
美 [rɪˈvju]英 [rɪˈvjuː]
  • n.回顾;述评;审查;评论
  • v.回顾;复习;审核;反思
  • 网络综述;评审;检查

第三人称单数:reviews 现在分词:reviewing 过去式:reviewed

critical review,brief review,comprehensive review,good review,favorable review
review policy,write review,review case,undertake review,review book
carefully review,critically review


n. v.

1.[u][c]评审,审查,检查,检讨(以进行必要的修改)an examination of sth, with the intention of changing it if necessary

2.[c][u](对图书、戏剧、电影等的)评介,评论a report in a newspaper or magazine, or on the Internet, television or radio, in which sb gives their opinion of a book, play, film/movie, etc.; the act of writing this kind of report

3.[c]报告;汇报;述评;回顾a report on a subject or on a series of events


五是复习Review)——阅读过的内容要在脑中长期保持,就必须复习。通过复习加深对阅读的巩固、理解,并建立有关内容 …


代码回顾(review)与重构试图把信息放在不同的文件中,并努力维持它们之间的同步,是一种非常费力不讨好的事情……(P108) …


王陆807听力单词精选_百度文库 ... reference n. 参考书目,证 明人 review n. 评论 analysis n. 分析 1.4 ...


综述Review):报道磁共振成像领域的前沿性进展。 读片(Case Report):对罕少见病例或疑难病例的诊断和解读。


项目管理术语英汉对照表 - MBA智库百科 ... Revenue Cost 收入成本收益成本 Review 评审 Reviewers 评审员 ...


隶字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 通“离”。流离〖 livethelifeofarefugee〗 检查〖 examine;review;inspect〗 练习〖 practise〗 ...


水利工程专业英语 - 河林的日志 - 网易博客 ... quality control, 质量控制 review审查 risk, 风险 ...


人教版高中英语单词表(第三册上必修) - 豆丁网 ... jokingly ad. 开玩笑地 review vt. 检查;复审;复习 researcher n. 研究人员 ...

That, in effect, was the unpalatable message delivered by the Bank of England on August 12th in its quarterly review of the economy. 事实上,这个信息的来源是英国银行于八月12日发布的季度经济情况报告,尽管该报告并不是令人满意的。
A few days before a big social-science exam, the instructor informed us that he would hold an optional review session the next day. 在一场大型社会科学考试前几天,导师通知我们第二天他将会给我们上一节选修复习课。
The SFC regime overseeing IPO sponsors came into effect three years ago and it was an appropriate time for a review. 香港证监会监督IPO保荐人的机制三年前开始实施,如今恰好是审核这一机制的时机。
Review options with spot welding or sewing, with a strong ear band not easy to fall. 可选用内覆点焊或缝纫,耳带牢固不易掉落。
She said that she was trying to recover her property through legal means, but "so far, no judge has dared to review our complaint" . 她还表示她将尽力通过法律渠道追回自己的财产,但是“到目前为止还没有那个法官敢于受理我们的复审请求。”
Review schedules and identify days and the time when all family members are available--even if it's two or three days. 修改时间表和确定有空的天数,确定所有的家庭成员有空的时间—即使是两天或三天。
It's disappointing that a review which purports to be so comprehensive is simply not up to speed on many major changes in primaries. 这是一份令人失望的审查。它看起来非常全面,但是根本没有赶上初等教育的几个大方面变化的步伐。
We totally agree that at least we have to review the level of demonstration now at least about how we reduce and how much we reduce. 我们完全同意,现在至少必须考虑示威的程度,我们如何缩小范围,缩小多少。
The MFGMO shall review the qualification of fuel gas appliance installation units once a year and announce the result of the review. 市燃气管理处对燃气器具安装单位的资质每年复审一次,并予以公布。
You can review the report to determine how many stories are ready to release and to better understand the rate of the team's progress. 您可以检阅报表,判断已准备好发行的本文数目,并更了解小组的进展速度。
Opinions on how the review might be improved with additional data or resources might also be included here. 如何补充资料或资源以改进评价在这一部分也应说明。
President Obama said the review shows that the United States and its partners are "on track" to reach their goals. 奥巴马总统称年度综论表明美国和其伙伴国正“走向正轨”,正在向目标前进。
Make it a habit to do weekly or monthly review. Use numbers to help you track results. 养成每周或每月回顾总结的习惯,用数据来帮助你跟踪结果。
This review emphasizes the integration of such knowledge into a concept of asthma as an air pollution - host defense disorder . 这篇综述强调把这些知识综合到气喘病的概念之中,将其认作是一种空气污染-本体防御的失调。
Furthermore, at the request of any Shareholder, the parties agree to an annual financial review for a previous year of business. 此外,经股东提议,双方同意对上一年度的业务进行年度财务评论。
He said he also will attend the country-review sessions on China, as he already does with those on the U. S. and the euro zone. 他说他还将参加成员国对中国的经济政策举行的审查会议,他已经与这些国家召开过对美国和欧元区的审查会议。
It had also decided to ring-fence the defence department this year while carrying out a strategic review of the armed forces. 政府也决定在今年当进行武装部队检阅时,加固国防部。
Amazon's solution is described Jared Spool in his latest article, and was as simple as adding the question: 'was this review helpful to you? JaredSpool在他最新的文章中讲述了Amazon的方法,非常简单,只是在每条评论的下面加了一个问题:“这条评论对你有用吗?”
Is there anything else that would be helpful for me to know or to prepare prior to my performance review? 在我的业绩评估准备中,我还应该做哪些事情来提高呢?
An Incident Report is filled up for Management review and the incident is recorded down in the Assistant Manager log book. 必须做好事件报告以备管理层查阅,同时其经理助理也应该将其记录在日志上。
The disaster led to a review of the country's energy policy that has left less than a quarter of its remaining nuclear plants still in use. 这场灾难也让日本重新审视其能源政策,目前只有不到四分之一的核电站在使用。
At the end of each sprint, the team shows off the work that it has accomplished during the Sprint Review meeting. 在每一次冲刺的结尾阶段,团队会冲刺评审会议阶段展示所完成的工作。
Most of the studies in the review had been conducted in the United States, while one came out of Canada and the other out of South Africa. 总结报告中的过往研究,除了一份来自加拿大,一份来自南非,其他都是在美国完成的研究。
The number of computers that you will have to review depends on the server topology you chose for your installation. 必须要检查的计算机的数量取决于您为安装选择的服务器拓扑。
And he says, whatever the outcome of the Obama Administration's review, Europe needs some sort of missile defense. 他说,不论奥巴马当局的检讨结果,欧洲需要某种类型的导弹防御系统。
Review the adequacy of any other previous product process or equipment corrective actions. 对其他已进行的生产过程和设备的整改效果的审核。
The resume gibs a brief review of your work experience and education in a way that is factual and easy to read. 在简历中,你要实事求是地简单回顾一下你的工作经历和教育经历,要写得简洁明了,方便阅读。
The scope of a review will largely determine the extent to which studies included in a review are diverse. 一个系统评价的范围,在很大程度上决定于纳入该系统评价中各个研究的差异性。
The key habit to actualizing your goals: Review your goals at least once a week. 实现你目标的关键习惯是:至少每周一次回顾你的目标。
Therefore, exercises should not be done is to fling trouble, but should sort out on a regular basis, as a review when the reference. 因此就是做过的习题也不应一扔了事,而应当定期进行分类整理,作为复习时的参考资料。