
美 [teɪm]英 [teɪm]
  • adj.养驯的;驯服的;平淡无奇的;枯燥乏味的
  • v.驯化;驯服;使易于控制
  • 网络甲基叔戊基醚(Tert-AMyl Methyl Ether);驯养;顺从的

比较级:tamer 最高级:tamest 第三人称单数:tames 现在分词:taming 过去式:tamed



2.(informal)平淡无奇的;枯燥乏味的not interesting or exciting

3.(informal)听使唤的;温顺的willing to do what other people ask


普通英汉小词典_翻译家(Fanyijia.com) ... tall 高 tame 驯服的 tan 黄褐色 ...

甲基叔戊基醚(Tert-AMyl Methyl Ether)

石油英语词汇(T1)--石油百科 ... tambour 鼓 TAME 甲基叔戊基醚 tamp 捣实 ...


扰字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 安抚;和顺〖 appease;pacify〗 驯养〖 raiseandtrain;tame〗 混乱;烦乱〖 confusion;chaos〗 ...


在职硕士英语词汇_百度文库 ... urge 催促 tame 驯化,驯养 urgent 紧急的,急迫的 ...


大学英语四级词汇表 ... tall n. 高的,身材高的 tame a. 驯服的;顺从的 tan n. 棕褐色 a.棕黄色的 ...


温的繁体字怎么写?-资讯-天涯问答 ... 性情温润[ warm and humid] 温顺[ meek;docile;tame] 温暾水[ sloppy;slovenly] ...


GRE词汇精选(核心词汇) ... tambourine 铃鼓,手鼓 tame 驯服的;沉闷的 tamp 捣实,砸实 ...

as a tame jackdaw with cap and stockings is always persecuted by the wild ones, when he happens to be got among them. 我倒像一只被人驯服的寒鸦,戴着帽子穿着长袍凑巧跑到野生的鸟群中去时,总是要受到迫害。
But, if the attempt to tame China goes horribly awry , make sure America is still around to help sort out the mess. 不过,如果驯化中国的企图走上歧途,要确保美国仍在附近,以帮助清理混乱的局面。
If these don't work, trying to style the hair in the direction of the cowlick's growth pattern should help tame the little beast. 如果这些都不行的话,试着剪一个顺发旋生长方向的发型会使那小缕头发伏贴。
Brent liked India but he thought her mighty plain and tame , and he simply could not fall in love with her himself to keep Stuart company. 布伦特也喜欢英迪亚,可是觉得她太平淡也太过分柔顺,他看书简直无法对她产生爱情,因此在这一点上就无法与斯图尔特作伴了。
But since the birth mother has never been to a parade grandmother Laoye heart, has always been a tame disobedient Cute thoughtful girls. 但是妈妈自出生以来就从来没有让姥姥姥爷操过心,一直都是一个温顺听话,乖巧懂事的女孩儿。
He is beginning to understand that his best hope for keeping these intrusions at bay is to slowly tame the beast that stalks him the media. 他开始懂得要想抵挡住这些侵扰,最好的办法是慢慢驯服媒体这头紧逼不放的野兽。
But if markets can inflict pain, the harm from trying to tame them is often worse, argue those who would let the invisible hand carry on. 但是如果市场可以施加痛苦,那么试图驯服市场带来的伤害往往更严重,愿意让“看不见的手”继续发挥作用的人士如此声辩。
By my nursing it so long it grew tame and fed upon the little green at my door, and would not go away. 由于我的长期的抚养,它竞渐渐驯服起来,整日在我门口吃草,不肯走开。
Let's take a look at some of the best ways to tame the Vista beast and make it a less naggy operating system to work on. 让我们来看看这些能驯服Vista使之成为你能够使用的不那么唠叨的操作系统的一些很好的方法。
"Isn't this your fault? " said the Little Prince, "I never wanted to hurt you, but you want me to tame you. . . " “难道不是你自己的错吗?”小王子说“我从没有想过要受害你,可你却希望我驯服你……”
"It is your own fault, " said the little prince. "I never wished you any sort of harm; but you wanted me to tame you. . . " “这是你的过错,”小王子说,“我本来并不想给你任何痛苦,可你却要我驯服你…”
Confessedly defeated, he was properly tame now and subdued. Aleck forgave him with her eyes. 自认吃了败仗,他也就俯首帖耳了。艾莱柯的眼神宽恕了他。
I saw abundance of parrots, and faIn I would have caught one, If possIble to have kept It to be tame, and taught It to speak to me. 我看到许多鹦鹉,很想捉一只驯养起来,教它说话。
The financial industry as a whole is going to become a lot more tame and plain vanilla when this is all over. 当这一切都结束时,金融业作为一个整体将要变得更加安全无害和结构简单的。
The tests' assumptions were far too tame: most obviously, they did not allow for the possibility of a Greek default. 然而这些测试并没有太大说服力。很明显,这并不包括希腊拖欠债务的可能。
Stevia is one of the growing number of products trying to tame America's sweet tooth. 甜菊是一种新兴产品,试图满足美国人对于甜食的喜好。
On the path of growing, we try to understand what is love and duty , trying to be tamed and tame others. 在成长的道路上,我们试图理解什么是爱和责任,试图驯服别人,或者被人驯服。
Beijing is trying to tame housing prices , rein in overly aggressive lending and stop banks from shifting loans off their books . 中国政府正努力降低房价,抑制过度贷款,并阻止银行继续私自消除坏账记录。
None of this had been part of the plan for Rock Avalanche, Battle Company's six-day mission to tame the valley before the onset of winter. 这些都已经不是“岩崩”行动的一部分了。他们原是计划是在冬至前的六天中攻下山谷。
But if you tame me , it will be as if the sun came to shine on my life. 如果你驯养我,那我的生命就会充满阳光,你的脚步声会变得和其他人的不一样。
For the left, government has failed to tame the cruelty of markets and lift the poor out of their misery. 对于左翼,政府没能消除市场的残酷并使人民脱离苦海。
If days were always just the same, Out-of-doors would be so tame -- Never a wild and windy day, Never a stormy sky of gray. 假若日子总是相同,户外就会缺乏刺激--不会有狂暴刮风的日子,不会有灰暗风暴的天空。
A goal that's readily apparent as Tame sets off on the run, with friends in a mini-control room pushing out his video to Ustream. 当Tame开始跑步时,一个很容易明白的目标是他的朋友们在一个微控制屋子里把他的视频发布到Ustream上。
Eating a healthy snack of a piece of fruit or some raw veggies can tame your hunger without ruining your appetite for your next meal. 吃一些水果或者原料蔬菜这样的健康零食既可以垫垫饥,也不会影响你下一顿的食欲。
I have decided not to grow up tame like the others who lay their necks on the threshold waiting for the ball and chain. 我决定不要长大变成像别人那么温顺的样子,把脖子搁在门槛上等待甜蜜的枷链。
But we backed away from that moment again and again, circling it, stalking it, until we had it cornered and began to tame it with words. 然而我们一次又一次回避那个时刻,仿佛它是一只野兽,我们一圈一圈围着它,一点一点逼近它,直到把它逼进死角,才开始用言语驯化它。
The solitary hunter or explorer needs no one as they venture out among the deer and wolves to tame the great wild areas. 孤独的猎人,孤独的探险者,在鹿群和狼群中间冒险,去征服广袤的荒野,这时他们并不需要有人陪伴。
The IMF says China's consumer prices is likely to peak within the next month or two, but housing prices will be more difficult to tame. 国际货币基金组织表示,中国居民消费价格有可能在未来一两个月达到顶点,但房价将更加难以控制。
Email Print China has raised interest rates incrementally over the last six months in an ongoing effort to tame rapidly rising prices there. 半年来,中国持续通过上调银行存贷款利率来抑制快速上涨的物价。
The US can act to tame budget deficits and set our economy on a sound footing for the next prosperity surge. Or not. It is our choice. 美国可以采取行动遏制预算赤字,为下一轮经济大发展打下坚实的基础。也可以按兵不动。这是我们所面临的选择。