
美 [ɪnˈɡeɪdʒd]英 [ɪn'ɡeɪdʒd]
  • adj.忙于;从事于;已订婚;被占用的
  • v.“engage”的过去式和过去分词
  • 网络忙碌的;已订婚的;占线的



1.忙于;从事于busy doing sth

2.已订婚having agreed to marry sb

3.被占用的;使用中的being used


数据库_英语口语锦集(oralenglish)_软件世界网 ... In a relationship 有对象; Engaged 订婚; Married 已婚; ...


英语单词立体记忆 ... → altogether 完全,全部地 → engaged 使用中的,忙碌的 → engagement 誓约 ...


...nticing);我恨我的心上人为了一个E,因为她已订婚Engaged);我把我的心上人比做一个E——美妙(Exqui-site); …


订婚英语的形容词是什么 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... engage 订婚 engaged 已订婚的 ...


电话占线英语情景对话 ... extension n. (电话)分机 engaged a. 占线的 completely ad. 完全;十分;彻底 ...


新东方雅思单词-speaking - 豆丁网 ... 婚约,订婚 engagement 订婚了的 engaged 婚姻破裂 marriage breakdown ...

Your sisters are engaged, and there is not another woman in the room whom it would not be a punishment to me to stand up with. 你的姐妹们都在跟别人跳,要是叫舞场里别的女人跟我跳,没有一个不叫我活受罪的。
In a luxury car, Mortdecai sighs that "the gears engaged in a way which reminded me of a warm spoon going in to a great deal of caviar. " 在豪车中,Mortdecai感叹说,“齿轮印记提醒我从事于鱼子酱一样温暖的环境中去。”
Travelling cheaply has forced me to be engaged and creative, rather than to throw money at my holidays and hope for the best. 节俭地旅行迫使我变得投入且富有创造力,而不是挥霍金钱来度假以期得到最佳享受。
The Scottish government engaged Libya and the United Kingdom on the matter of releasing al-Megrahi. 苏格兰政府也参与了利比亚和英国释放迈格拉希事件。
Nasty cast as basketball stopped shooting skills of a offensive strong score by means of each layer, engaged in basketball highly valued. 急停跳投作为篮球运动投篮技术中的一项攻击性很强的得分手段,遭到各层从事篮球运动的高度注重。
The next time I played I was alone, more experienced at the game, and I engaged in a more methodical massacre of the dungeon hordes. 第二次我试玩是一个人,同时也对游戏更有经验,我忙于对迷宫中怪物更有效率的屠杀。
A company I'm engaged with has found a specific piece of the H spike flu that sparks the immune system. 我之前工作过家公司已经发现一种H刺突流感病毒。这种病毒能激发免疫系统。
I have engaged Myself in the Earthly matters NOW, not because its necessary, and yet it is in many ways, even impossible not to be the case. 我【现在】已经介入到地球事务中,不只是因为它是必要的,而且在很多方面来讲,而且是势在必行的。
China has in the past engaged in invasions and wars in the region, and its presence is still felt to be something of a strategic threat. 中国已经在该地区的侵略和战争中从事过去,还是觉得它的存在,是作为一个战略威胁的东西。
The father of the baby is now engaged to my best friend, whom he was cheating on me with when I became pregnant. 孩子他爸当初已经和我最佳的友人定亲,在我怀孕的时候他始终和她有一腿。
Naturally this would be an ideal time to become engaged, and no doubt many Gemini readers will either accept or give a proposal! 自然的,这将是一段适合忙碌的理想时间,毫无疑问许多双子的读者也可能会给出或者接受一个提议!
It gradually dawned on me that I was no longer engaged in a trivial personal hack that might happen to be useful to few other people. 我逐渐发现,我不再只是研发一个可能只有少数人才会用到的琐碎的个人软件了。
Hubble captured a spectacular pair of galaxies engaged in a celestial dance. The galaxies will eventually merge into a single giant galaxy . 哈勃拍摄到两个互相碰撞的星系,这两个星系最终会合并成一个星系。
I broke it off with her. You know we're engaged, but she's been two-timing me. 我跟她分手了。你知道我们已经能够订了婚,但她却对我不忠。
It's not easy to prove that an executive intended to deceive shareholders rather than just engaged in sloppy paperwork, say lawyers. 律师表示,要证实一位经理是预谋欺骗股东并不是件容易的事,那不只是拼拼凑凑的纸上作业。
The head of the U. N. Observer Mission in Georgia, Johan Verbeke, said the parties also engaged in in-depth political discussions. 联合国格鲁吉亚任务观察小组负责人沃尔贝克说,与会各方还进行了深度的政治讨论。
I am engaged in the recall to you in everything and you lose sight of him has nothing to do. 我陶醉在对你的追忆中,忽略身边一切和你无关的事。
One of President Bush's daughters is engaged. Jenny Bush said "yes" when longtime boyfriend Henry Hager asked her to marry him. 布什总统的一个女儿已经订婚了,当他认识多年的男朋友向她求婚时,吉妮欣然答应了。
To believe that the Almighty committed debauchery with a woman engaged to be married; and the belief of this debauchery is called faith. 信仰诱奸正要结婚的女人的全能的神,对这放荡行为的信仰被称为宗教信仰。
But along with the five campuses operated by YES (Youth Engaged in Service), with a very similar philosophy, it is an important part of it. 但是随着五个由青年从事服务的大学校园的运转,他们怀拥有相同的人生观,这一点是很重要的。
as a future professional, why would it be important for you to be engaged in political discussions related to social issues? 作为未来的职业,为什么会是重要的,你要在有关社会问题的政治参与讨论?
We adults seem to be so engaged in doing things a certain way, we tend to forget that there are other ways to get things done. 我们成年人似乎非常乐于以特定的方式做事,却往往忘了还有别的方式也能达到目的。
In the leading case, a company was served with an NLRB complaint alleging that it had engaged in unfair labor practices. 在一个主要案件里,某公司接到全国劳资关系委员会的申诉通知,称该公司卷入不正当的劳动业务。
Seaman taught art in Central America and was prepared to see the world by teaching when she became engaged. 希曼在中美洲教授艺术,当她订婚以后她准备通过教书来了解全世界。
When my elder brother brought his girlfriend round to meet all the family, he gave a broad hint that they were to become engaged quite soon. 我哥哥把她的女朋友带来同全家人见面,那清楚地暗示了他们不久就将订婚。
Because, many people engaged in service activities, the old man and the child gratuity is all of its income. 因为,许多从事服务性活动的老人与孩子,小费是其全部收入。
apparently he is too busy enjoying his quiet life with his wife to be much engaged in the woes of the wizarding world. 显然,他乐于和妻子过着隐居的生活,根本不关心巫师世界的黑暗与丑陋。
The board is also looking for a leader more engaged in discussions, say people familiar with the matter. 知情人士透露,雅虎董事会也想找一位更善于谈判的领导者。
Still, the subject of absurdity engaged him. 'China is a comedy place, ' he said in his genial though limited English. 不过有关荒诞性的话题引起了他的兴趣。他亲切地用有限的英文说,中国是一个充满喜剧的地方。
Apparently, your journey took a negative turn when you let go of being an angel and engaged yourself in a battle with the dark forces. 显然,你的旅程当你放弃成为一个天使存在的时候踏入了一个负面的转变,约定了自己经历与黑暗力量的斗争。