林顿相比。
Heather: This apartment is exactly what I'm looking for. How much is the rent? 黑仁:这就是我想要找的房子。租金是多少?
I thought about how strange it was that he had two legs, two arms, one head, etc. , almost exactly like a regular human being. 他居然是两手两脚,一个脑袋…..看上去还是象人类。
'Here, the suppliers have no idea what you're talking about, so you're trying to find out what, exactly, is in a particular wooden board. ' 但是在这里,供应商根本不知道LEED是什么,因此你必须想办法弄清楚他们卖的木质板材里面到底用了哪些材料。
You impetuous little whelp. . . I know exactly what you and the mortal are up to. Are you ready to die, dragon? 你这个急躁的小虫子,我完全知道你和那个凡人在搞什麽鬼,你准备接受死亡了吗,红龙?
However, the security defaults should not be modified unless you know exactly what you are doing. 但是,除非您知道修改默认安全设置的后果,否则请不要修改。
'Absolutely, ' said Dr. Leffell, who noted that someday personalized medicine may be able to predict exactly who can bask in the sun safely. 答:“绝对有差异”,莱费尔博士说。他指出,终有一天,个性化医学将能准确预测谁可以安全地沐浴在阳光下。
She oftentimes knows what I'm going to say even before I do, and most of the time she knows exactly when not to say anything to me at all. 通常,我还没开口她就知道我要说什么了;而且,在我不想和人答腔的时候,她都能感受到,并做到缄口不言。
Once I even believed that father had meant what he said, and I even told Lao Chen that that was exactly what I had in mind. 因此有一个时候我居然相信父亲真有这样的想法,而且我对老陈说过要跟他学做木匠的话。
One of the most difficult parts of developing a visualization is deciding what exactly you'd like to see. 开发可视化最棘手的部分之一就是确定所希望看到的内容。
This season, Arsenal seems to be little changed, so what exactly is a means to let the gunmen out of their immature, to be mature? 本赛季,阿森纳似乎有点脱胎换骨,那么究竟是用了什么手段让枪手们摆脱稚嫩,走向成熟呢?
If you can find your own imperfect so exactly as you see others' defects, your life will be out of the common. 如果你能像看别人缺点一样,如此准确般的发现自己的缺点,那么你的生命将会不平凡。
Easy to be moved, the academic society conversion ponder can exactly very with ease, all along with the reason, not demand. 容易感动,学会换位思考会活得很轻松,一切随缘,不去强求。
You have no idea how much havoc I cancauseand exactly one way to stop me. 你无法想象我能造成多大的破坏你也不知道如何阻止我
That means that the container knows exactly what's happening to a component and can let you know. 这意味着容器明确知道要发生在组件上的事情并能够让您知道。
It is not easy to say exactly what each part of the brain does. 要确切地说出人脑的每一个部位起什么作用并不容易。
Analysts are likely to spend the next few days trying to figure out exactly how much the bank has lost on its subprime investments. 分析师可能会在接下来的几天内努力寻找中国银行次债投资具体损失金额的线索。
The lungs are able to cope with this extra blood flow and pressure for a while depending on exactly how high the pressure is. 肺能够应付额外血流和压力的时间长短,完全取决于压力有多高。
This plan was a biggie, not exactly the sort of project you could do overnight. 这可是个宏大计划,并不是你一两天就能搞起来的那种项目。
If you can't figure it out, write that down, too, specifying exactly where you fell off the train. 如果你无法作到这点,把差异也写下来,准确说明在哪儿你脱离了轨道。
Home, Lou mayor to cook for a question, I always said he never mistreated, and asked him exactly want to do. 回到家中,卢市长找来厨师问话,说本人历来不曾亏待他,问他到底想干什么。
Sometimes he might goof up and use a word that did not mean exactly what he thought it meant. 有时他会很犯傻的用一个“他以为是那个意思”的词来表达他的意思。
Most sites like that are great if you know exactly what you're looking for, but they are not so great for the casual browser. 如果你知道自己的需求大多数类似的网站都是非常棒的,但是对于随意的浏览者则不是特别的理想。
You'll see that the content of the entry shown in Listing 6 exactly corresponds to what you see when you click the node. 您将看到清单6所示的条目的内容确切对应于您单击该节点时所看到的内容。
nobody knows exactly what was going on, but you can guess that there must have been a lot of pressure not to publish it. 当时没人确切地了解发生了什么事。但你可以猜测到,为了不将这个评论发表一定有很多的压力。
For me, a young man who do not know exactly where his or her future lies would have no chance to start any SERIOUS relationship with anyone. 对于我来说,一个连自己的未来都无法确知的年轻人是不具备合适的时机去投入到一份真正严肃的感情中的。
And that is exactly what happened to him, for the people trampled him in the gateway, and he died. 这话果然应验在他身上;因为众人在城门口将他践踏,他就死了。
In a recent interview, Vanessa spoke of their bond. And Zac said the pair's love was "exactly how it should be" . 在最近的采访中凡妮莎还说到两人的恋情,扎克也说他们俩的感情是“就该是这样”。