
美 [ˈekˌsaɪl]英 [ˈeksaɪl]
  • n.流放;放逐;流亡;流亡国外者
  • v.流放;放逐
  • 网络放浪兄弟;被流放者;充军

复数:exiles 现在分词:exiling 过去式:exiled



n. v.

1.[u][sing]流放;流亡;放逐the state of being sent to live in another country that is not your own, especially for political reasons or as a punishment

2.[c]流亡国外者;被流放者;离乡背井者a person who chooses, or is forced to live away from his or her own country


放浪兄弟Exile)吧。 anfeng302 |十六级采纳率70% 擅长:音乐明星 其他类似问题 相关知识 更多等待您来回答的问题>> …


字典中 逐 字的解释 ... (4) 驱逐[ expel;drive out;chase] (6) 放逐;流放[ exile] (8) 竞争[ compete] ...


字典中 逐 字的解释 ... (4) 驱逐[ expel;drive out;chase] (6) 放逐;流放[ exile] (8) 竞争[ compete] ...


——流亡EXILE) 原料:PAL4孔WX的精英等级盾——不是WX的不要拿出来,没人会镶,自己吧。


2012年考研英语大纲新增词汇列表_百度文库 ... excerpt vt. 摘录 exile vt. 流放 n.被流放者 exotic a. 异国的,外来的 ...


字典中 配 字的解释 ... (5) 分给;配给[ apportion] (7) 充军, 流放[ exile] (2) 同本义[ wine color] ...


水印_百度百科 ... 04. Storms In Africa 非洲风暴 05. Exile 流浪 06. Miss Clare Remembers 克蕾尔的回忆 ...


大学英语六级词汇 - 豆丁网 ... exempt adj. 被免除的,v.使免除 exile n. 流放,流亡;流亡者 exotic a. 奇异的,异国情调的 ...

Well might Catherine deem that heaven would be a land of exile to her, unless with her mortal body she cast away her moral character also. 凯瑟琳很有理由认为天堂对于她就是流放之地,除非她的精神也随同她的肉体一起抛开。
To thank those faithful fellows who followed him in the exile, he decided to give them an audience and some rewards. 昭王感谢这些跟着他流亡国外的忠心人士,决定召见他们,并给予一定的奖励。
One reason, he writes, was his role as Belize's ambassador to the United Nations; another was that he was a tax exile. 他写下了两条理由:其一,他担任了伯利兹驻联合国大使;其二,他为了逃税躲在国外。
an old pandit exile, who had been such a close friend of Mr Peer's father that she greets the young man as a lost son. 一位年长的流亡梵学家、皮尔父亲曾经的密友,欢迎皮尔这位年轻人的回来,就像是在欢迎失去的儿子。
With England and United, you might call him some days an exile on Main Street, but in word and deed he is still fighting his way back in. 不过在曼联还是国家队,你都能数出他的精彩时刻。而现在他也在为回到巅峰而战。
She felt her exile deeply, and for the first time in her life, realized how much she was beloved and petted at home. 此刻她深深体会到寄人篱下的滋味,第一次认识到自己在家里是如何受到亲人的宠爱。
Sharper even than this sadness was the fact that, for more than 30 years, she was an exile from her homeland. 比这更悲惨的是她30多年离乡背井,被迫流亡国外。
One hundred years later, the Negro is still languished in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land. 一百年以后,黑人仍然是在美国人的拐角里面失去活力社会和发现他自己流放在他的自己的土地里面。
"It seems there is no government in Karachi, " said the MQM's leader, Altaf Hussain, who lives in exile in London. “看来卡拉奇似乎没有政府”,流亡伦敦的统一民族运动党领导人阿尔塔夫•侯赛因说。
A self-proclaimed recluse, he had lived in voluntary exile ever since "the war, " although which war had never been specified. 自称为隐士的他,自从“那场战争”爆发以来,就一直自我放逐至今。
And then it's as if I'm drifting off to exile inside myself with only a shell remaining. 然后我就躲进自己的世界,自我放逐,仅留下一个外壳。
As a result, Hamlet exile, but he has made it clear to his mother to hear, has attracted the condemnation of her conscience. 这样一来,哈姆雷特被放逐了,但他已明确的把话说给母亲听,已引起她良心的谴责。
Wagner visited here in 1853 when he left his exile in Switzerland to which he had escaped during World War II. 瓦格纳于1853年曾到过此地,当时他正结束自己的瑞士的流亡生活返回德国。
Since Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden, is there anyone who does not, in some way, feel like an exile? 自从亚当夏娃离开了伊甸园,有没有人,不管以何种方式,不觉得自己在流浪?
The emperor made an impressive comeback from his exile on Elba, but it lasted only a momentous "hundred days" (111, to be precise). 那位皇帝从他在厄尔巴岛的流放地重新崛起令人印象深刻,但是只持续了“一百天”(准确的说,是111天)。
The Soviet Union announced it had freed dissident Andrei Sakharov from internal exile and pardoned his wife, Yelena Bonner. 年,苏联宣布已经解除对不同政见者安德烈·萨哈罗夫国内流放并赦免了他的妻子叶连娜·邦纳。
When Napoleon was forced into exile on Elba, the only unit he was allowed to have with him as the guards were the Polish Lancers. 当拿破仑本人被放逐厄尔巴岛时,唯一被允许跟随他但当警卫的便是那支波兰枪骑兵。
Person, one Panasonic planes will exile himself, let his play games, watch movies, not three days out of a door, to leave life-spend space. 人一松下架,便会放逐自己,任由自己玩游戏,看电影,三天没走出个房门,给生命留点消磨的空间。
You don't know Gaddafi if you think he'll give in to international pressure and take the path of a negotiated exile. 如果你认为他将屈从于国际压力,选择协商流亡的方式,那只能证明你不了解他。
This infuriated Peter, who offered him a pardon if he returned, threatening him with lifelong pursuit in exile if he did not. 出逃激怒了彼得大帝,他表示只要亚历克西斯回国,他就原谅他。并威胁他,如若不回来就跨国追捕。
The announcement from Tiger Woods has confirmed growing speculation that he was ready to end his self imposed exile from competitive golf. 各方不断猜测,泰格·伍兹准备结束从高尔夫比赛中的自我放逐,他的宣布证实了这种说法。
It seems to me that their elegant movements are not really exile. In fact, movement can be inspiring. 我想,一个重要的原因是,那种优雅地移动,并非真正的亡命。
What he couldn't reveal was that he was part of the Cuban exile forces being trained by the US government for the Bay of Pigs invasion. 他不能告诉我们,他是受美国政府训练的入侵猪湾的古巴流亡军的一分子。
Buying art quickly brought him in contact with artists. Mr Salahi spent much of his exile in Qatar with Sheikh Hassan as his patron. 购买艺术品是他快速和艺术家们建立联系的方式,比如萨拉齐在卡塔尔的大部分流亡时间一直受他恩惠。
James was brought up in exile in Europe, was a Catholic. He hoped to rule without giving up his personal religious views. 詹姆斯二世从小在欧洲流亡长大,是个天主教徒,他希望不放弃个人宗教信仰统治国家。
Alexander, who has moved back to Serbia from his exile in London, is a godson of the Queen, whom he calls Lizzie in private. 亚历山大曾流亡在伦敦,现已回到塞尔维亚,伊丽莎白女王是他的教母,私下里他称呼他Lizzie。
Freed, Benazir went into exile in London, then returned home to a tumultuous welcome in 1986. 获得自由后,贝娜齐尔逃亡到伦敦,后来在1986回国,受到热烈欢迎。
This week he said he would return from exile soon and invite the coup makers to a round of golf. 本周,他表示他将尽快返回泰国并邀请政变组织者们打一场高尔夫。
Falling foul of vicious political factionalism, Dante was sent into exile from his beloved Florence in his mid-30s. He never returned. 最终,但丁由于身陷政治派系斗争,30多岁被逐出心爱的佛罗伦萨,再也没能回归。
Not only would this preserve him from exile-which really might be a fate worse than death , since what was the point in life without magic? 这样不仅可以使他免于放逐——这种命运可能比死亡还可怕,在没有魔法的世界里生活算怎么回事?