who cares

  • na.管它呢?
  • 网络谁管你呀;谁在乎;谁在乎呢

who careswho cares

who cares


非常实用的英语口语--吴晓燕 ... Go for it! 加油! Who Cares! 谁管你呀! Out of the question! 不可能的 ...


实用英语短句_PHP_领测软件测试网 ... What’s the use? 这有甚莫用? Who cares? 谁在乎? What for? 这是干嘛? ...


2009年... ... C. I don't mind at all" 我根本不在意"。均不符合当时的语境。 A.Who cares?" 谁在乎呢?" B. No problem" 没问题"…


2001年的电影_没话找话_百度空间 ... 《 紫日 Purple Sunset》 《 谁说我不在乎 Who Cares 》 《 安阳婴儿 Anyangde guer》 ...


常用的英语短... ... 338. 你有意见吗? Do you have an opinion? 340. 谁管那么多Who cares? 342. 你行不行啊? Can you do …


我不介意。I don't mind. ... 这不关我的事。 It’s not my business. 谁在乎啊Who cares? 我不介意。 I don’t mind. ...


... 80、Who is that man over there ? Do you know? 那个男人是谁?有谁知道? 82、Who cares? 谁在意? 76、Who are you? …


英语 关心 怎么拼_百度知道 ... 5. 关心在意 : care about sth 6. 谁关心 : Who cares 7. 互不关心 : Mutual Disinterest ...

She never licks anybody -- whacks 'em over the head with her thimble -- and who cares for that, I'd like to know. 她从来没揍过任何人——她不过是用顶针在头上敲敲罢了——谁还在乎这个,我倒是想问问你。
If I make a fool of myself, who cares? I'm not frightened by anyone's perception of me. 如果我装傻,有谁会在意?只能是自己哄骗了自己。别人对我的看法吓不倒我。
Who cares what he wanted? Can't we please just try and get out of this with whatever shred of dignity this family has left? 谁会在意他想什么?我们可不可以不要再谈这个事,保留下我们家庭这唯一的一些尊严?。
By the time you found out it was just a sugar pill, you were feeling great, so who cares? 当你发现那只不过是个糖片的时候,你都感觉很好了,那谁还在乎是不是药片呢?
sometimes people put up walls, not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to knock them down. 有时,人会举起墙,不是想让人留在外面,可是是看清谁足够心已能到打到那个墙。
This book belongs on the bookshelf of every developer who cares passionately about quality and craftsmanship. 每个在乎软件质量和专业技艺的开发人员都应该阅读此书。
Who cares? If it happens just keep smiling and if appropriate refer to it to produce an easy laugh for your audience. 如果这些事情发生了,只要保持微笑,合适的话,这很容易就可以让你的听众发出笑声。
Viet Nam can handle this problem, or not. Who cares? As long as the US stays out of it. 越南可以处理好这个问题,或者不能?谁管它呢?只要美国不插手就好了。
Gruenfeld suggests asking someone who cares about your development as well as the quality of your performance to tell you what she thinks. 格林菲尔德建议问一下那些关心你的发展以及行动能力的人,他们是怎么想的。
who cares what you think of me? 你怎么看我都无所谓。
He said he had withdrawn his savings and placed them in a bank safe deposit box "for security. Who cares about interest right now? " 他表示,他已经支取了自己的存款,将其存放在一个银行保管箱里“以保证安全。现在谁还在乎利息?”
Sometimes you put walls up not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to break them down. 有时候你建起的心灵围墙并不是为了远离人群,而是为了看清楚谁在乎去打破它。
So who cares that she is now slightly long in the tooth and that the warranty on her implants might have expired? 所以又有谁在意她现在的牙齿有点长了,且又有谁在意她的矽胶隆乳保险可能也可能早就过期了?
Who cares. . . all the frenzy over two godless countries trying to gain superpower status. 谁管它呢……两个邪恶的国家疯狂的想要成为超级强国。
None of these intangibles are very costly , but they all do take the time and thoughtfulness of a manager who cares . 其中没有一样会增加成本,但是它们的的确确需要花费时间。
Upon the coming of this fashion week full of pleasure and pains, every person who cares about fashion will have every reason to be excited. 在这有苦有乐的时装周到来的时候,每个关心时尚的人都能找到让人兴奋的理由。
I wanna die, with someone, ya know, who cares about me. Don't wanna die for a woman, I wanna die laying next to a woman. 我要死在…你知道,死在关心我的人身边,不是要为女人而死,而是死在女人身边。
You might think the client's business plan is not your problem. Who cares if the client ends up broke as long as you get paid, right? Wrong. 你可能会认为客户的商业计划和你没有关系——拿到钱就行了,谁在乎他们是不是会破产呢?如果你这样想,就大错特错了。
Who cares that the child of my grandson won't have the possibility to drink clean water and breathe clean air? 谁在乎我的曾孙子们不会有机会喝到干净的水、呼吸到干净的空气?
"Who cares if the bourgeois can no longer travel or live in comfort. The greatest menace to most Africans is hunger, " he said. 瓦德说:“谁在乎资产阶级再也不能舒适的旅行或居住。非洲人民最大的威胁是饥饿。”
Life is like a game. We may be indulged into her, intoxicated in her and lose ourselves, thus, who cares? 生活像是一场游戏。我们可能被她纵容,沉醉其中,迷失了自我。但是,谁在乎呢?
Hire some real translators or at least someone who cares about the quality of his or her work. 请聘请一些真正的翻译员或至少是一些真正关心其翻译质量的译员。
Who cares if it's a copy or not. Does it fire 'lolly pop' missiles, are bullets made up of sugar, do the bombs explode with rose petals? 谁会在意是否是山寨货。它发射的是棒棒糖导弹吗,子弹是糖做的吗,炸弹爆炸时会绽放玫瑰花瓣?
Part of me is like, who cares, it's just a piece of paper, they're adults, why shouldn't I just be nice and help my friend? 我想要问的是,谁会关心呢?这仅仅是一张纸而已,他们已是成人,我为什么不高高兴兴的帮助我朋友呢?
"If it changed me for the better, who cares? " she says. “如果这样让我变得更好,谁还在乎呢?”她说。
So yah, Taiwan is a country or not, who cares, the government is just plain garbage, not worthy the designation of a real country. 来看看真的历史。台湾只是一个省份,他在一个君主专制的(而不是民族,民主的)国家之下。
The scenario here is one of an employer who cares about two tasks and an agent who finds it easier to do only one of them. 这篇手稿中的场景是:雇主希望雇员把两个任务都完成好,但这位雇员觉得同时完成两个任务有些困难。
Or if Linux is too big of a threat, they'll have reasons that you can no longer have Silverlight on Linux. Who cares? 如果Linux对其的威胁变大时,他们也一定有理由说你无法在Linux上使用Silverlight了,谁管你?
"I just take good care of her, " said Shaughnessy, 51, who cares for Chanel with her husband, Karl. "I treat her like a person. " 51岁的肖尼西说:“我很悉心地照顾她,像对待人一样对待她。”肖尼西与她的丈夫卡尔一同看养香奈尔。
Student: Atheist Oh ok. Whatever it is you could live with that artificial categorization and who cares. 学生,无神论者,那好吧,无论是什么你都可以接受,人工划分,那么谁在意。