
美 [ɪkˈspoʊz]英 [ɪkˈspəʊz]
  • v.暴露;揭露;曝光;揭穿
  • 网络公开;使暴露;揭发

第三人称单数:exposes 现在分词:exposing 过去式:exposed

expose truth,expose plot,expose error,expose fraud,expose injustice



使显露show sth hidden

1.暴露;显露;露出to show sth that is usually hidden

揭露事实show truth

2.~ sb/sth (as sth)揭露;揭穿to tell the true facts about a person or a situation, and show them/it to be immoral, illegal, etc.

有害事物to sth harmful

3.~ sb/sth/yourself (to sth)使面临,使遭受(危险或不快)to put sb/sth in a place or situation where they are not protected from sth harmful or unpleasant

给予经验give experience

4.~ sb to sth使接触;使体验to let sb find out about sth by giving them experience of it or showing them what it is like


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... indisposed a 不愿意的 expose v 暴露;揭露 impose v 强加;征税 ...


翘字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 抬起〖 raise〗 揭露expose〗 高;危〖 high;dangerous〗 ...


计算机与网络英语词汇(E3)|计算机专业英语词汇 ... exported function 汇出函式 expose 公开 exposed interface 公开界面 ...


英语常见词根前缀后缀大全 ... dispose 处理 expose 使暴露,揭发 primary 初级的 ...


英语新闻词汇 - 英语专业 考研论坛 ... 普选制 general election system 曝光 make public;expose 期初存货 opening stock ...


英语常见词根前缀后缀大全 ... dispose 处理 expose 使暴露,揭发 primary 初级的 ...


穷字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 寻根究源〖 gettothebottomofthings〗 揭穿expose〗 终端;终极〖 end;limit〗 ...


人教版高中英语必修5单词_百度文库 ... vt. physician 医生;内科医师 n. expose 暴露;揭露;使曝光 vt. expose…to 使显露; …

2 if the time your luck is not good, then do not do not bet direct card-throwing, so easy to expose you to play tricks. 2假如本段时间你的运气不太好,那千万不要次次不下注都直接扔牌,这样容易暴露你的玩牌手法。
This single call is all that you need to expose your data model as a service. 这单个调用就是您将数据模型作为服务公开所需要的所有内容。
Once the model is defined, all that remains is to specify which parts to expose through a user interface. 一旦定义好模型之后,剩下的工作就只是定义哪些部分要通过用户界面暴露出来了。
We shall try by means of a highly simplified development to expose certain advantages and disadvantages of solid propellant rocket systems. 我们想通过相当简单的推导来试图阐明固体推进剂火箭系统的某些优缺点。
Not to expose your true feelings to an adult seems to be instinctive from the age of seven or eight onwards. 从七八岁时起不再向大人表露真实感情似乎是一种本能。
Often they would push their questioning to the point of absurdity in an effort to expose the fallacy of a particular belief or argument. 通常,他们会把问题推向悖论之极,然后竭力揭示出某一信仰或论题的荒谬性。
The bottom-up approach is often used to expose an existing application as a Web service. 自底向上的方法常常用于将现有的应用程序提取为Web服务。
Consistency among the various mechanisms that expose elements' interest levels helps make the Focused UI predictable and easy to use. 公开元素兴趣等级的各种机制间的一致性有助于FocusedUI变得可预见且易于使用。
After the drugs go on the market, follows the massive crowds the application also to be able to expose more valuable information. 药品上市后,伴随大量人群的应用还会暴露出更多有价值的信息。
The camera and flash essentially work together to decide how much light the flash emits in order to properly expose the subject. 相机与闪光灯在测量正确的曝光后,共同决定闪光灯的输出。
She threatened to expose him if I ever took mate away from her. But with this, I was hoping that you might be able who else knows? 她威胁说如果我把内特抢走她就举发他。但有了这个,我还是希望你能,还有谁知道?。
And when you explain, be not too explicit, just as you do not expose your inmost thoughts in ordinary intercourse. 当你解释时,也不要太直白,就如同不在一般的交际场合倾吐自己内心深处的想法一样。
Lockheed Martin is building an air combat simulator to expose pilots to a wartime environment without having to fly the airplane. 洛克希德·马丁公司开发了一个空战模拟器,让飞行员不必驾机升空就可以进入一个战时的环境。
She went ahead and enrolled her daughter, because she wanted to expose her to a completely different culture. 但她坚持己见,为女儿登记入学,因为她希望女儿能接触一种完全不同的文化。
Who was the gunman who shot Nathan when he was about to expose the Company to the world in a press conference? 当Nathan在新闻发布会上准备揭露公司时,射杀了他的人是谁?
One is the sort of -- the willingness to expose myself to a critical audience, and not to suggest that I am confident about what I'm doing. 一个是——在挑剔的听众面前表达自我的意愿,这并不是指我对我做的事情充满了信心。
But to spend hours each week in a sort of environment filled with fear is perhaps not the best thing to expose your mind to. 但一周花几个小时的时间在充满恐惧的环境里不是好事。
I shall never attempt to palliate my own foible by expose the error of another. 我从不想暴露别人的错误,以图减轻自己的缺点。
He said he did not intentionally expose himself to two women and a 7-year-old boy who passed by his home. 他说他不是故意要暴露自己给经过他家的2名女性与1名7岁男童看。
Fold the material at the front end of the trap to expose the opening while still covering the top, sides and back of the trap. 当仍然包含的圈套顶端,边和背后的时候,在圈套的前面结束折叠材料暴露开始。
If I wanted to transform a set of my enterprise services expose them as feeds, I could do that very quickly with Zero. 如果我想转换我的企业服务集合作为数据提要(feed)暴露,我可以使用Zero非常快地完成。
No friends? Make some online so you don't have to leave your house and expose your skin to the sun's damaging rays. 没有朋友?可以找几个网友,这样你就不需要离开房间,不需要让皮肤暴露在紫外线中。
If that works, it will just be a question of adding more scanners and computers to expose the truth about East Germany's dark past. 如果真的有效,那么揭露东德黑暗过去的真相就只是增加更多的扫描仪和计算机的问题了。
A liquid oxygen release in the atmosphere generates a deep cloud made of moisture condensation. Do not expose yourself to the cloud. 液态氧在空气中释放会与空气中的潮气作用产生浓雾。不要进入到浓雾中或屏气不呼吸。
"Both of these expose parts of the body that aren't particularly attractive, " he notes. 他解释说:“它们暴露出的身体部位都不是特别吸引人。”
Wish-contrast to an actual memory of her uncle's farm, to the effect that she used to expose herself while she was asleep. 这是有关她叔叔农场真实记忆的反愿望,大意是她过去睡觉时总是会裸露身体。
For instance, is one to extol or to expose? This is a question of attitude. 比如说,歌颂呢,还是暴露呢?这就是态度问题。
It's important to be careful with what and how much you expose. 对于暴露什么和暴露多少,一定要谨慎。
Really expose him, is dated for 5 years Welsh girlfriend. She found a real passport, Mark, and environmental groups told the brothers. 真正揭穿他的,是交往了5年的威尔士女友。她发现了马克的真实护照,然后告诉了环保团体的兄弟们。
Because Joseph her husband was a righteous man and did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly. 她丈夫约瑟是个义人,不愿意明明的羞辱她,想要暗暗的把她休了。