for the record

  • 网络郑重声明;正式声明;记录在案

for the recordfor the record

for the record


《绯闻女孩》第三季第二集学习笔记_GoodF_新浪博客 ... Absinthe 苦艾酒 for the record 郑重声明 ounce 盎司 ...


mariah carey歌名中文翻译_百度知道 ... 11. O.O.C. 失控 12. For The Record 正式声明 13. Bye Bye 再见 ...


美国法庭词汇翻译 | 法律英语翻译 ... flammable material 易燃物品 for the record 记录在案 foreclosure 赎回权的取消 ...


离开用语 - -... ... 18. for what its worth 不论真假 19. for the record 列入记录 21. Think it over. 仔细考虑一下。 ...


英语四六级短语 - 豆丁网 ... for one's part 对某人来说 for the record 供记录在案;为准确起见 for the sake of 为了 ...


沪江... ... for crying out loud 哎呀呀!拜托 for the record 正式地或明确地说;郑重声明 For the time being (暂时;暂且;目前…


石油英语词汇(F4)-资料-中国焊接资源网 ... for statement 循环语句 for the record 备案 FOR 火车上交货价 ...


高一英语第八周集体备课及教案 ... keep a record of 把……记录下来 for the record 正式记录在案 off the record 非正式的 ...

a copy of the full song for the record, but I'd like to read one of the verses, which explains my outlook on life with diabetes. 拷贝关于整首歌,但我想读其中的一些诗词,解释了我对于将来与疾病共处的生活的前景。
"Now, for the record, let me say that it feels pretty good to stop at least one shellacking this November. " “坦率地讲,这至少使11月的这次惨败带来的郁闷之情一扫而光,感觉棒极了。”
"And I would never spend my money on a Chinese girl skeleton. That would be crossing the line. It" s a Chinese boy, for the record. 我从来不会花我的钱,对一个中国女孩的骨骼。这将是后防线上。它的一个中国男孩,作记录。
And for the record, he dropped out of grad school. Bit of a late bloomer. 根据记载,他是研究生时辍学的,开化得稍晚了些。
Sheldon: Whether or not he was trying to kill me. For the record, I maintain he was. 关于他是不是要害死我。事实可鉴我坚持他就是。
And for the record, emerging markets as a whole held up better than developed markets in last week's plunge. 并且作为记录,新兴市场的整体表现在上周的大幅下挫中仍表现得比发达市场强。
For the record, the reform will also see a cut down in personal medical payment during the 12th five-year plan. 医改将扭转现在一些公立医院存在的趋利倾向,并在“十二五”期间进一步降低群众个人支付比例。
and I'm sure that would work great, but, just for the record, I've never done that and I've never had a problem. 而且我确信那样做是很有效的,但是,只是为了记录的需要,我从来没有那样做而且从来没有任何问题。
For the record labels CWM is likely to be a good deal. 对于唱片商来说,CWM看起来是一个不错的交易。
The JSON object includes both the "id" field and the "name" field for the record encoded as a JavaScript hash table. 对于作为一个JavaScript哈希表编码的记录,JSON对象包含“id”字段和“name”字段。
Most people declined to speak for the record, citing the criminal investigation of her husband. 大多数人都不愿谈论调查她丈夫罪行的细节。
So for the record, let us note that the unit has manual zoom and focus, whereas some of the competing units are powered. 那麽正式记录在案,让我们注意到,单位有手工徒升和焦点,但是一些竞争的单位供给动力。
Just for the record, usually the only thing I ever bake is cookies, by squeezing batter from a store bought tube. 从过去的记录看,我通常只会做烤饼干,也就是把牛奶鸡蛋面糊从买来的模子里挤出来。
For the record: I had to wash my hands (twice) and boots, and wear plastic gloves and a rather flattering hairnet. 准确情况是:我不得不洗手(两次)和靴子,并且带上塑料手套和一个相当搞笑的发网。
Let me just say for the record that I think middle school is the dumbest idea ever invented. 我要郑重声明-你们不妨录以备案,我认为中学是有史以来最木的发明。
The production and operating plans of enterprises with foreign capital shall be reported to the competent authorities for the record. 第十一条外资企业的生产经营计划应当报其主管部门备案。
The signature of the legal representative shall be submitted to the registration authority for the record. 法定代表人的签字应当向登记主管机关备案。
And for the record , Mr, Oldman is wearing a tuxedo with a white shirt and balcd bow tie. and accessories by Thomas pink. 说明一下,奥德曼先生穿了一件礼服,里面是白衬衫,黑领结,还有托马斯牌的佩饰。
For the record, I shall be on holiday for two weeks beginning on 4th August. 根据记录,我将从8月4日开始休假两上星期。
For the record, I tried my best in every game for Newcastle. Under KK I played well and i'll never forget the 2 I scored against Sunderland. 在纽卡期间,每一场比赛我都尽了我最大的努力。我永远不会忘记,在对阵桑德兰时我踢进的2个球。
I know Gates only in passing, for the record. He is a very inconspicuous rich man in his hometown. 我和盖茨有过几次擦肩而过之缘,在我的印象中,他在他的家乡是一个非常低调的富翁。
For the record, Valentine's Day this year falls on a Monday, not Apple's favorite day for a special event. 不过,我要声明一下,今年的情人节是个星期一,而苹果以往并不喜欢在这个时间举行特别活动。
The signed collective contracts should be reported to the local labor administrative departments for the record. 集体合同订立后,应报送当地劳动行政部门备案。
A local government at any level shall report its approved final accounts to the government at the next higher level for the record. 第六十四条地方各级政府应当将经批准的决算,报上一级政府备案。
For the record, though, Harper said he liked the music of Bono's band U2. 不过,说到唱片,哈伯说他还是很喜欢波诺的U2乐队的音乐的。
We are also just for the record not going to any descripted information about the individuals in these photos. 我们也只是为了记录不会泄露这些照片的个人信息。
A copy of the investment certificate shall be submitted to the Approval Authority for the record. 出资证明书副本应提交审批机关备案。
The key attribute is functioning as a label on the address_rec container to provide a unique identifier for the record. key属性的作用是充当address_rec容器上的一个标签,为记录提供一个惟一的标识符。
Once the original recording after the abolishment, uniform use new provisions of the format and numbering, and review, for the record. 一旦原记录废止后,一律采用新规定的格式和编号,并重新审核、备案。
And for the record, the answer is no, my son still hasn't parted with his copy of No, David! 需要牢记,斗争的结果是“不”,我的儿子至今没有和他的《不,大卫!》分开。