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Yuan Shao Feng is also the advisor of the old, or it may be a bit Relies on old , tried to stop Yuan Shao not to launch the war. 田丰也是袁绍的老谋士了,也可能是有点倚老卖老,拼命地拦住不让袁绍发动这场战争。
Comrade Lei Feng is always ready to help others. 雷锋同志总是乐意帮助别人。
always like to help others, but does not go down, do a hurled feng. because helping others is helping yourself, so let me very happy. 总喜欢帮助别人,但不留名,做一个活雷锋。因为帮助别人,就是帮助自己,那样让我很快乐。
The WonderPen, says Mr Feng, is an example of the kind of innovation he hopes will eventually transform his company into a Chinese Sony. 冯军表示,“妙笔”是他希望最终将其公司转变为中国索尼(Sony)的那种创新榜样。
Feng became a hydro-engineer at a state-owned company until the party told him to go into government. 在进入政府工作之前,他一直都在一个国有企业担任水利工程师。
Do not know will not be a generation Ouyang Feng-errant, impenetrable . 也不知道将来会不会出一代欧阳风式的大侠,百毒不侵。
Chiang Feng-shan of the paper-cutting works were generous with gifts and never make money, and he always said he is a little effort. 蒋风山的剪纸作品都是慷慨相赠的,从来不收钱,他总说自己是举手之劳。
To prevent this happening, Mr Feng decided to combine his hands-on management style with some elements of western business culture. 为了防止这种情况,冯军决定把自己“亲力亲为”的管理风格与某些西方企业文化要素结合在一起。
I joke that I can tell how much space my Asian clients are going to buy by how elaborate their feng shui kit is. 我还曾经开玩笑说,只要看看我的亚洲客户的罗盘有多精致,我就知道他们要买多大的房。
Lei Feng never ceased trying to measure up to his ideal. 雷锋努力按这个理想去做,从不停息。
Mr Feng filed for divorce saying his wife had deceived him and convinced him to marry her under false pretenses. 冯先生向法院申请离婚,认为妻子深深欺骗了他,用虚假的容貌骗其与之结婚。
One day, accompanied by an attendant on an outing to the Water and Moon Monastery, she encountered the warm and equally beautiful Lady Feng. 有一天,由上到水和月亮寺踏青服务员的陪同下,她遇到了同样的热情和美丽的夫人峰。
We compared him to Lei Feng but he said he couldn't be compared with Lei Feng. 我们把他比喻成雷锋,但是他说他不能与雷锋相比较。
Mr. Feng I really said the truth, , this is the truth . . . . . . my arm have been already had no, I don't think again lose another of what. 我的确说了实话,风先生,这是实话……我的手臂已经没了,我可不想再失去别的什么。
Feng said the entire Palace Museum will be checked to see if any other items are missing. 冯称整个故宫博物院将被检查来确定是否有其他藏品丢失。
Tan, who has known Han Feng since the 1990s, gave her a copy of the novel when it came out. 谭恩美在上世纪90年代就认识韩枫,并在小说刚出版时就送了她一本。
Feng Yun-thing's eyes rolled in amazement, while his straggly moustache twitched, and he broke out into a cold sweat all over. 冯云卿眼珠往上一翻,出了一身冷汗,那几茎月牙须又簌簌地抖了。
Who knows, these shells as long eye-like, but do not fall on the ship, so Yong Feng bombardment left the area safely. 谁知,这些炮弹象长了眼似的,偏偏就不落在舰上,使永丰舰安然地驶离轰击区。
In silence as touching your breath, night Chengzhe Feng children and pacing to see all my well-being, carried out on the boat quiet natural. 在悄无声息中你的气息那样缠绵,深夜乘着风儿踱来,见我一切安好,载着月之舟静然离开。
One of the outstanding characteristics of Feng Zhi s poetic art is his unique meditation on life in the content of his poems. 冯至诗歌艺术个性最突出的特征,在表现内容上是以对生命的独特沉思入诗。
Mr Feng said the entire Palace museum would be checked to see if any other items were missing. 冯乃恩表示,整个故宫博物院将进行全面检查,看是否还有其它物品遗失。
Mr Feng was among the millions who drew the conclusion that this was the time to become their own boss. 数百万中国人——冯军就是其中之一——意识到,这是自己当老板的好时机。
He said he red from television to film, is "a life, the second operation, three feng shui" , every stage of the election on time. 他说,自己能从电视红到电影,就是“一命,二运,三风水”,每一个阶段都选对时间。
"The Japanese came out of nowhere and really caught people off guard, " Mr. Feng said. "With China, you could see this one coming. " 冯先生表示,“当年日本不知道从哪里冒出来,但确实让人措手不及。而看看中国,你会看到让世界吃惊的事情又来了。”
"It looks like a very elaborate compass, " said Mr. Rudder, who said he first encountered feng shui in a deal in 2007. “那看起来像是一个做工精致的指南针”,拉德先生说,他在2007年第一次在交易中见识了风水。
To leave the game room, Feng Sun and "play" back to the store near the salesperson to take the class off with a lamb rice bowl. 离开了游戏房,孙峰又“打的”回到了商店附近,给搭班营业员带了一客羊肉盖浇饭。
Feng Boyi: Your method is similar to that of Picasso, to put the marginal things. . . 冯博一:就是说和毕加索一样,把那一边的东西。
"Has he left us? " After a long silence, Feng finally says without move his eyes, just like speak to the air in front of him. “他真的离开我们了么?”长长的沉默之后,风终于开口问道。他的目光没有挪动,仿佛在对着他面前的空气说话一般。
She was the wife of Feng Yee, the God of Water, who had a reputation as a womanizer and for ignoring his wife. 她是冯仪,对水神,谁是好色之徒无视他的妻子和妻子的声誉。
Feng was born to a non-wealthy family in suburban Beijing. His father was a college professor and his mother was a factory nurse. 冯小刚出生于北京郊区一个的普通家庭,父亲是一名大学教授,母亲是一个工厂的护士。