
美 [ˈmitər]英 [ˈmiːtə(r)]
  • n.表;仪;计;计量表
  • v.用仪表计量
  • 网络米;公尺;计量器

复数:meters 现在分词:metering 过去式:metered

square meter,cubic meter
use meter


n. v.

1.(用于测量电、煤气、水等,以及时间和距离的)计量器,计量表a device that measures and records the amount of electricity, gas, water, etc. that you have used or the time and distance you have travelled, etc.

2.计;仪;表a device for measuring the thing mentioned

建筑学常见英语词汇 ... 力 force meter 厘米 centimeter ...


仁爱版七年级(下)英语单词词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... across prep. 横过,穿过 meter n. 米,公尺 miss v. 错过;未见到;未听到; …


PCB技术大全 - zhangjianjunnj的日志 - 网易博客 ... LAMP NEDN 起辉器 METER 仪表 MICROPHONE 麦克风 ...

M开头的英文单词越多越好 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... metal n. 金属,金属制品 meter n. 量器,计,表 method n. 方法,办法; …


M开头的英文单词越多越好 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... metal n. 金属,金属制品 meter n. 计量器,计,表 method n. 方法,办法; …


刘丽的语言学博客 - Lily - 网易博客 ... (river ) 沟 - (meter测量 - (de+man) 人民 - ...


节字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 节能〖 economizeonenergy〗 节拍meter〗 节片〖 proglottid〗 ...

The light meter is usually located on the bottom of the viewfinder or LCD screen, depending on which you use to compose your image. 曝光表通常在取景框或者LCD屏幕的下方显示,具体取决于你的相机。
Some have it down to a science through meter readings and even know how much various appliances cost to run. 有些通过科学的读表方式来计算,甚至能具体到哪个电器用了多少电。
Duct Ink reservoir in a letterpress or offset printing machine made-up of a duct roller and duct blade, designed to meter out a film of ink. 活版或柯式印刷机上的贮墨装置。由墨槽轴和墨槽刀片组成。这个设计,可计量的放出墨膜。
Meter A man and a woman are at a picnic in the park. This picnic is the center of every picture outward to the view among the galaxies. 一男一女在公园里享用野餐。这野餐是以下每幅图的中心。
The crop may not be ready for up to two years. Farmers harvest it in pieces of various lengths and up to one meter wide. 草皮在两年内是长不成形的,农场主们收割草皮时,把它们割成长度不一、宽度一米的草块。
This meter displays how much the signal is being attenuated by the compressor and the gate. 当压缩或噪声器的信号衰减多少,该表就会显示多少。
he had been driving around looking for a parking meter with some unexpired time. I knew then that Jack was going to be my kind of manager. 他周围驾驶,寻找未过时限的停车咪表,我当时就知道积克(巴菲特员工名称)是我心目中的经理。
Britta Steffen of Germany also decided to stray from her diet before winning the women's 50-meter swimming event in Olympic record time . 赢得女子50米游泳金牌并创造奥运会纪录的德国选手布丽塔.斯特芬赛前也决定在饮食上放纵自己一下。
I try to ask myself why I care so much what other people think of me, where they will place me on the lose-o-meter. 我就寻思,别人如何看待我、别人会认为我有多么失败,这些我为什么会如此在意。
Be careful metering in situations like this, as the dark area on the sides of the frame may fool your meter. 在这样的情况下仔细测量环境,如暗区在画面侧面可能欺骗你的公尺。
Another device is the Electric monitor, which is fitted to the electricity meter and calculates the cost of your power as you consume it. 另外一个设备是电监视器,它可以安装到电表上并计算出你消费的电量的费用是多少。
It consists of a pair of meter-tall chambers connected at the top by a tube containing an air turbine the diameter of a dinner plate. 它包括对米高庭连接顶部由一个管含有空气透平的直径晚宴板。
One of his jobs was to test the horsepower on battleships, using a meter with a torsion spring inside. 他从事的其中一项工作便是使用一种内有扭力弹簧的仪表来检测战舰的马力。
He transformed the wall and ceiling of the sixty-meter long area into a surface made up of thousands of blinking lights. 他把60米长区域的墙和天花板变成了由数千盏闪烁的灯组成的曲面。
Meanwhile, we checked up the marine gravity data and propose the ship-turn method to correct the delay time of gravity meter. 对海洋重力数据进行分析,提出船只机动转向法对海洋重力数据进行预处理。
The place was not fenced properly: the role of warning protection was played by the two-meter piece of a striped tape lying on the ground. 这个地方没有很好地进行保护:警告标志仅仅是放在地上的一条2米长的条纹带。
Our company's haze meter, is the company through years of study and repeated tests of a specialized tool for shaping the production. 我们公司的烟感探测器,是公司经多年研究,反复试验后定型生产的一种专用工具。
This means that write dry land, the number of mature fields is to take tax-meter course, Zumi and cloth how much money service. 意即写旱田、熟田的数量是为课取税米、租米和布钱多少服务的。
The at least one piston ring is configured to meter a flow of diluent between the at least one shroud and the at least one fuel nozzle. 该至少一个活塞环构造成在至少一个防护罩和至少一个燃料喷嘴之间计量稀释剂流。
The researches had been able to put flat plates a millionth of a meter apart. 研究者们曾经使让两个平的薄片处于百万分之一米的距离。
With the particles we used, there should not be a great challenge to move them up to a 10-meter distance. 对于我们所使用的微粒,移动10米的距离应该不是问题。
He is only 1. 2 meter's tall with a childish face, wearing the children's shoes, looks like a pupil from his appearance. 身高只有1.2米的他长着一张娃娃脸,穿着童鞋,外表看起来像个小学生。
Every one can rappel down calmly the side of 40-meter cliff with a rope and a Flemish knot. I have also been a spider man. 一根绳子,一个八字扣,每个人都可以从40米高的陡壁下从容而下。我也做了一次蜘蛛人。
Turn everything off as if you were leaving home for the day. Then go look at your electric meter. 例如,像每天出家门时那样关掉所有电器,然后查看电表。
The best way to understand how much water your morning sluice consumes is to get your hands on a shower timer and a water meter. 了解你每天晨浴耗水量的最佳办法就是使用淋浴定时器以及水表。
Four twenty-meter tall statues of Ramses guard the front of the temple, which is carved into the side of a mountain. 四尊二十米高的拉莫西斯雕像守护在神庙的前面,这座神庙是在山的一侧凿刻而成的。
Like this guy like goat agility, dive on the one-meter high place : it jumped off the roof of his pen -- it also resembles a cat. 这家伙想山羊一样矫捷,一米高地猪栏一跳就过:它能跳上猪圈地房顶——这一点又像是猫。
Making energy like the sun does might too cheap to meter or as uneconomical as a perpetual motion machine. 像太阳一样产生能量可能会太便宜以至于无法计费,或是像永动机一样太不合算。
The pointer position of the rotary vane meter is equipped with a pulse switch used for transmitting a pulse signal to the control system. 在所述的叶轮式水表的指针部位设一将脉冲信号传递给控制系统的脉冲开关。
was just enough for one-meter height of five to the body can only cope with the fat said: "The short and fat also. " 身高刚好够一米五,去也只能配合着身上的肥肉说:“又胖又矮”。