the road

  • 网络末日危途;路;末路浩劫

the roadthe road

the road


末日危途》(The Road)这本小说为考麦克·麦卡锡拿下了2006年的布莱克纪念奖(James Tait Black Memorial Prize),20…

》(the road)这本小说为考麦克·麦卡锡拿下了2006年的布莱克纪念奖(james tait black memorial prize),2006年的美 …


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张静初 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 ... 玉战士 Jadesoturi 芳香之旅 The Road 七夜 Seven Nights ...


长路》(The Road),台湾:麦田出版社,2008,ISBN 978-986-173-436-1《险路》(No Country for Old Men),台湾: …


配乐:选用尼诺罗塔(Nino Rota)为义大利名导费里尼(Federico Fellini)知名电影作品“大路”(The Road)所原创的配乐。A…


1954年 《道路》(The Road):这是费里尼最重要的一部影片,为他赢得第一个奥斯卡。是让他的观众流泪最多的一部影片, …


打赌之路(The Road)良久而独处,每一个赌徒反面都有一串故事.我不过一个通俗赌徒,人生的道路虽然漫长,但紧要处往往只有 …

Then a dog began to howl somewhere in a farm house far down the road--a long, agonized wailing, as if from fear . 接着,路尽头一所农舍附近响起狗的汪汪声,那是一声长长的哀鸣,似乎是因恐惧而发出的声音。
I was walking onto a bridge next to one of the road. It was great that I could find my way home. I looked back at her. 我走上路边的一座桥。太好了,我居然看到了回家的方向。我回头看她。
City Defense - The Road is going to be Unpublished. The new version: CITY DEFENSE RELOAD is NOW AVAILABLE on MARKET. 城防-道路是已经发表。新版本:城防再装现已上市。
There was a small deserted cabin nearby, just a few steps off the road. 附近有一个废弃的小茅屋,就离路边几步远。
I passed out on to the road and saw by the lighted dial of a clock that it was ten minutes to ten. 我穿过站台走到路上,看到灯光照亮的表盘上是差十分钟十点。
On the way home Mike put it down on the road and looked at it. It was made of clay and had three legs. 在回家的路上,迈克把锅放在路上看了看它,它是一口粘土制成的三条腿的锅。
The bottom half of the road experiences tension, meaning that it elongates like a spring pulled apart. 路的下端也受到张力,这意味着它像一个伸长的弹簧一样拉长。
In the end I signed a receipt and he dogged me out to my car and stood in the road as I drove away, following me with his eyes. 最后我开了张收据,他跟着我出来,一直到我的汽车跟前,站在路中央看着我开车离去。
If experiments show the road is short and easy then it would be a strong argument for the ubiquity of life in space. 如果实验表明这是很容易简便的,它将成为“宇宙中生命是普遍存在的”最有力的证据。
So they turned round and began to go back in the other direction, on the road into the swamp. 他们转身从另一个方向往回走,他们走在通往沼泽的路上。
The road to the village goes through a shallow gulley which can be crossed only by an off-road vehicle in case of rough weather. 通往村庄的道路经过一条浅浅的隘谷,天气不好的时候只有越野车能通过。
Back in Australia, the Trade Minister and I will be going on the road to state capitals to argue what China 2. 0 is all about. 回澳大利亚后,我和贸易部长会到各州的首府去,去讲讲中国二点零是怎么回事。今年下半年,我们还想来中国。
One day, Wilson was walking quietly along the road when somebody gave him a violent blow on the back of the neck. 一天,威尔逊正沿着马路静静地散步,突然背后有人朝他脖子猛击了一下。
I didn't use the restaurant. Breakfast was not included in my rates and looked a bit Chinese to me - plenty of places down the road. 我没有去酒店的餐厅吃饭,早餐没有包含在我们的房费中,不过附近也有很多吃饭的地方。
They do not know how to cross six lanes of the road, how are countless little finger of the office floors. 他们不知道怎样穿过六车道的马路,小小的手指怎么也数不清写字楼的层数。
Anyway, I had a walk up and down and found a bar at the end of the road called Gullivers. 无论如何,我不得不步行上下,发现在所谓的格里菲道路年底一间酒吧。
Sometimes, it seems as though civilian drivers merely failed to get off the road fast enough. 有时候,好像是平民司机离开道路的速度不够快。
I saw the car slowly inclined to stop on the left side of the road, opposite a few cars could have foreseen all this, first stop in tight. 只见车子慢慢的斜停在了路的左边,对面有几辆小车可能预见了这一切,都先停在了原地没动。
I much prefer that to any other form, since code is where the "rubber meets the road" with respect to performance. 比起其他形式我更喜欢这种,因为代码是关系到性能“出现偏差”的地方。
If Iraq sticks to the road map laid out for it by the United Nations, _sanctions_ could be lifted without more ado. 如果伊拉克遵守由联合国制定的路线图,那么对它的制裁可以轻松解除。
She was getting nervous and decided to pay very close attention to the road and the next intersection to see what was going on. 她很紧张,决定专心看路,看看下个十字路口到底会发生什么事。
The utilities contend that this reduced capacity will result in curtailed service and higher prices some years down the road. 公共车业公司强烈认为生产能力的这种降低将造成今后几年服务的削减和价格的提高。
Never pass another car on a curve or near the top of a hill; obey the signs you see along the road. 切勿在弯路或近山顶之处超越它车,要遵守沿途看见的交通标志。
Come together the way you and I have a full picture, why not continue to go on like this painting? And a half on the road to stop what can? 一起走过的路上都写满了你我的画面,为什么不继续画下去呢?半路上就停下又能作何?。
The air was full of bad smells, and the road full of men and women who drunk too much. 空气中弥漫着各种臭味,路上挤满了喝得酩酊大醉的男男女女。
Further down the road again and over a railway line even closer to the sea, fisherman Mervyn Jayasuriya stands in the rubble of his home. 沿路再向下走一段,越过一条离海更近的铁路,渔民梅文.加亚苏利亚站在他家的废墟上。
Authorities closed the highway after three car drivers skidded off the road, trying to dodge the frogs. 当局关闭了高速公路后,三车司机滑出路面,试图回避青蛙。
The Toad never answered a word, or budged from his seat in the road; so they went to see what was the matter with him. 蟾蜍一声不吭,坐在路上纹丝不动。他俩只得过去,看看究竟出了什么事。
The global economy seems to be on the road to recovery, thanks to massive government stimulus plans worldwide. 由于大量的政府刺激计划,世界经济似乎正在复苏。
But Narcissa was not listening; she had slipped through a gap in the rusty railings and was already hurrying across the road. 但纳西莎根本没有听她说;她已经从生锈的护栏里找了个缺口钻了过去,急匆匆地准备过马路了。