
美 [ɪkˈsplɔr]英 [ɪkˈsplɔː(r)]
  • v.探索;探讨;探究;勘探
  • 网络探险;探测;考察

第三人称单数:explores 现在分词:exploring 过去式:explored

explore way,explore possibility,explore market,explore relationship,explore space
fully explore



1.[t][i]勘探;勘查;探索;考察to travel to or around an area or a country in order to learn about it

2.[t]~ sth探究;调查研究;探索;探讨to examine sth completely or carefully in order to find out more about it

3.[t]~ sth(用手或其他部位)触摸,探查to feel sth with your hands or another part of the body


探索(explore),孩子们可找到LearnEnglish Kids的使用指南,此外也有其他适合儿童的网站链接。此外LearnEnglish Parents …


仁爱英语八年级下册单词_百度文库 ... you bet 当然,的确 △ explore 探险;勘查,考察 dialog 对话 ...


690个英语四级高频词汇 ... exploit v. 剥削;利用,开采 162. explore v. 勘探 163. explosion n. 爆炸;爆发;激增 164. ...


初中英语单词大全(不容错过)_中考英语_读书人 ... 1815 deep adj 深的 1816 explore v 探测,探险 1817 explorer n 探测者, …


大学英语精读单词表(第二册) - 豆丁网 ... hasten vi. 赶快;急忙 explore vt. 探索;探究 vitals n. 主要部件;(人体的)重要器官 ...


新概念第三册精解 ... ◆Aegean adj. 爱琴海的 ◆explore v. 考察,勘探 ◆promontory n. 海角 ...


字根字尾构词法.doc - 豆丁网 ... exploit 功迹,开发,利用 explore 探险,探测,研究 exponent 解释者 ...


CalmSky的学习笔记[旺旺英语论坛] ... exploration n. 勘探,探测 explore v. 勘探,探测;探究,探索 explosion n. 爆炸,爆发 ...

This season, his legs began to gently urge. Out of the gate it, to explore the flowers of the message. 这个时节,双脚开始温柔地冲动。走出门吧,探寻花开的消息。
While these ideas may not work at least scientists, politicians and other innovators are beginning to explore alternatives. 科学家们自然对这些想法不感冒,所以那些政治家和其它发明家们就开始另辟蹊径。
It seemed like it would be impossible to top friendly Begur; but we knew there was more to explore. 好像要与贝格超越朋友般的关系是不可能的,但我知道那儿有更多的地方等着我去探索。
They're really trying to explore the idea that the clones may be genetically identical but not alike in any other way. 他们的确在努力探索这样一个观点:克隆人也许在基因上是一样的,但在其他方面会不同。
He who would gather immortal palms not be hindered by the name of goodness, but must explore if it be goodness. 谁想获得永恒的桂冠就不能被虚假的善所阻碍,而须探究这是否是真善。
Why limit yourself to just a face scan, the Love Scanner also works with other body parts, it's up to you to explore. 为什么要限制自己只是面临扫描,扫描仪的爱情还与其他身体部位,就看您的探索。
Rilke used to say that no poet would mind going to gaol, since he would at least have time to explore the treasure house of his memory. 里尔克曾经常常说,诗人都不会介意蹲监狱,因为那样他至少有时间探索他记忆的宝库。
I should like, if I may, to explore with you to the very end this question of what it means to be aware. 如果可以的话,我想和你探讨一下,觉察到底意味着什么,并把这个问题深究到底。
LLS: In my opinion, The L Word was the first opportunity I really got to explore a very true and honest character. 我个人觉得,《拉字之上》给了我第一个机会去真正探索一个非常真诚的角色。
Theory as a rule, the rule of law and the rule of man to explore the long-term stability of a country, the prosperity of the key issues. 作为一种治国理论,法治和人治探讨的是一个国家长治久安、兴旺发达的关键问题。
While others choose to cure diseases, explore the space, worship the God, build up a family, design cars, or to attain enlightenment. 其他人则选择了追求治愈疾病、探索太空、敬拜上帝、建立家庭、设计汽车,或者是去获得启迪。
And the extent of rural discontent is at last becoming known, as western journalists are slowly allowed to explore the backward interior. 随着对西方记者在中国内陆省区采访调查限制的逐渐放宽,中国农村地区的不满情绪逐渐引起各界关注。
Why not at least try to explore the possibility that there may be a life after? 为何不至少尝试着探索或许真有来世?
Until the last few decades, the tools to explore these underwater mountains did not exist. 直到几十年前,还没有工具和技术能支持探索那些水下山脉。
Needless to say we sent him on his way to explore the wider world and hopefully discover New Zealand in the process. 不用说,我们派出他更多地探索广大的世界,并希望能发现新西兰这一进程。
Maybe, as a beginning point, look at it as how you'd like your husband to help you explore an interest. 作为起点,也许可以看看你希望你先生怎么帮助你探索一个新兴趣。
Besides its utility for improving the quality of your code, FindBugs has many application-specific uses that I encourage you to explore. 除了其改进代码质量的作用,FindBugs还有很多特定于应用程序的用法,我鼓励读者去探索它们。
This article is going to analyse the attribution of virtual property, and try to explore the way of defend the right of it. 本文将对网络虚拟财产属性进行浅析浅析与讨论,并对其在民法与刑法中的保护不足进行积极探索。
An American tourist in London decides to skip his tour group and explore the city on his own. 有个美国的游客,在伦敦的时候,想要脱离他的旅游团,独自一个人在这欧洲古城探险。
To explore the secret of a woman not old, you have to understand the cause women aging problem. 要探讨女人不老的秘诀,就得了解会导致女人衰老的问题所在。
Follow it up, explore all around it, and before you know it, you will have something worth thinking about to occupy your mind. 跟随它,在它的周围探索,那么在你知道它之前,你将有值得考虑的某些东西占用你的大脑。
Extrovert, talkative, Shanjierenyi good opportunity to explore and ready to help others. 性格外向、健谈、善于探索机会善解人意、且乐于助人。
When you set such a tool to explore an application automatically, it is all too easy to miss out on large sections of the application. 当您设置这样的工具来自动利用一个应用程序时,很容易就会在此应用程序的绝大多数活动中被遗漏。
Li Ning executives said the expansion into the U. S. market has been experimental, allowing them to explore the needs of American consumers. 李宁公司的高管说,向美国市场的扩张是实验性的,是为了探究美国消费者的需求。
The beginning of a woman looked at me, her eyes not so deep in love, she and I explore in the study. Sky raining. 一位老妇人开始望着我,她的目光中没有那么深刻的关爱,她在研究探寻我。天空下着雨。
Swimming around the capstone, which Brown thought might have been lapis lazuli, he discovered an entrance and decided to explore inside. 在顶石周围游来游去,布朗认为是天青石,他发现一个入口而决定探究里面。
It was not that I had lost my eagerness to explore and cast light on things which had filled the seminar, once the trial got under way. 不是因为一旦审判开始进行我就失去了探讨、揭示充满这个研讨会上的种种事情的热情。
This obviously makes it a fantastic opportunity to explore -- both as a journalist as well as a spiritual seeker. 这显然会制造一个绝佳的机会,去探究----作为一个新闻工作者和一个精神引领者。
This booklet is intended to serve only as a guide to help you explore coping strategies as you face the challenges of your disease. 本手册只是作为一种引导,当你面对疾病挑战时,帮助您探索应对策略。
The new user interface makes it easy to explore the available chart types so that you can create the right chart for your data. 使用新的用户界面,您可以轻松浏览可用的图表类型,以便为自己的数据创建合适的图表。