
美 [fer]英 [feə(r)]
  • n.展销会;商品交易会;露天游乐场;(评比农畜产品的)集市
  • adv.公正地;公平合理地;按照规则
  • adj.合理的;恰当的;适当的;秉公办事的
  • v.誊清;使表面平顺;整流;〈英方〉(天气)好转
  • 网络公平的;博览会;美丽的

比较级:fairer 最高级:fairest 复数:fairs

fair share,fair price,fair distribution,fair trial,fair weather



1.合理的;恰当的;适当的acceptable and appropriate in a particular situation

一视同仁treating people equally

2.(按法律、规定)平等待人的,秉公办事的,公正的treating everyone equally and according to the rules or law

相当大quite large

3.[obn](数量、大小)相当大的quite large in number, size or amount

相当好quite good

4.相当好的;不错的quite good


5.浅色的;白的pale in colour


6.晴朗的bright and not raining

7.顺风的not too strong and blowing in the right direction




alls fair in love and war

在情场和战场上可以不择手段in some situations any type of behaviour is acceptable to get what you want

be fair!

要讲道理used to tell sb to be reasonable in their judgement of sb/sth

by fair means or foul

不择手段using dishonest methods if honest ones do not work

a fair crack of the whip

(做某事的)适当机会a reasonable opportunity to show that you can do sth

fair enough

(指想法、建议)有道理,说得对,行used to say that an idea or suggestion seems reasonable

fairs fair

(尤用作感叹词,表示认为行动、决定等可以接受)彼此都要公平,应该公正才是used, especially as an exclamation, to say that you think that an action, decision, etc. is acceptable and appropriate because it means that everyone will be treated fairly

(give sb) a fair hearing

(给某人)申辩机会;(让某人接受)公平审讯(to allow sb) the opportunity to give their opinion of sth before deciding if they have done sth wrong, often in court

(give sb/get) a fair shake

(给某人╱得到)公平待遇(to give sb/get) fair treatment that gives you the same chance as sb else

(more than) your fair share of sth

(超过)合理的数量,恰当的数量(more than) an amount of sth that is considered to be reasonable or acceptable

fair to middling

一般水平;不过不失not particularly good or bad

its a fair cop

(当场被抓获时说)这是罪有应得,抓得有理used by sb who is caught doing sth wrong, to say that they admit that they are wrong


九年级英语单词表 ... serve 招待;端上 fair 公平的;公道的 campaign 运动 ...


圩_互动百科 ... 【market day】【 方】∶集市开市的日子。也叫“圩期” 【fair】【 方】∶集市 【market town】【 方】∶农村集市较 …


PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... fade 褪色;衰减;枯萎,消失 fair 集市,博览会,交易会 fairly 相当;公正地 ...


谁有剑桥英语二级词汇表_百度知道 ... excuse me inter 请原谅;打扰一下 fair adj 美好的;美丽的 fan n 电扇;扇子 ...


英语发音_百度文库 ... hair 头发 fair 交易会 care 关心 ...


26个字母打头的单词_百度知道 ... enthusiastic 热心的,热情的 fair 公正的 gentle 温和的 ...

Excuse me, Sir. but I think it's only fair to tell you that it's now or never if you want me in your next picture . 我想为了公平起见现在最好告诉您:您现在可以选择我做你下一部片子的演员,否则您永远不会有这个机会了。
George stood out in fair sight, on the top of the rock, as he made this declaration of independence. 乔治发表这篇独立宣言时,站在岩石之巅,轮廓清晰。
It generally refers to a society which affords individuals and groups fair treatment and a just share of the benefits of it. 它一般是指一个社会能提供个人和群体的公平待遇,以及对刚刚分享它的好处。
The fair was on before the temple. It had rained from the early morning and the day came to its end . 集市在寺庙前进行着。雨一大早就开始下了,白天就要结束了。
It's time we get out of this contract, its not fair to us, they make all of the money, we make nothing. 是我们跳出这个合同的时候了。这合同对我们不公平,他们赚去所有的钱,我们什么都没有得到。
Mary always love to take advantage of things. this time we done so fair. it has no weakness to exploit, no wonder she will be unhappy. Mary老是爱占便宜,这次这么公平,无机可乘,难怪她会不高兴。
So there remains plenty of confidence and a fair amount of capital ready to seize the opportunities. 因此,业内人士仍然信心充足、资金充沛,随时准备抓住机遇。
Make an effort to be more fair and more realistic with your own self, however, and I think you may be pleasantly surprised by the results. 努力更加公正,更加客观地看待自我吧,结果会让你大吃一惊的。
If he's home all day with the kids, it's not fair for her to come home and complain about the way he's dispensing his parental care. 如果他整日和孩子呆在家里,她回到家里抱怨他抚育的方式是不公平的。
His mother shook her head and wondered aloud whether life would be easier if he just let the science fair thing drop. 他的母亲摇着头说,她真想知道,如果科学展览会比赛的事情没有发生,是否他的日子会更容易些。
He sat down slowly, noticing, out of the corner of his eye, that she was even slimmer, and had nice fair hair and lovely eyes. 他慢慢坐下,从眼角的余光注意到她更苗条了,长着一头漂亮的金发和一双可爱的眼睛。
Does that seem fair for her to steal my heart away. 难道说她偷走我的心是公平的?
fair: Injures someone the matter not to be possible to do, benefits others the matter multi-fulfillments. 公正:害人之事不可做,利人之事多履行。
It did not seem fair to leave her in ignorance of what would necessarily affect her attitude towards him. 让她继续蒙在鼓里,不了解这件必然要影响她对他的态度的事,是不适宜的。
The boy was not. Once, he might have been a handsome child, with wide sea- green eyes, fair. 那个男孩则不同。曾经,他也是个英俊的孩子,有一双海绿色的大眼睛,长着一头金黄色的头发。但仅仅是曾经。
"It's fair to say that we're looking at the beginning of a process of preparing his son for leadership, " said the US official. “公平地说,我们正看到的是一个过程的开始,这一过程旨在让他的儿子准备好担任领导人,”上述美国官员表示。
He had several flavors of *nix, an NT server farm, and a fair collection of networking and remote access equipment. It was all his to rule. 他有几台*nix主机,一个NT服务器中心,一个漂亮的网络集合和远程访问设备,这些都归他管。
It's great to see the big fella back but he needs games. He's still got a fair bit of fitness to come. 能看到这个好家伙回来真的很棒,但他还需要上场比赛找回状态。当然他也还需一些路去恢复最佳。
Unfortunately, there has been a fair amount of confusion regarding cloud computing and its relationship with grid computing. 不幸的是,关于云计算及其与网格计算的关系存在许多误解。
And unto Absalom there were born three sons, and one daughter, whose name was Tamar: she was a woman of a fair countenance. 押沙龙生了三个儿子,一个女儿。女儿名叫他玛,是个容貌俊美的女子。
We are simply trying to be just and fair on the basis of a solid Islamic ground, which is a very hard task in itself. 我们只想努力在坚固的伊斯兰土地的基础上做到公正和公平,这项任务是很艰巨的。
It is fair to say that complexity, in its various manifestations, is one of the key technical and business concerns of our time. 我们可以说,复杂性以其多样的表现形式,成为我们这个时代的一项关键技术和业务利害。
But, to be fair, the German chancellor has been preaching the message of political union in a lower key way for more than a year. 但说句公道话,一年多来默克尔一直以一种相对低调的方式宣扬政治联盟。
We do not yet fully comprehend the new era, but it is fair to say that it is probably not going to be Bretton Woods III. 我们尚未充分理解这个新时代,但公平地讲,这个新时代不太可能是布雷顿森林体系III。
So if you're going to end up in hell due to a temptation to eat more than your fair share of stinky tofu, take a detour to Taipei first. 因此如果你计划走向纠结,因为诱惑吃了超过你可以承受的臭豆腐,绕个路去台北吧。或者如果你想强化一下你的恶习,转个弯去马尼拉。
life is never fair, get much, will depend on how much the best efforts, the live. 生命从来不是公平的,得到多少,便要靠那个多少做到最好,努力的生活下去。
I have made him fair by the multitude of his branches: so that all the trees of Eden, that were in the garden of God, envied him. 我使它的枝条蕃多,成为荣美,以致神伊甸园中的树都嫉妒它。
However, the company said that it had not decided whether to place a fair trade label on coffee grown on large plantations. 但是,该公司表示并没有决定要不要在那些大型种植园产出的咖啡产品上打上标签。
Her fair face into a faceplate, always toward the sun, daily follow him, to tell him her love will never change. 她的脸儿变成了花盘,永远向着太阳,每日追随他,向他诉说她永远不变的恋情。
Just like the heat of our hearts, the sun worked so hard and warmed the playground up for the annual Campus Charity Fair in the afternoon. 就像大家心中的热度一样,下午的太阳为暖场一年一度举行爱心义卖的操场,格外卖力地照耀着。