to the sky

  • 网络飞向天空;去天空图片;在天空

to the skyto the sky

to the sky


MTV音乐频道 MTV Networks Taiwan 2013 ... Neon (闪耀) To The Sky (飞向天空)... Euphoria (幸福感应)... ...


圣坛图片 Altar - 图蛙 ... 老烟道图片 Old chimney 去天空图片 To the sky 在天空中双胞胎图片 Twins in the sky ...


... We'll return,dear 我们将复燃,亲爱的 To the sky 在天空 And we'll banish the pain and the sorrow 我们将摒弃痛苦和悲伤 ...


形容词.程度_英语学习教室_新浪博客 ... to the satisfaction of 满意 to the sky 无保留地 to the teeth 当面 ...


疯狂英语口语版... ... 26 To the Sky 飞向蓝天 38 The Top Ten Words of 2010 2010 年度十大热词盘点(一) ...


博文_华仔_新浪博客 ... better off 会更好 To The Sky 直到苍穹 pedalo 脚踏船 ...

Go up to the sky but not giving him such a chance, Molunyin resists nobleman's insulting being cruelly killed. 上天却不给他这样的机会,莫伦因反抗贵族的侮辱惨遭杀害。
Good, let us try to slow us stretch the right leg to the sky, buttocks leg strength and his hands left the support of the ground safely. 好,让我们慢慢的试着将我们的右腿向天空舒展,臀部腿部用力,双手左脚稳稳的支撑地面。
He tossed his walking-stick into the air which turned into a bridge leading to the sky. 他随手把拐棍抛向空中,便成了一座天桥,两人踏着天桥上天,进了月宫。
There are painted on and off the top of the curve, point to the sky and the earth, seems to be forming a circle. 上面绘有断断续续的曲线,指向天空和大地,又似乎形成一个圆圈。
"I'm going up to the Sky Room and find somebody that'll dance with me, " he announced. "G'night. " He swayed softly toward the elevator. “我要去天房找个人跟我跳舞。”他嘟囔着:“完安。”他蹒跚着走向电梯。
For a week of darkness and uncertainty to the sky suddenly. 连续一周阴暗的天空转瞬间又明朗起来。
He then pointed to a great new building there, with turrets and watch towers thrusting up to the sky. 然后,他指向那里一栋宏伟的新建筑,其塔楼和瞭望塔直插苍穹。
If I got good result, I'll be happy up to the sky, bad result, I'll feel down for 5 minutes perhaps, then happy again. 以前我考得好的话,高兴得飞起来,考得不好,我会心情低落五分钟,然后也高兴了。
She raised her eyes to the sky to watch the fire craft that announced the New Year extinguished. 她抬头仰望蓝天,注视着飞船上的彩灯熄灭,宣告新年伊始。
Our in having the once , the dream, Zeng and schoolmates shout out together to the sky: "Have had a holiday " ! 有一次,梦中的我,曾和同学们一起对着天空喊出:“放假了!”
There is a useful German saying, "The trees do not grow up to the sky. " 德国有一句有用的俗语:“大树高不过天”。
In the past, some people would cut off the thread when the kite flew to the sky, letting it drift to wherever the wind took it. 过去,有的人把风筝放上蓝天后,便剪断牵线,任凭清风把它们送往天涯海角,据说这样能除病消灾,给自己带来好运。
I do not like the lonely time looks up to the sky, because it too has been perfect, lets tiny me feel originally baser and lower. 我不喜欢寂寞的时候仰望天空,因为它太完美了,让原本就渺小的我感到更加卑微。
He had been the first to turn a telescope to the sky, and he had seen there evidence enough to overthrow Aristotle and Ptolemy together. 他是第一个用望远镜观察天空的人,由此获得的大量证据足以推翻Aristotle和Ptolemy两人的论据。
as i look up to the sky today, i can feel you looking down on me. 这样,当我抬起头时,我就能够感受到你的目光。
He could not but look up to the sky and sigh deeply when his lifetime of frustrations passed through his mind. 想起自己坎坷的一生,他不由仰天长叹。
Often he would sit with his nose to the sky, turning his head this way and that as if to check the wind. 他常常蹲坐着,鼻子冲向空中,头转过来转过去,好像在查验风向。
Drift, let me. Sing to the sky, will I. One in many, are we. Let us breathe the breeze and find therein our roots in the spirit. 让我漂移吧。我将对着天空歌唱。我们是许多人中的一部分。让我们呼吸着微风,在那里寻找我们精神的根源
Chen is not up to the sky resigned and a concussion. 陈顶天的辞职并不是一时激动。
A man held a dismembered leg up to the sky with a questioning gaze as if he wanted me to tell him what to do. 一个男人拿着自己被炸断的腿,质问般的注视好像要我告诉他要做什么。
When the earth was still flat, and the clouds made of fire, and mountains wretched up to the sky, sometimes higher, folks roamed the earth. 当地球仍是平的、云彩由火构成并且山脉高高插入天空时,而且有时更高,人们在大地上游走。
I always looked up customary head to look to the sky, in the rise of the moment that I have always seen ourselves. 我总是习惯性的把头抬起来望向天空,在抬头的那瞬间我总是看清了自己。
One second later, she die. 1. 25L blood come out from her mouth, just like the dragon flying to the sky. 1秒钟后,她死了。1.25升的血浆从她嘴里喷出,就像龙婆飞上了九云霄。
Want to fly to the sky to see what, fly to the legend of "South Gate" look at me the worship of the deity who lived a kind of life. 想飞到天边去看看什么样子,飞到传说中的“南天门”看看我所崇拜的神仙们过着怎样的生活。
Lisa spent the next few weeks running around and looking up to the sky, and slowly found all the letters of the alphabet. Lisa接着花了几周时间四处寻觅,并向着天上看,渐渐地,她找到了字母表中所有字母。
He raised his hands to the sky, then gestured toward a state functionary visiting his farm. 他举手向天,随后又指了指查看其农田的国家公务员。
Banks more or to find the most income-generating loan business, and neglect to the sky in real time business transformation. 银行更多地还是寻求最能带来收益的贷款业务,而疏于在业务转型方面真正天上时光。
Some of the children, myself included, rode in the back of the truck, exposed to the sky and whatever weather might develop. 一些孩子也包括我在内,乘坐在卡车上的后面,暴露在天空的下面,而没有考虑天气会怎样变化。
he has been pegged to the hair, body from top to bottom was a lot of small rope tied, can only look up to the sky. 他的头发也被钉住,浑身上下被很多细绳子捆绑着,只能仰望天空。
Past the young although gone for ever, but due to listen carefully to the sky, and as he said that, so we have a better today. 过去的年轻虽然一去不复返,但由于认真听了天空的话,并按他说的那样做,所以我们拥有了美好的今天。