fall in love

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fall in lovefall in love

fall in love


求《青花瓷》《江南》歌词的英文版_百度知道 ... Cute Meet 浪漫的邂逅 Fall In Love 坠入爱河 Love At The First Sight 一见钟 …


人教版高一英语单词表_百度文库 ... gossip 闲话 闲谈 fall in love 相爱;爱上 disagree 不同意 ...


人教版高一英语单词表_百度文库 ... gossip 闲话 闲谈 fall in love 相爱;爱上 disagree 不同意 ...


纯音乐歌曲,纯音乐的歌 ... Somewhere In Time 似曾相识 Fall In Love 坠入情网 A Girl Named Wanli 万丽姑娘 - 贺西格 ...


蓝光电影 ... Forever Love 阿嬷的梦中情人 点击 184 Fall In Love 爱神 点击 353 Face/Off 变脸 点击 84 ...


酒吧常用服务英语口语_中华酒香网 ... Make a hole 让开 fall in love 恋爱 Sorry to interrupt you 打扰了 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... fall for 爱上,迷恋;受骗 fall in love 爱上某人 fall in with 偶尔遇到;同意,赞许 ...


fall in love中文 ... Furusato 故乡 Fall In Love 陷入爱河 Oriental Cherry 樱花... ...

The craziest thing I have done is to fall in love with you. The greatest wish of mine is to have you with me for a lifetime. 这辈子最疯狂的事,就是爱上了你,最大的希望,就是有你陪我疯一辈子……
The witch cackled as she cast her spell on the love potion. "Now the prince will fall in love with me" , she said. 在给那瓶爱情魔药施展法术时,巫婆咯咯地笑了起来。“这下王子会爱上我了吧”,她说。
You know, I have fall in love with you since the first sight I saw you. 从我第一眼看到你,我就喜欢上了你。
We began to fall in love, not because we found a perfect person, but because we learnt to treat perfectly an imperfect person. 我们开始相爱并不是因为找到了一个完美的人,而是因为学会了完美地看待一个不完美的人。
Brent liked India but he thought her mighty plain and tame , and he simply could not fall in love with her himself to keep Stuart company. 布伦特也喜欢英迪亚,可是觉得她太平淡也太过分柔顺,他看书简直无法对她产生爱情,因此在这一点上就无法与斯图尔特作伴了。
Put your lips next to mine, dear. Won't you kiss me once, baby? Just a kiss goodnight, maybe you and I will fall in love. 把唇嘟到我的嘴唇旁边,亲爱的。何不吻我一次看看,宝贝?只要一个道晚安的吻,也许我俩会坠入情网。
What's the matter with you? How can you fall in love with this type of man? 你怎么回事啊?你怎么能爱上这么一个人?
She said, originally felt never fall in love with him. 她说,原本觉得自己从来没有爱上他。
Margaret ( Margo ) was a real person, author Alexandre Dumas, fall in love with her, finally left her. Miss, just write down this tragedy. 玛格丽特(玛歌)是一个真实的人,作者小仲马爱上她,最后离开她。因为怀念,才写下这个悲剧。
As the great French cynic La Rochefoucauld said: "People would not fall in love if they had not heard love talked about. " 正如法国伟大的愤世嫉俗的拉罗什福科说过:“如果人们没有听说过有关爱的谈论,就不会恋爱。”
But I do not like a lot of the same fans frantically all Fall in love with him. 但我并不会像很多追星一族一样疯狂地爱上他的一切。
When keeping the ambiguity with you , I fear I will fall in love with you, and I fear I will cry after your leaving. 当对你保持模糊的时候,我害怕我会爱上你,也害怕我会因你离开我而哭泣。
So, if I were to fall in love, it would have to be with you. 所以,如果说我已陷入了情网,我的爱人就是你。
She said that it was very tired to fall in love, and felt very good when together, she also said that never fell in love in two years. 她说谈恋爱很累人,就这样在一起感觉也很好啊,她还说两年内绝不谈恋爱。
The first person you fall in love with is often not the right person, but is usually the most difficult to recover from. 你第一个爱上的人常常是不适合你的人,但通常是最让你难以从失恋中走出来的人。
If there exist a person like this in your life, do cherish! Because you really begin to fall in love with him, although you did not know. 如果在你的生活中有这样的人存在,千万不要放弃他,因为也许你还不知道,你真的爱上他了!
Do not frown even you are sad because you do not know someone may fall in love with your smile. 即时伤心你也不要皱眉,因为你不会知道某个人也许会爱上你的微笑。
What if I don't want her to fall in love with me? 你有没有想过我会不会不想让她爱上我?!
As a woman, once you fall in love with someone married, no matter how much the man loves you, you are doomed to end up with tragedy. 作为一个女人,一旦你沦为别人的情妇,做别人婚姻的第三者,不管那个男人多么爱你,你最终都注定以悲剧收场。
One of the most crazing thing in the world is having someone who fall in love with you thought you never had a chance with. 世界上最令人激动的一件事情是原本以为没有机会靠近的人,尽然喜欢上了你
If has the next gerneration, I also can find you to let you fall in love with me, marries me. 如果有下辈子,我还会找到你让你爱上我,娶我。
Let me take you guys to see this lovely and nice city from my picture, hope that after seeing these you will fall in love with this city. 那么让我带你一起走进这座城市,来感受她和谐安宁的美丽吧。
At first, I read in the living room, do not know Fall in love with my orchids, nodding his head in a pot peck. 起先,我在客厅看书,不知道他恋上了我的兰花,在花盆里点头啄食。
do not you still fall in love with a married vowed that the husband will abandon your son to marry a woman. 不要爱上已婚却还对你信誓旦旦说会抛夫弃子嫁给你的女人。
'Do you know something? I'm seriously beginning to be afraid I could fall in love with you. You'd better ask Prudence. ' 我真怕我真的爱上您了,您知道吗?还是问问布吕丹丝吧。
It was never my intention to fall in love with you, I only want you to be happy. 从来不是有意爱上你,却有意想要让你幸福。
Relationship and marriage are very serious matters to you, and your sense of belonging is reinforced this year when you fall in love. 你把感情和婚姻看做是件很严肃的事,一旦你爱上了,你的归属感就显得更为强烈。
Even if you feel sad, you should not pull a long face, because you do not know who will fall in love with you smile face. 纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。
Jon's conscience would not let him fall in love again with Fleur, but she managed to be near him as often as she could. 乔恩的良心已不允许他再和弗勒相爱,但弗勒却设法尽可能地常接近他。
One should experience at least two impulses in life. One is to fall in love head over heels; one is to leave for a trip without hesitation. 一生中至少要有两次冲动,一次为奋不顾身的爱情,一次为说走就走的旅行