
美 [ɪɡˈzæmp(ə)l]英 [ɪɡˈzɑːmp(ə)l]
  • n.例子;实例;榜样;范例
  • v.〈废〉作为…的示范
  • 网络示例;举例;例证


good example,typical example,above example,classic example,Common example
set example,follow example,give example,copy example,cite example



1.~ (of sth)实例;例证;例子something such as an object, a fact or a situation that shows, explains or supports what you say

2.~ (of sth)典型;范例;样品a thing that is typical of or represents a particular group or set

3.榜样;楷模;模范a person or their behaviour that is thought to be a good model for others to copy

4.样板;榜样a person's behaviour, either good or bad, that other people copy


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... You're welcome. 不客气。 example n. 例子;实例 ten num. 十 ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... sample n 样品,标本 example n 样本;榜样 exemplar n 典型;模型 ...


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... You're welcome. 不客气。 example n. 例子;实例 ten num. 十 ...


eol_百度百科 ... eWorld 电子世界 example 范例 example page 范例页 ...


PB ImportFile导入数据 - bob - BlogJava ... "Amy TAB Doherty"“ 艾米统计表多尔蒂” Example 1 示例1 Example 2 例2 ...


21st Century ... Use 运用 Example 举例 one step at a time 一步一个脚印 ...


单词演义 - 豆丁网 ... examine n. 检查; 对…考查(考试) ; 踃查 example n. 例子, 例证, 范例, 榜样 excellent a. 优秀的, …

Perhaps the most spectacular recent example is the murder in London of a former Russian agent, Alexander Litvinenko. 也许,近期最惊人的事例莫过于前俄罗斯特工亚历山大·利特维年科在伦敦被谋杀一案。
They were, in a sense, setting the example they urged the nation to follow: They had found a way to carry on. 从某种角度来说,他们想为其他美国人树立一个榜样,那就是把生活继续下去。
we considered what seems to be a pretty powerful counter example to that idea. 我们想这似乎是对于这个观点极其有力的反证
Lets take a look at me for example. If you've never seen the way I look, take a look at my webpage photo here. . . 拿我来举个例吧。如果你从来没见过我的样子,在这看看我的照片吧。
This example requires that the method defined in this example is called from another form in an event handler or other method. 此示例要求从事件处理程序的另一个窗体或其他方法中调用在此示例中定义的方法。
One example of how much things have changed is Ping An Insurance (Group) Co. of China. 中国平安保险(集团)股份有限公司(PingAnInsurance(Group)Co。ofChina)就是事态变化的一个例证。
An article in state-run Xinhua news agency saying "India is acting out of an inferiority complex" towards China is the latest example of it. 新华社一篇文章说到“印度的行为都是因为自卑”,这就是最好的证明。
Another example - let's say the same two robbers rob a bank, and one of the robbers is shot to death by the bank guard. 另一个例子-比方说,同样的两个劫匪抢银行,一个劫匪银被行警卫自卫枪杀死亡。
In our example, the child's sense of curiosity kicks in and he rushes to the dog to get more sensory experience. 在例子中,小孩产生了好奇感,他向狗冲去,想要更多的体验。
This was an example of another of Clinton's laws of politics: If someone can shift the heat from himself to you, he'll do it every time. 在克林顿的政治法则中有这么一条:“如果你接过了某个人的烫手山芋,那么他下一次还会扔给你。”下面这事就是一个例子。
So the example would be, "I feel angry with you because you're not listening to me and I need you to listen to me. " 因此最好的情况应该是“我对你感到很气愤,因为你并没有听我的话而我需要你去听。”
Well, let us work it out in detail in the example that we have there. 让我们用这里的例子,详细算一下。
Before I turn to the trip planner, though, I'll stick with the book example just a little longer to help you understand an important point. 在讨论trip-planner应用程序之前,我还想谈谈图书的例子,以帮助您理解一个要点。
Most believed it to be a mere concept of what an E-Class Coupe could look like for example, something of a preview. 大多数认为它仅仅是一个概念,什么是E级跑车可能看起来像例如,某种预览。
The site below is a great example of a really beautiful sky scene being used as a strong website background. 下面的网站选用优美的天空作为突出的网页背景,是一个非常好的例子。
lead him on the left rein on the track , ask him to stand with a soft pull on the rein and a simultaneous voice aid , for example ' strand. 用左侧缰绳牵它在路线上走,要它停止的时候轻微地拉一下缰,同时给一个声音辅助。
As another example: he took advantage of his memory, remembering names, do not forget for a long time. 又如:他利用自己的记忆力,记住别人的姓名,长时间不忘。
I don't know how, dear God, except to bless her as richly as she deserves and to help me live up to the example she set. 我不知道,亲爱的上帝,除了祝福她,她应该得到丰富和帮助我辜负例如她一套。
of life is short. To take just one example, the west wind blew across the garden last night, scattering all over yellow flowers like gold. 生命的辉煌是短暂的。仅举一例:昨夜西风过园林,吹落黄花满地金。
Who tries to shield and protect by showing courage. . . staying strong; trying to set a good example while her heart is breaking all along? 是谁以勇气和坚强去保护,去抵挡,去努力树立榜样,尽管她的心一直在受伤?
This is only an example, but it is not by chance that the word, no doubt, presents us with these paradoxes. 这是唯一的例子,但是这并非偶然,无可置疑的,这个字词呈现给我们这些矛盾。
In our example it may be that his wife has taken on board his frustration as an unhappiness with her. 在我们的例子当中,他的妻子会把他的挫折感当作是与她之间的不愉快而包容了。
His Holiness gave the example of wanting to make charitable donations. To do so, we need to possess wealth of our own to give, he said. 法王拿慈善捐献作为例子说,我们首先要拥有财产,才能给予他人。
But there can be no freedom as long as you are merely trying to become somebody, or imitate a noble example. 如果你只想变成某某人物或是模仿某个神圣的榜样,你是不可能得到自由的。
The example shows that this method is simple high-precision and effective, which can be used for seismic design of curved beam. 算例表明,本文方法简单、具有较高精度和效率,可用于曲线梁桥抗震设计。
It can only be as an example of that temporary eclipse to which even the best-balanced mind may be exposed. 也只能把它看作一个暂时受蒙蔽的例子,那是即使最善于斟酌的头脑也在所难免的。
For example posters that show what can be recycled in school and explain how much carbon this can save. 比如,海报显示出学校里有什么东西能被循环再用并且解释从中能节省多少碳。
You may be able to run the example just fine, at least after fixing a few problems. 您也许能够很正常的运行该范例,起码在修改了这些问题之后变得正常。
Today's young people live years in what used to be days. I might be a good example. 如今,年轻人的生活总是度年如日,我大概就算是个顶好的范例。
The objective of this article is to take a real-world business example and analyze it against the concepts laid out in our earlier articles. 本文的目的是讲述一个真实的业务示例并针对我们在前几篇文章中列出的概念来分析它。