
美 [hoʊm]英 [həʊm]
  • n.家;家庭;家乡;住宅
  • v.回家;居住;(飞机)归航;【火箭】(自动)导航
  • adv.在家;到家;向家;到正确的位置
  • adj.家的;家庭的;在家里做的;家用的
  • 网络首页;主页;网站首页

复数:homes 现在分词:homing 过去式:homed

find home,leave home,make home,home run,build home
home team,good home,home computer,home village,spiritual home
come home


房子等house, etc.

1.[c][u]家;住所the house or flat/apartment that you live in, especially with your family

2.[c](可买卖的)房子,住宅,寓所a house or flat/apartment, etc., when you think of it as property that can be bought and sold


3.[c][u]家乡;故乡;定居地the town, district, country, etc. that you come from, or where you are living and that you feel you belong to


4.[c]家庭used to refer to a family living together, and the way it behaves

老年人;孩子for old people/children

5.[c]养老院;养育院a place where people who cannot care for themselves live and are cared for by others

宠物for pets

6.[c]收养所a place where pets with no owner are taken care of

动植物of plant/animal

7.[sing][u]生息地;栖息地;产地the place where a plant or animal usually lives; the place where sb/sth can be found

发祥地where sth first done

8.[sing]the ~ of sth发源地;发祥地the place where sth was first discovered, made or invented


at home

在家里in a person's own house, flat/apartment, etc.

away from home

离开家away from a person's own house, flat/apartment, etc.

a home from home

像家一样舒适自在的地方a place where you feel relaxed and comfortable as if you were in your own home

home is where the heart is

家乃心之所系a home is where the people you love are

home sweet home

可爱的家;家总是家(有时有反讽意思,指并不愉快)used to say how pleasant your home is (especially when you really mean that it is not pleasant at all)

set up home

(尤指夫妇)建立家庭,成家(used especially about a couple) to start living in a new place

when hes, its, etc. at home

(加强疑问语气)到底,究竟used to emphasize a question about sb/sth


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Their partners were then asked how much tension there was at home and how often the couple argued. 而他们的伴侣则被询问家庭生活中有多少矛盾,夫妻间多久争吵一次。
Software is a form of intellectual property and is entitled to just as much protection as real property like your car or your home. 软件是知识产权的一种形式,而且应该受到和你的不动产,如汽车或者房子等一样的保护。
The key to how much further home prices fall, Goldman Sachs economist Jan Hatzius said, is how fast the glut of empty homes is absorbed. 高盛经济专家JanHatzius指出,房价会跌到什么地步的关键,是这些供应过剩的空房子被消化的速度有多快。
Promising to help her return home, the clerk brought her to the government office who found her lodging in a civilian's house. 何文书即答应想办法送她回家,并把她带到村公所,由村干部安置在一位老乡家里先住下来。
When I got home from work the next evening, the lawn had been mowed, the garden weeded , and the walks swept. 等我第二天晚上下班回到家,草坪已修整好了,花园除了草,人行道也清扫过了。
I try to have one with me at all times but sometimes I'll forget it in the studio or leave one at home, so they can be a bit scattered. 我努力想要有一个和我在任何时候都可能会把它给忘了,但有时我在录音棚离开一个在家里,所以他们可能会有点分散。
Her niece was killed as she walked home, by a stray bullet from a firefight between the police and traffickers. 走回家的时候,她的侄女被因警方与贩毒团伙交火射出一颗流弹毙命。
Soon I would go back to the place I'd left a few months earlier, but I knew well what was going on at home. 不久,我将回到自己离开了几个月家里,我清楚地知道,在离开的日子里家里发生了什么?
Ferris had come from Paris to his father's funeral which had taken place the week before in his home town in Georgia. 摩天来自巴黎,他父亲的葬礼而发生了一周前在他的家乡格鲁吉亚。
I walked home flooded with an urgency I should have felt back in March. I was crazy about him and the choice was easy. 走回家的路上我满脑子的焦急——其实三月份的时候我就应该着急了。
The catch: You need to help take care of their pets and plants, making sure that everything runs smoothly just as if the owner were at home. 附加条件:你需要帮他们照料他们的宠物以及花草,确保一切都像主人在家一样井井有条。
The peddler was held up on his way home, and all the day's money was gone. 小贩在回家的路上被抢劫了,一天赚来的钱都没了。
Home that night after the tone a bit hard to me, of course, listening to her a bit uncomfortable, then we will fight a few small. 那天晚上回家以后,我说话口气有点硬,当然她听着有点不舒服,随后我们就小争了几句。
Of course Shanghai is better than home if it has these types of astounding entertainments. 还是上海不错,真有这样惊人玩意。
An indignant person, ready to fight for home or honour, holds his head upright, squares his shoulders, and clenches his fists. 当一个人义愤填膺,准备为家族或荣誉而战时,他会昂首张肩、紧握双拳。
As taking too much time, I won't do it again, but the outcome was quite good. You can give it a try at home. 其实,想吃烧肉并不需要去烧腊铺,只要买个烤炉,就能让家中也飘来阵阵烧肉香。
The prisoner asked to see Obama's two books last August, at a time when the US presidential elections were entering the home stretch. 去年八月,这名囚犯要求阅读奥巴马的两本书,当时美国总统大选已经进入冲刺阶段。
On his way home from the hospital he bought some beautiful flowers in a shop. 就在回家途中从医院,他买了一些美丽的鲜花在一间店铺。
Very. She's in a home, and I'm the only one who even knows she's sick. I just don't know what to do anymore, you know? 非常后期。她在一家护理院,我是唯一知道她得病的人。我真的不知道该怎么做,你理解吗?。
Like this class, Tonglu not only on the schools, have been going "home" in the door, placed in fair at home and abroad. 像这样的课堂,桐庐人不仅放在学校里,也不断走出“家”门,摆到国内外的博览会上。
It doesn't make sense to leave unwrapped the gift of your past forgiven, a purpose for living, and a home in heaven. 你不应该忘了你过去忘了打开的礼物,生活的目的和天国的家。
What dog dog home page acquiesces now still is all search, result page increased webpage search apparently however. 现在狗狗首页默认的还是全部搜索,结果页却显然增加了网页搜索。
I saw him carrying a basketful of vegetables on his way home. 我看到他在回家路上带着一满篮蔬菜。
His latest project is a mobile home the size of two tatami mats, made up of DIY assembly parts and with a total cost of 26, 000 yen. 他的最新项目是两个榻榻米大小的流动之家,由DIY组装件组成,总成本为26000日元。
Most boys tried to leave the girl's home before daylight, but a girl's parents usually did not get angry about the night visits. 大部分的男孩会在天亮前离开女孩的家,然而女孩的父母也并不会对这些夜晚访客动怒。
The moral here is: If you want him to do things at home, don't chastise him for not doing it 'right. 在这儿得出一个教训:如果你想让他在家做些家务,当他做错时你不要责骂。
He met one of his old friends on his way home. 他回家的路上碰到了一位老同学。
Timmy Willie longed to be at home in his peaceful nest in a sunny bank. The food disagreed with him; the noise prevented him from sleeping. 提米威利渴望回家,呆在他那在一个光亮的田垄里的窝。这里的食物让他不舒服;这里的声响让他无法睡觉。
Well, I needn't tell you how much we prize the colour red back home. For us it means luck and happiness and prosperity. 不仅于此,我们中国人也非常喜爱红色,因为红色象征幸运、幸福和繁荣。
Another Californian robbed a bank close to his home. While making his getaway he ran into his mom, who turned him in. 另一个加利福尼亚劫匪抢劫了自家附近的一家银行,他正要逃走时却撞见了自己老妈,老妈把他交给了警方。