ten years

  • 网络十年;他已经十年没有教过书了;十岁

ten yearsten years

ten years


一个年代就是十年ten years),现在是多少年代就是现在年份从右往左数的第二位数(倒数第二位数)。2.2007年 就是21世 …



Chapter 04_Fiction_英语Fiction_在线小说... ... Ten years.“ 十岁。” Jane Eyre,sir.“ 简·爱,先生。” ...


幻钢琴_杨亮_专辑_酷我音乐 ... 十年 Ten Years 播放十年 Ten Years 记得 Remember ...


2011-05-20 小草月亮1  1.:[约稿]我的十年(Ten years)网游进程.刘亦菲.dqs_0521@sohu 2.:[约稿]我的跑跑之路.刘亦菲.dqs_0…

Then, all her hair turns in every curl to show how much she is in such a deep sorrow that never ever had for ten years. 发卷里裹着她所有的悲伤,那深深的悲伤就是那男孩从未来过电话。
On the fourth day, when I lifted her up, I felt a sense of intimacy returning. This was the woman who had given ten years of her life to me. 第四天,当我把妻抱起时,我感觉到久违了的一股亲密情感似乎又回来了。就是怀中的这个女人,曾把她生命中美好的十年光阴给了我。
With a bit of luck, over the ten years of Dr Hazen's project, the veil of ignorance will be lifted a little. Hazen博士今后10年多的项目研究,加上一些运气,无知的面纱将会揭开一点点。
He would have given ten years of his life to hear it, in order that he might bear away in his soul a little of that music. 他宁肯减少十年寿命也要听听她的声音,要在自己的灵魂里留下一点点这样的音乐。
The last time I saw Rogers was more than ten years ago. At least that's what I thought until last Thursday. But now I'm not so sure. 我最后一次见到罗格是十多年前,至少直到上周四我一直这样认为,但是现在我不敢肯定了。
That's not to say that you will be waiting ten years for a sale, but think of your photos as some sort of farm crop. 这并不是说,你将会等待十多年的销售,但一想到你的照片作为某种作物。
The check is for only a portion of the money he owes me. But since he took almost ten years to send this amount, I am glad to see it. 虽然这张支票仅仅偿还了他欠我的钱的一部分,但这是他过了十年才寄来的,我还是很高兴。
And although he wore a long gown it was dirty and tattered. It had not by the look of it been washed or mended for ten years or more. 穿的虽然是长衫,可是又脏又破,似乎十多年没有补,也没有洗。
He began wandering about for his living at the age of fifteen and ten years later he managed to set up his own career as an actor. 他十五岁开始闯天下,十年后终于当上了演员。
He said the results suggest there is no major risk of acoustic neuromas in the first ten years of using cell phones. 他说结果表明在使用无线电话的前十年,听神经瘤的产生和无线电话的使用之间没有显示出明显的关联。
Elaine looked at him, how can take ten years ago the dark, thin and short kid associate. But she was polite smile at him. 芷兰看着他,怎么都不能把十几年前那又黑又瘦又矮的小毛孩联想在一起。但她还是礼貌的冲他微微一笑。
Anyway, when I got that first cell phone I signed up for a monthly plan, and I stayed with it for the next ten years. 总之,我得到第一个手机的时候制定了一个月计划,而且一直坚持了十年。
He loved history and he had been totally absorbed in medieval England since the death of his wife ten years ago. 他热爱历史,自十年前他妻子去世以后,一直埋头于对英格兰中世纪的研究。
You know not that long ago, like ten years ago, traveling to Manchester would seem to be a long way from London. 就像十年前,从伦敦去曼彻斯特都被看作是长途旅行。
An old schoolmate and chum of mine, of ten years ago, wants me to read him all that I write as fast as I write it. 又有一位我十年前的老同学、老室友要我把我写的都念给他听,写得有多快就念多快。
The seat, inflexible, I get the ten years of EnEnYuanYuan, ready to leave. 呆板的座位上,我释怀着十几年的恩恩怨怨,准备离开。
During the ten years of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, there was only one form of music creation, adaptation. 在“浩劫”的十年间,中国钢琴音乐的创作几乎只有一种形式,那就是——改编。
Nearly ten years had passed since the Dursleys had woken up to find their nephew on the front step, but Privet Drive had _1_ changed at all. 自从德思礼夫妇一觉醒来在大门口台阶上发现他们的外甥以来,快十年过去了,女贞路却几乎没有变化。
I would gladly give ten years of my life to be able to spend one hour weeping at her feet. ' 要是能够在她脚下哭上一个小时,要我少活十年,我也心甘情愿。
After ten years of marriage, the husband drifted away from his wife's views. 结婚10年后,丈夫与妻子在看法上开始发生分歧。
Yet Athenians were also saying, with wistful smiles, that, for the past ten years or so, it had been a good party. 与此同时,雅典人带着若有所思的微笑说,过于十多年里它一直是个好政党。
If he had been half an hour earlier, he could have met his old classmate he had not seen for ten years. 如果他早到半个小时,他就能看到阔别十年的老同学了。
I work with him for ten years, so I know him like the back of my hand. 我跟他一起工作十年了,对他了如指掌。
For China as a member of the world, I think in the next ten years there would be some tension among China and countries like the U. 对于世界的一员中国,我觉得未来的十年,中国和其它国家比如美国,可能有一些紧张局面。
She gave me a few hints and was kind enough to send me a copy of the book titled Ten Years of Medicine and the Arts. 她给了我一些线索,还非常热情的发给我《医药和艺术的十年》这本书的副本。
As you know, I decided to give it up ten years ago. 你知道,早在十年前我就准备放弃了。
That winter she got acquainted with a young man and she was to work with this young man in the coming ten years. 那年冬天她认识了一个青年,在以后的十年中她将和这个青年一起工作。
We'd been together ten years, and it turned out that for a significant portion of that, he'd been cheating on me with men. 我们在一起生活了十年,事实证明在这一很重要的事情上,他一直在欺骗我,他在和另外的同性男人厮混。
Ten years later, when my wife sees my article in newspaper she will ask me how much the author's remuneration is when I am at home. 十年后,老婆在报上看见我的文章,回家总会问我,这篇文章的稿费有多少?。
Maria: He said he hadn't taken any exams for ten years, and couldn't get used to it immediately. 玛丽亚:他说他有10年没参加考试了,一下子没法适应。