
美 [fæt]英 [fæt]
  • n.脂肪;肥肉;(烹调用的)动植物油;(人体摄入的动植物)脂肪;油脂;肥肉 (opp. lean);肥胖;积余;肥肉 (opp. lean);油脂;肥胖;积余;脂肪(质);油脂;肥胖;积余
  • adj.肥胖的;(肉等)肥的;(猪等)养肥了的;(土地等)肥沃的;肥胖的;多脂肪的;(猪等)养肥了的;(土地等)肥沃的;肥胖的;(肉等)肥的;(猪等)养肥了的;(土地等)肥沃的;肥的;肥胖的;厚的;宽大的
  • v.养肥 (out up);用油脂处理(皮革);在…加入脂肪;长肥;养肥 (out up);用油脂处理(皮革);在…加入脂肪;长肥;养肥 (out up);用油脂处理(皮革);在…加入脂肪;长肥
  • 网络更胖的;比较胖;比较胖的

比较级:fatter 最高级:fattest 复数:fats

fat lady,fat profit,fat face


1.肥的;肥胖的having too much flesh on it and weighing too much

2.厚的;宽大的thick or wide

3.[obn](informal)大量的;值钱的large in quantity; worth a lot of money


(a) fat chance (of sth/doing sth)

不大可能发生used for saying that you do not believe sth is likely to happen

a fat lot of good, use, etc.

差极了;毫无用处not at all good or useful

its not over until the fat lady sings

最后才能见输赢;不到最后,结果难料used for saying that a situation may still change, for example that a contest, election, etc. is not finished yet, and sb still has a chance to win it


五年级同类词、词组、句型(新的) - 豆丁网 ... shorter (短的) fatter胖的) thinner (瘦的) 33.鞋 ...


小学英语单词分类汇总 ... higher 更高的 fatter 更胖的 old 老的 ...


Ca-reduplication - 免费文档下载 ... 很胖 all very fat 比较胖 fatter 会让人发胖的 cause to be fat ...


EXenglish 数位英语学院 第 12课 ... → hotter( 比较热的) → fatter( 比较胖的) expensive( 昂贵的) ...


一到六年级所有形容词的比较级,越多越好... ... (瘦小的)- thinner (肥胖的)- fatter (年轻的)- younger ...


fatter这个英语单词什么意思啊?????????... ... ham fatter 评论| fatter 胖的,丰满的 fatter 去脂工, 片肥肉工 ...

She was surprised to see that she was even fatter than before and that she was eating a huge sandwich with chocolate cake and ice-cream. 她很惊讶看到,她甚至比以前还要肥,而且她居然正在享用一个巨大的夹心巧克力蛋糕和冰淇淋!
I've biked occasionally here at our new house, but I'm older and fatter than I used to be, and my bike no longer really fits me. 偶尔我会在现在的新家附近骑一骑,不过我比从前老了,而且胖了很多,所以自行车也不再适合我了。
The Psammead pushed out its long eyes and got bigger and fatter, and the children waited. 赛米德将双眼从眼眶伸出去好远,并变大变胖了,孩子们等待着。
You seem to be getting fatter - the only answer is to do more exercise . 你好象越来越胖了。唯一的解决办法是多活动些。
Our class has also come to a new classmate, a girl, but a bit fatter, academic performance should be pretty good. 我们班还来了一名新的同学,是个女孩子,不过有点发福,学习成绩应该还不错。
Or, at the other end of the spectrum, you certainly won't be trying to get fatter, as we heard a few days ago. 或者是在其他情况下,你绝对不会想去增肥,就像我们以前听说过的那样。
Many never intend to stay any longer, aiming instead to parlay their qualifications into a new job and a fatter pay cheque somewhere else. 很多人从不愿待太久,他们的目的是将自己的资本连本带利地投入新的工作之中,在其他公司获取更丰厚的报酬。
However, as the weeks went on, and Hansel seemed not to get any fatter, she became impatient, and said she could not wait any longer. 然而,几周过去了,汉斯看起来一点也没有长胖,她变得很不耐烦,然后说她不会再继续等待了。
After all, the consequences of all that junk food are everywhere: fat and unhealthy children who become even fatter and unhealthier adults. 毕竟,垃圾食品的结果是肥胖和不健康的孩子到处可见,他们又成长为更胖更不健康的成人。
More Germans have been working and, after years of wages trailing behind prices, pay packets are at last getting a little fatter. 就业人数增加,多年来落后于物价增长的工资水平有所提高,工资袋慢慢“鼓了起来”。
'That's the sensible load, ' he says, and he's serious: He used to carry a fatter laptop and a Kindle. 这些东西的重量还可以。力宾说的是实情:他以前背的是一台厚重的笔记本和一个Kindle阅读器。
The only happy thing in her life is to find women who are fatter than her. But she's never felt happy. 她生命中唯一的快乐是发现比她更胖的女人,但她这一生没快乐过。
And after ten days their faces appeared fairer and fatter than all the children that ate of the king's meat. 十天以后,他们的容貌比那些吃君王食品的青年显得更为美丽,肌肉更为丰满。
Now, though, caught in a war over the cost of trading shares, the NYSE quite rightly is looking at other markets with fatter spreads. 不过,深陷股票交易成本之战中的纽约证券交易所目前正以相当正确的态度看待其它进出差价较大的市场。
His stomach was a little fatter and his face a little older than before, but he looked as confident as ever. 他的肚子比以前圆了点儿,脸也比以前苍老了点儿,但他还像以前那样自信。
Chinese have smaller eyes and single eyelids. They also have rounder, flatter, and fatter faces. 中国人是小眼睛单眼皮,他们还有一张放荡的、奉承的肥脸。
As countries grow richer, children's pencil cases grow fatter, though only up to a point. 随着国家的富裕,孩子们的铅笔盒开始膨胀,尽管只是那么一点空间。
So experts suspect that the fatter a woman is, the more estrogen she's likely to produce, which could in turn spark breast cancer. 所以专家认为女性过胖,她可能是分泌了过多雌激素,雌激素能够反过来激发乳腺癌。
If she gets much fatter she will have to let out all her dresses. 如果她继续发胖,她所有的衣服都得放宽。
But as he got fatter, he couldn't run and burn off the weight, and he permanently damaged his knees. 但是当他变得更胖后,他不能再以跑步来燃烧脂肪,这对他的膝盖造成了长久的损害。
People are getting fatter everywhere. You know this. 全世界人民都在变胖,这一点你当然知道。
Not only were the stressed mice much fatter, they began to exhibit the metabolic and cardiovascular consequences of obesity, Kuo said. 有压力的老鼠不单变得更肥,而且它们还开始展示肥胖的后果—新陈代谢和心脏血管的问题。
In general the fatter subjects slept about 1. 8 hours a week less than those with normal weights. 总的来说,体态肥胖的受试者每周比正常体重的受试者少睡约1.8小时。
It found that these firms enjoyed a higher return on equity, fatter operating profits and a more buoyant share price. 调查发现这些公司在资产回收,运营收益和浮动股价上的表现都更加出色。
The witch wondered why she grew no fatter day by day. After a mouth, she lost patience and said she would wait no longer. 巫婆很奇怪为什么他一直长不胖。一个月后,她失去了耐心,说自己再也等不下去了。
That will require tough structural changes, from forcing state-owned firms to pay fatter dividends to a stronger social safety net. 这需要进行痛苦的结构变化,即不再迫使国有公司支付丰厚的奖金,而是打造更稳健的社会保障体系。
Several modern studies, besides, have shown that fatter people do not eat more on average than thinner people. 若干现代研究,除了已经表明,胖人不吃瘦的人比平均水平高出。
'The pipeline between Japan and China is only going to get fatter, ' Mr. Nishiguchi says. Nishiguchi说,中日之间的潜在交易只会越来越多。
He has devised a pair of glasses which rely on the principle that the fatter a lens the more powerful it becomes. 他已经设计一副眼镜,这副眼镜是基于这样的原理即镜片越厚清晰度越高。
As I said earlier you'll end up fatter and have less muscle. Not smart. 就像我先前说的那样,最后你会越来越胖肌肉也会越来越松垮。