
美 [fɔlt]英 [fɔːlt]
  • n.故障;过错;过失;缺陷
  • v.发现错误;找出缺点
  • 网络断层;毛病;失误

复数:faults 现在分词:faulting 过去式:faulted

find fault,diagnose fault,admit fault,detect fault,see fault
electrical fault,main fault,entire fault,serious fault,human fault


n. v.


1.[u]责任;过错;过失the responsibility for sth wrong that has happened or been done

人品in sb's character

2.[c]弱点;缺点a bad or weak aspect of sb's character

错事sth wrong

3.[c]缺陷;毛病;故障something that is wrong or not perfect; something that is wrong with a machine or system that stops it from working correctly

网球in tennis

4.[c]发球失误a mistake made when serving


5.[c](地壳岩层的)断层a place where there is a break that is longer than usual in the layers of rock in the earth's crust


to a fault

(良好品质)过分,过度used to say that sb has a lot, or even too much, of a particular good quality


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... apologize (美)道歉 fault n 过错;缺点;故障;毛病 introduce vt 介绍;引进;∶腿出 ...


托福词汇_百度文库 ... plate 板块 fault 断层 fault plane 断层面 ...


初中英语词汇手册 - 豆丁网 ... father n. 父亲 fault n. 错误 favour n. 帮助;喜爱 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... apologize (美)道歉 fault n 过错;缺点;故障;毛病 introduce vt 介绍;引进;∶腿出 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... apologize (美)道歉 fault n 过错;缺点;故障;毛病 introduce vt 介绍;引进;∶腿出 ...


佚字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 行列,通佾〖 ranks〗 不当行为;过失fault〗 散失〖 belost〗 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... apologize (美)道歉 fault n 过错;缺点;故障;毛病 introduce vt 介绍;引进;∶腿出 ...


一些英文羽毛球术语。 ... drop/drop spike 吊网前球 fault失误②犯规 grip ① 握拍法②握拍的地方 ...

He thought the task of any intellectual was to make ideas as interesting as possible, and in this he succeeded to a fault. 他认为,任何一名知识分子的任务都是将思想用尽可能生动有趣的方式表述出来;事实上在这一点上他做的可以说有过之而无不及。
Somehow, people seem to think it's my fault for letting him in. 不知怎的,人们似乎认为让他进来是我的过错。
The former chairman of one of Germany's largest companies says spying "is all the fault of co-determination" . 一家德国大型企业的前任董事长表示,间谍活动“应完全归咎于共同决议制”。
Even if the whole world laugh at me, love Who can say the wrong person, even if the world's fault, me, and I as long as you follow me! 就算全世界都笑我,爱个人谁敢说错,就算全世界都怪我,我只要你跟我走!
Some Chien-wen of the mind and the history books, the time set out in a year or more some of relative fault. 有些简文所记与史书所载的时间相错一年或更多些。
It's my fault! said Clare. But talking did not help. The Tess he had first loved had separated her body from her soul. “这是我的错呀!”克莱尔说。对是这已经无济于事了。他最初爱过的苔丝已把她的身躯从她的灵魂中分离开了,
After a fight with her parents about her future plans, her mother falls quite ill and Helena is convinced that it is all her fault. 在她跟父母就自己的未来安排产生争执之后,她妈妈重病不起,让海伦娜觉得这一切都是自己的错。
I did not want to confuse you with the long sentences. You do not have to feel wrong. It was my fault. 我不想用长句子使你困惑。你不用非得感觉不对。这是我的错。
Don't childish. It is all west's fault of without sticking tightly the rule and therefore opening up the Pandora box. 别傻了,如果西方没有严格的遵循规则犯错的话,相当于打开的潘多拉铁盒。
Recognize that it is not their fault that you hurt them. Do not take your pain out on them. 认识伤害他们不是他们的错误。不要把自己的痛苦发泄道他们的身上。
House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer said on Tuesday that if the government were to run out of funds it would be the GOP's fault. 众议院少数党人鞭斯坦利•霍耶周二说如果政府花光了所有的经费,那就是共和党的错误。
Any sort of soft hair in the outer coat , wherever found on the body, especially on the top of the head, is a fault. 如果有些柔软的毛发,不论在身体上,尤其在头顶,属于缺陷。
When I came to, he always said it was my fault. He said if I told anyone or tried to contact my parents, he would kill them. 当我醒过来时,他总是说是我的错,他说如果我告诉任何人或者想要联系我的父母,他就会杀了他们。
I cannot lick the fault out of him. 我怎麽打他也纠正不了他的毛病。
And, you know, you can't fault him for accuracy, but, actually, Frankie, at that time, was a heroin addict, and he was in jail. 而且,你知道,他这句话你挑不出一点毛病,但是Frankie那时,是个瘾君子,而且他被关在监狱。
Until now I thought that this sort of accident was the owner's fault but now I know differently. 过去我一直认为这类事故是车主的过错,但现在我有了不同看法。
It is known to all that the shortage of carrier wave mode: great disturbance in channel make it difficult to transmit fault data. 众所周知,采用电力载波通信方式有着明显的缺点:通道干扰大,数据传输难以保障。
If Prebisch's reputation was one of the victims of that debt crisis, it was partly his fault. 如果这场债务危机让普雷维什声誉扫地,也多半错在他自己。
strike-slip fault - a fault on which the two blocks slide past one another. The San Andreas Fault is an example of a right lateral fault. 走滑断层-两个岩体顺断层面走向相对滑动的断层。圣安德烈斯断层是一个右旋断层的例子。
At present, I think it is cruel for you to be grown up! It is not your fault. To my surprise, you could understand a great many truths. 目前来说,要求你成熟一点对你来说是残忍的,这不是你的错!然而令我惊奇的是,你还是能明白一些事实的。
Realizing it was not her fault, the chairman smiled at her to lighten the atmosphere. 董事长意识到这不是好的过错,对她笑了笑来缓和气氛。
Hydraulic pump is the heart of the hydraulic system and its hydraulic system fault diagnosis is an important part of fault diagnosis. 液压泵是液压系统的心脏,其故障诊断是液压系统故障诊断的重要部分。
Students when a child, you will be tolerant of the shortcomings of the child, forgive the fault of the children. 把学生当孩子,你会宽容孩子的缺点,原谅孩子的过失。
On account of characteristic of every part, it designs suitable measure of fault tolerant control for them. 针对各部分故障的特点,为每一部分设计了合适的故障容错控制方法。
Stress builds up in the rock on both sides of the fault and causes the rock to break and shift in an earthquake. 压力在断层两侧的岩石中产生,并且引起岩石在地震中破裂和滑动。
Later we were to discover the exposed face of a second fault in a ravine above the temple. 后来,我们又在神殿上方的一道谷地发现第二条断层的外露面。
They have behaved badly. They have deceived us, they have never been clear. It's their fault that I experienced the worst month of my life. 他们的行为实在恶劣,他们欺骗了大家,他们永远也洗不清恶名。因为他们的过错,我度过了我一生中最糟糕的一个月。
JA : True, Dean has started all this by torturing a lot of souls in Hell. . . You know, according to me that's still Sam's fault ! 美人:没错,因为Dean在地狱里折磨其他的灵魂这一切在开始的…不过,对我来说这还是Sam的错!
Then quakes will increase to the point of being considered magnitude 6-7 along the long New Madrid fault line and its attendant splinters. 然后沿着新马德里断层线及其附属断层,地震会增加到预计6-7级。
This broadens the concept of liability in environmental torts, in that it does not require proof of any subjective fault of the polluter. 该规定加大了环境侵权责任的范围,因为这不要求证明污染者存在主观过错。