
美 [ˈfɑðər]英 [ˈfɑːðə(r)]
  • n.父亲;爸爸;天父;上帝
  • v.成为父亲;做父亲;创立(新思想);创造
  • 网络神父;神甫;祖先

复数:fathers 现在分词:fathering 过去式:fathered

see father,father come,know father,bury father,father say
late father,proud father,foster father,biological father,father devoted


n. v.

1.父亲;爸爸a male parent of a child or an animal; a person who is acting as the father to a child

2.[pl]祖先a person's ancestors (= people who are related to you who lived in the past)

3.~ (of sth)创始人;奠基者;先驱;鼻祖the first man to introduce a new way of thinking about sth or of doing sth

4.天父;上帝used by Christians to refer to God

5.(尤指天主教和东正教的)神父the title of a priest, especially in the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church


from father to son

从父到子;世代相传from one generation of a family to the next

like father, like son

有其父必有其子used to say that a son's character or behaviour is similar to that of his father


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... mother n. 妈妈;母亲 father n. 爸爸;父亲 parent n. 父亲或母亲 ...


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... mother n. 妈妈;母亲 father n. 爸爸;父亲 parent n. 父亲或母亲 ...


神字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 神殿〖 temple〗 神父father;priest〗 神甫〖 Catholicfather;priest〗 ...


“尊敬的阁下”怎么翻译_爱问知识人 ... 阁下 excellency 神甫 father 先生(男人) mr./esq. ...


最全的词根大全 - 豆丁网 ... (fore+bode 兆头→预兆) (fore+father 父亲;祖先) (fore+amr 胳膊) ...


... Fashioner of mouldering bones,the 腐烂尸骨再造者 Father,the 天父,上天之父 Faydi Pasha 法伊迪帕夏,阿卡行政长官 ...

Later, her father left the family to return to New Zealand, leaving her mother to raise the children. 后来,她爸爸抛弃妻子返回了新西兰,留下她妈妈独自一人抚养孩子。
He grew up in suburban Pittsburgh, where his father hawked diamonds and his mom worked as a photographer. 他在匹兹堡市郊长大,在那里他的父亲兜售钻石,而他的母亲则是一位摄像师。
We used to be faithful about it, but since Father went away and all this war trouble unsettled us, we have neglected many things. 以前我们对此就无比虔诚,可是自从爸爸离开之后,又加上我们受到了这场战争的困扰,很多事情我们都忘到脑后了。
Writing in March, he said: "I will be my daughter's father and Nancy will be her mother. We will be a family. " 今年三月比提在一篇文章中写道:“我是女儿的父亲,南希是她的母亲。我们是一家人。”
You know, it's hard enough to tell him, but now with your father involved. . . 告诉他真相就有够难的了,可现在你爸都卷进来了……
This guy my mother knew threw a cup of alcohol into my father's face, then took out a screwdriver and stabbed him in the heart four times. 我妈妈认识的一个家伙把一杯酒泼到了爸爸的脸上,紧接着又拿出一把螺丝刀连着向他的心脏部位捅了四下。
in plain English, that he had murdered him for his crown, and that the serpent who stung his father did now sit on the throne. 明白地说,克劳迪斯为了王位谋杀了父亲,这条毒蛇咬死了父亲后现在就坐在王位上。
Growth path of your teacher, father, mother or other older or friend, the kind of person has influenced you most? 在你的成长道路中,老师、父亲、母亲或是其他长辈或者朋友中,哪类人对你影响最大?
Picasso's father was an art teacher who had young Pablo painting bowls of fruit at the age of eight. 毕加索的父亲是个美术教师,他要八岁的小帕布罗画一碗又一碗的水果。
His father was a successful and wealthy physician. (2) He provided the children with everything that money could buy. 他的父亲是一位事业有成、殷实富有的内科医生。凡是金钱能买到的东西,他都提供给孩子们。
With the long pole between them, any punishment from the father is out of the question. 他们之间的长杆,任何惩罚从父亲是不可能的。
In discussions with his advisers, I emphasised I would have to press him on awkward questions, including his father's longevity in office. 在与赛义夫的顾问探讨具体安排时,我强调我会追问他一些尴尬问题,包括他父亲的长期执政。
Oprah listende to her father and a few years later she won a college scholarshilp that allowed her to go the university. 欧普拉听了她父亲的话,几年后她便获得大学的奖学金,使她能进入大学学习。
When he was a child, his father left home leaving him in poverty. 当他还是小孩时,他的父亲离开了家,让他活着穷困中。
I never knew till then how much I wanted my money to go in with Father's. 直到这时,我才知道我是多么想把我的钱和爸爸的合在一起。
A son was now ready to find out who his father was, a father wanted to know how his son turned out. 儿子准备弄明白谁是自己的父亲,父亲也想知道自己的儿子究竟变成了什么样子。
What I'm trying to get at is whether you want to marry Susan for her father's money or because you love her. 我想知道的是,你跟苏姗结婚是为了她父亲的钱,还是因为你真的爱她。
My mother would have me the image of her famous father, and my sister regards her seafaring husband as the perfect example for me to follow. 我的母亲希望我像她那大名鼎鼎的父亲,而我的姐姐以为她那航海的丈夫是个十全十美的榜样,要我学他。
The fund is deposited with the name of my late father as the depositor and my name as the next of kin. 该基金交存的名称先父的存款和我的名字作为近亲。
Besides, on Saturday nights she would quarrel noisily with her father, which had began to cause her feel bored. 每个星期六晚上必定会为钱而争吵,这开始让她说不出的厌烦。
Details of the film, a. show wei and lillian sisters and neurotic stepmother, and often silent living in an old father of A large house. 电影的细节处理,A。秀薇和秀莲姐妹俩与神经质的后母,还有时常沉默不语的父亲生活在一栋古旧的大房子里。
his father and mother shall take hold of him and bring him to the elders at the gate of his town. 父母就要抓住他,将他带到本地的城门,本城的长老那里,
One of the girls tried with her cell-phone charger cord and was cut down by her father in the nick of time. 其中一个女生用自己的手机充电器绳试过,恰好被她爸爸发现割断了绳子。
It was a view many in the church shared, but Father Eduardo said the selection also carries responsibility. 这是一种许多教堂分享的共识,但神父爱德华多表示选择也意味着责任。
The story was that young man was tasked by his father to carry an amount of cash to the bank to open a fixed deposit account. 所听到的故事是这样的:那青年受父亲所托,把一笔钱拿到银行去开个普通的定期户口。
Lin Mingming said he protested the transfer of his father, who suffered major head injuries, to an old-age home with Mr. Chen. 林明明(音)表示,他抗议把其头部受重伤的父亲与陈立华一起转往老人院。
On his return to his homeland he finds his father working in the garden with a shovel. 当他返家时,他又看见他的父亲执着锄头在园中工作。
I found in the shop the old man his father, whom I had seen at New York, and who, traveling on horseback, had got to Philadelphia before me. 在厂里我见到先前曾在纽约见过的那位长者,他是先于我骑马来到费城的。
And as hard as it will be for me to tell my father he won't be back, I can't ask you to let me take him from you again. 而且,就象我很难对我父亲说它不能回去了一样,我也不能要求你再次让我把它从你这儿带走。
I do not know whether it were sorrow for him, but his cousin put on as sad a countenance as himself, and returned to her father. 我不知道是不是为他难过,可是他的表姐跟他一样地哭丧着脸,回到她父亲身边。