far and away

  • na.“by far”的变体;非常;…得多
  • 网络大地雄心;远离家园;无疑地

far and awayfar and away

far and away


在湿润的空气中,大地雄心FAR AND AWAY)在这里上演,《雷恩的女儿》电影海报的主画面定格在这美丽的海滩之上。你 …


远离家园Far and Away) 美版(无中文字匣) 汤姆.克鲁斯 / 尼可.基德曼金钱帝国(The hud****er proxy) 台湾东龙版 导演…


大学英语四级常用词组 ... as far as … 那么远,直到;至于 far and away 大大…;无疑地 far and near 远近,到处,四面八方 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... as far as … 那么远,直到;至于 far and away 大大…;无疑地 far and near 远近,到处,四面八方 ...


动你心弦 温金龙专辑 动你心弦mp3下载 在线试听 ... The Mist Of Love 情雾 Far And Away 离开 I Will Always Love You 不变的 …


eat like a bird:胃口小,吃的少 ... eat like a bird 胃口小,吃的少 far and away 毋庸置疑 for good 永远 ...

He is far and away the best team player ever, and he was one of the biggest winners in the history of the league. 他远远超出了其他球队的球员,他也是联盟汗青上最大的赢家。
Delivering all that would make it far and away the largest producer of nuclear electricity in the world. 一旦所有这些兑现,中国无疑将成为世界最大的核电生产国。
We've all had a few head-scratching moments with generics, but far and away the trickiest part of generics is wildcards. 对于泛型我们都经历过一些痛苦的回忆,但毫无疑问通配符是最棘手的部分。
Compared to the motorcycle, the automobile is far and away the most popular means of personal transportation . 跟摩托车相比之下,汽车是最受欢迎的私人交通工具。
'Remember what General George S. Patton said: 'A good plan violently executed today is far and away better than a perfect plan tomorrow. ' ' 记住巴顿将军(GeneralGeorgeS.Patton)的话:今天就得到彻底执行的好计划要远胜于明天的完美计划。
But far and away the greatest challenge will likely be overcoming the cultural differences and changing the "us versus them" mindset. 不过显然最大的挑战应该是克服文化的差异和改变“美国与他们为敌”的心态。
It may be because reforming health care is far and away the biggest domestic challenge facing Mr Obama. 这或许因为医保改革无疑是国内事务中摆在奥巴马面前最大的挑战。
But far and away from being so called- "trifle" , they are often the keys of molding personality and making cordiality. 然而,就是那些身边的所谓“小事”,往往成为一个人塑造人格和积累诚信的关键。
The decision would appear to be a simplecommercial one, after all GNOME is far and away the most popular whenit comes to downloads. 可能看起来它是一个简单的商业软件,毕竟GNOME在下载方面并不是最流行的软件。
Cotton rapidly became far and away the nation's most valuable commercial crop during the antebellum years. 内战前的几年里,棉花快速成了全国绝对最有价值的经济作物。
You will be far and away the best tank and the easiest one to gear as well. 你们会远离坦克这个职业,而且你们的装备也会非常的简单。
Bayern's squad is far and away the strongest in the Bundesliga with every position covered by two quality players. 拜仁队是远远最强在德甲联赛中的每所涵盖的两个位置的优秀球员。
"Simultaneous G-spot and clitoral stimulation is far and away the fastest route to orgasm, " says Hall. “刺激G点和阴蒂是离达到高潮最慢的方法”Hall说。
The DUI is far and away the nation's number-one overall cause of annoying sports stories. It's also the most preventable. 醉酒驾驶无疑是全国第一令人讨厌的体育话题的第一原因,而且它差不多是可以预防的。
"We're far and away the leading English language publisher in India, " says Penguin chief executive John Makinson. “我们绝对是印度首屈一指的英文书籍出版商,”企鹅集团的执行长官约翰·梅金森说道。
As far as the activity generated in each community, Spring is far and away the winner. 就每个社区生成的活动而言,Spring无疑是优胜者。
He was strong and light and quick in the air, but far and away more important, he had a blazing drive to learn to fly. 在空中,他顽强、轻巧而敏捷。但更重要的是,他有学习飞行的炽烈欲望。
Far and away it's the most important market for us in terms of strategic importance, says Mr. French. 范礼泉称,毫无疑问,人民币业务对于汇丰控股具有最为重要的战略意义。
Science? Japan joins Finland in the top five, but China-Shanghai is far and away top, with the UK at 16th and America in 21st spot. 虽然日本和芬兰一起跻身前五,但中国上海依然占据第1,把其他国家远远甩在后面,比如第16的英国和第21的美国。
One student who was present said that Xu's song was by far and away the highlight of the evening. 据在场的学生说,许校长的表演毫无疑问是当晚晚会的高潮。
Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing. 生命最大的奖赏无疑是有机会去为值得干的事情努力。
The decline in real GDP in 2009 was far and away the worst annual performance since 1946, when America was dismantling its wartime economy. 2009年的实际GDP衰退是1946年以来年度表现最糟糕的,1946年,美国正在废除其战争时期的经济。
September? That is known to be far and away the worst month of the year. 9月份呢?人们认为它是一年中差得不能再差的一个月。
Far and away the biggest contribution I can make to a cleaner environment is to not bring any mini-me's into the world. 所以,我能够对一个更加干净的地球所作的最大贡献就是——不生孩子。
This is as it should be: farming is far and away the single most important economic activity in most poor places. 这才是它应该的地位:在大多数贫困地区,农业无疑是唯一的最重要的经济活动。
Since 1995, ASEAN has invested about $75 billion in China, with Singapore far and away the most exposed, accounting for $62 billion of that. 自1995年算起,东盟国家已累计向中国投资约750亿美元,其中新加坡遥遥领先承担着最大风险,独占750亿中的620亿美元。
Jack Lisowski has been far and away the stand-out player in the qualifiers this week. 杰克-利索夫斯基绝对是这周资格赛当中最抢眼的球员了。
"Asia is far and away the engine for growth, " says Mr Jensen at PwC. “亚洲是极为强劲的增长引擎,”普华永道的詹森表示。
As far as population density is concerned, Alaska far and away offers the most peace and quiet. 就人口密度而言,远离吵闹都市的阿拉斯加能提供退休的人们最多的清净。
Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing. 生命所赋予人的最佳奖励是为值得从事的事业而努力工作