
美 [ɪkˈspoʊʒər]英 [ɪkˈspəʊʒə(r)]
  • n.暴露;显露;揭露;面临
  • 网络曝光;力宝声;揭发


occupational exposure,chronic exposure,asbestos exposure,high exposure,ultraviolet exposure
reduce exposure,increase exposure,avoid exposure,minimize exposure,limit exposure



有害事物to sth harmful

1.[u]~ (to sth)面临,遭受(危险或不快)the state of being in a place or situation where there is no protection from sth harmful or unpleasant

揭露事实showing truth

2.[u]揭露the state of having the true facts about sb/sth told after they have been hidden because they are bad, immoral or illegal

电视、报章等on TV/in newspapers, etc.

3.[u](在电视、报纸等上的)亮相,被报道the fact of being discussed or mentioned on television, in newspapers, etc.

身体状况medical condition

4.[u]挨冻;受寒a medical condition caused by being out in very cold weather for too long without protection

照相机胶片film in camera

5.[c](照一张照片的)软片,底片,胶片a length of film in a camera that is used to take a photograph

6.[c]曝光时间the length of time for which light is allowed to reach the film when taking a photograph


AE中英文对照 ... Equallize → 色彩均化 Exposure曝光 Levels Color → 分色 ...


英语词汇的奥秘 ... failure 失败 exposure 暴露,揭露 sculpture 雕刻(品) ...


首页-影音器材专卖-淘宝网 ... 机 | 英国 ~ 君子 REGA | 英国 ~ 力宝声 EXPOSURE | 英国 ~ 傲力 AudioLab | ...


一段情 两颗❤ 三个字 。 ... departure 离开 exposure 揭发,曝光 furniture 家具,设备 ...


安防器材_百度百科 ... Automatic Gain Control 自动增益控制 曝光量( Exposure) 焦距( Focus) ...


品牌广告通常是以曝光度exposure)为基准,而不是点选率,但现在已经大量以新的商业广告影片及大型显示的广告等型态 …


汽车工程词汇英汉对照D-H ... explosion 爆炸 exposure 显露 expressway 高速道路 ...


接触exposure),是生物体外或内表面与环境因素之间发生联系的直接位置关系和过程,也称暴露。对某一污染物的接触剂 …

The developing organs of a fetus or child are the most likely to be sensitive to any possible effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields. 胎儿或者小孩,正处于发育状态的器官对暴露的电磁场最为敏感。
Some opportunities may present themselves to make money, gain exposure, or get experience in ways that you had not considered or planned. 在这个过程中你可能会经历一些惊喜,在有些你没想到或者没计划到的地方,你会发现有些可以赚钱、增加知名度,或者获得经验的机会。
The market had quite simply bought the rumour and, up to its eyeballs in fixed income exposure, sold the fact. 市场只是相当单纯地听到传言就买入,导致固定收益风险敞口大幅提升,而见到事实就卖出。
Acceptable neutrals and good color rendition are obtained upon exposure of the film to any one of a variety of illuminants. 胶片在任何一种变化光源照射下曝光时都能得到满意的中性灰和良好的彩色还原。
Mr Gao said that the fund did not want to see the market fall , but had a duty to manage its exposure to equities . 高西庆表示,社保基金不希望看到市场下跌,但有责任管理其在股票方面的投资。
Vatican officials have no doubt found the exposure of such internal dissent acutely embarrassing. 梵蒂冈官员无疑找到了这种内部持不同政见者,曝光令人极度尴尬。
None of these submissions will ever make it to the front page and they'll never get any type of exposure. 这些帖子从来就不能上头条,也永远也不会有机会被人关注。
Avoid sun exposure. Keep the tattooed area out of the sun for at least a few weeks. 避免阳光照射。在纹身后的头几周一定要做好防晒护理。
The taxpayer has no exposure to CIT through the TLGP debt, possibly a reason why the lender has been left to struggle so long. 美国纳税人没有通过临时流动性担保计划在CIT拥有风险敞口,这可能是CIT苦苦挣扎这么长时间的原因之一。
However, if a child could pick up the language merely by exposure he would be considered a real prodigy. 然而,如果一名儿童仅仅通过接触就能学会这门语言,他会被视作是一个真正的奇才。
Mr. Greenberg said the amount of exposure AIG faced under the contracts when he left was beside the point. 格林伯格说,他离职时AIG面临的合同风险敞口规模有多大不是问题所在。
She accepted that she would be called to account, and simply did not wish to endure further exposure. 她接受了,她就会被要求说明原因,而仅仅是不希望忍受自己被进一步地盘问。
Yes, I'd like to see the picture on my Northern Exposure DVD totally full frame rather than with a bit of edge cropping. 是,我希望看图片在我的北曝光DVD完全充分的框架而不是以一点边缘庄稼。
Etching the surface of germanium layer could decrease the dark current and increase the responsivity under the visible light exposure. 当蚀刻锗层的表面时,我们可以得到较低的暗电流并且提升可见光下的光响应。
Exposure to cats may raise a question of cat-scratch fever in a patient who presents with unilateral lymphadenopathy of an extremity. 和猫有过接触肢体单侧淋巴结病的病人可能和猫爪热有关。
Reasonable duct design to the glass tube and rapid cooling, easy to use continuous exposure, can greatly increase the work efficiency. 合理的风道设计使灯管及玻璃快速冷却,方便连续曝光使用,能大大提高工作效率。
However, because PE teachers out of years of exposure and a gentle temperament, an impression or a more solid man. 但是,因为体育教师多年历练出来的一种斯文气质,给人的感觉还是一个比较牢靠的男人。
Anyone's risk for cancer depends on many factors, from genetic makeup to the amount and length of time of an exposure. 一个人得癌症的几率有多大取决于很多要素,与基因构成和接触致癌物质的几和时间长短等都有关系。
For animals, vaccines are usually effective to stave off the virus, while humans can start prophylaxis within a week of exposure. 对于动物们来说,注射疫苗是避免感染狂犬病的最有效的途径,而对人类,在与病毒接触一周时间内也应该采取一系列预防措施。
There is a great different between exposure of the mind and that of the body. 表露思想和展露身体之间存在极大的不同。
She fled for refuge, as it were, to the public exposure, and dreaded the moment when its protection should be withdrawn from her. 她确实向这种示众场面寻求着避难之所,唯恐这项保护伞会从她身边撤掉。
In Canon cameras, the histogram is shown in the main photo review screen, together with a small preview of the photo and the exposure data. 佳能相机在预览照片的时候提供小窗显示直方图和曝光数据。
The gastrointestinal tract is usually contracted with spinal and epidural anesthesia, facilitating exposure of the surgical site. 脊髓和硬膜外麻醉时胃肠道呈收缩状态有利于手术野暴露。
Yes, that was what she had been fighting for, but she was not willing to earn victory at the price of exposure as an illiterate. 是的,那是她一直在争取的事情,但她不愿意以暴露自己文盲为代价去赢得胜利。
To help reduce your risk exposure, the first step is for you to believe you need this sort of program. 为了帮助你降低投资风险,第一步就是让你相信你需要这样的一个资金管理计划。
This study was designed to investigate the beneficial effect of caffeine at a dose comparable to that of human exposure in a model of PD. 本研究旨在探讨有益作用的咖啡因的剂量相若的人类暴露在局部放电模型。
There have been reports of poultry die off in her village and the case is reported to have had exposure to sick poultry. 有报告称,病人所在的村庄有家禽死亡情况。据报告,病人曾与病禽有过接触。
Exposure to a gas leak in an abandoned mine induced a former Army Air Corps officer to lapse into a form of suspended animation. 由于呼吸到了废弃矿井中的泄漏气体,一名前陆军航空队军官陷入了一种假死状态。
Addressing every potential data quality exposure in the solution is often an overwhelming task. 解决解决方案中的所有数据质量问题往往是很艰巨的任务。
the tea leaves out on the sun exposure can be used for several times with good results. 茶叶列于阳光照射,可用于与良好的效果好几次。