five days

  • 网络五天;五日;五日迷踪

five daysfive days

five days


知名品牌旗舰店、畅销品牌专卖店 - 八点伴 ... 文正/ Wengzheng 五天/ Five days 五月花/ May Flower ...


.求翻译, 英语好的来`_百度知道 ... Dying in the sun 日中逝 Five Days 五日 love is color-blind 爱无疆 ...


2011英国国家电视奖 《神探夏洛克》3项提名 ... 《神秘博士》 Dr Who 《五日迷踪Five Days 《弗伊尔的战争》 Foyle’s War ...


...Like It)、「谜情」(Longford)、「关键五日」(Five Days)、「传奇恶女」(The Notorious Bettie Page)。


五次... ... she got the key to my will( 她与我的心灵相通) five days五日之恋) once in a lifetime( 一辈子就发生这麽一次…


Five day的歌词 +... ... but destiny said no 但命运拒绝了 five days 在五天里 once in a lifetime 第一次在人生的岁月里 ...


Five... ... she got the key to my will 她拥有让我失魂的钥匙 five days 在第五天 once in a lifetime 第一次在人生的时光中 ...

must be first attended to; it had been written five days ago. 误投过的那封信当然要先读,那还是五天前写的。
To prepare for his role as Iron Man, Robert Downey Jr. spent five days a week weight training and practiced martial arts to get into shape. 为了准备铁人的角色,小罗伯特·唐尼每周花五天的时间进行体能训练和武术练习以达到合格的身材。
Starting Tuesday, Iran began to meet for five days, claiming to be the largest-ever in the history of Iran air defense exercise. 从本周二开始,伊朗开始举行为期五天,号称是伊朗史上规模最大的一次防空演习。
Alice continued to remain in London for another four or five days. 艾利斯在伦敦又呆了四五天。
In comparison, surgeons in the U. S. typically perform one or two surgeries a day, five days a week, operating fewer than 60 hours. 相比之下,美国的外科医生一般每天做一到两台手术,每周工作五天,每周做手术的时间少于60小时。
The general conjectured that the enemy only had about five days' supply of food left. 将军推测敌人只剩下五天的粮食给养。
Three 10-minute walks a day five days a week will get you out of this unfit category and get you at least moderately fit, " he said. " 每天分三次各走十分钟路,一周运动五天,那样你就可以脱离不健康,至少能够保持适当的健康。”
No doubt his gesture of spending five days in the politburo hunting lodge with me was to establish a standard for us to emulate. 无疑,他与我一起在政治局狩猎场度过的五天中所作的姿态给我们确定一个效仿的标准。
Hasan prayed sometimes five days a week, said he was 'a reserved guy with a nice personality. 有段时间哈桑每周有5天到这个清真寺祷告。他说:哈桑是很内向,性格温和。
You know, a couple of dudes hanging out. Five days, maybe a week. 一对兄弟呆在一块,五天或者一个星期。
To get fit and stay fit, Blair recommends 30 minutes of moderate exercise at least five days a week. 为了能够变得健康并保持健康,Blair建议一周中至少有五天要做30分钟适当的锻炼。
He also exercised five days a week, volunteered at his church and forced himself to make social plans. 他依然坚持每周锻炼五天。他还成为了一名教堂志愿者,强迫自己参加一些社交活动。
She let him lie uninterred for five days , and no the sixth day , not knowing what else to do , she buried him in her own head . 她的父亲五天都未能下葬,到了第六天,她想不出其他的办法,就把父亲葬在了自己的头顶上。
Soon thereafter, he received a request from the party for an old picture of him and five days in which to complete his request. 很快,组织上回信说需要他的一张旧照片和五天的准备时间。
As part of the pilot project, the falcons will be flying five days a week for the next five months. 按照试验项目规定的要求,这些猎鹰在接下来的五个月中,每周将工作五天,轮番上阵对付海鸥。
Last October, Thiessens found a tutor to instruct him for an hour a day, five days a week. 去年十月,西塞斯找到了导师,指导他每天学习一小时,每周五天。
Five days ago, the policeman told him, the bicycle was picked up in a small village 400 miles away. 五天前,警察对他说,自行车在离这里400英里的小镇被拣到了。
Eat home-cooked meals at least five days a week to live like a thin person. 身材苗条的人头一个好习惯就是,一周五天以上每餐坚持适量饮食。
Once the five days is up, the mixture is popped out of the mould, dried, and can then be used for any purpose. 一旦过了五天,这种混合物就鼓出模子,晒干,然后就能用于所有用途。
The telegraphic transfer shall reach the bank of China at least five days before the delivery date of vessel. 货款至少必须在货舟抵达日之前的5天电汇到中国银行。
But five days before he ventured out for his anniversary dinner, the president lamented what has happened to his nights out with his wife. 结婚纪念日五天前总统遗憾地述说他和米歇尔出去约会时碰到的事情。
After five days of training, I got to understand deeply what a minor act could mean to us and what meaning a minor act could tell. 训练的每一个动作,都让我深深地体会到了团结的力量,合作的力量,以及团队精神的重要。
Five days later, when he had finished decorating the offices, he retrieved the map and smuggled it out of the building in an old paint tin. 过了五天,他把办事处油漆好了,就取回地图,藏在旧油漆罐里,偷偷带走。
Roy: Five days a week. From eight to eighteen. If there are too many documents than usual to deal with, you have to work overtime. 罗伊:每星期工作五天,从早上八点到下午六点,如果文件过多就必须加班。
If you're working five days a week at your day job and trying to cram in more at the weekend, you're eventually going to crash and burn. 如果你每周工作五天还想在周末加个班,你最终会累得支离破碎的。
This was one of the most terrible fires in history. It lasted for five days. 伦敦大火是历史上最严重的火灾之一,它持续了五天。
Sperm ejaculated into a woman's vagina can live in a woman's reproductive tract for up to five days or perhaps even longer. 射入女性阴道的精子可以在女性生殖管道存活至多5天,甚至更久。
During the five days that this cataclysm lasted, the sun did not show its face and the earth remained in darkness. ' Worlds in Collision, p. 在这5天里,大灾难持续着,太阳没有露脸,地球仍然处在黑暗之中。
Wong still works five days a week, spending his entire eight-hour shift on his feet. 黄海仍然坚持每个礼拜工作五天,在当班的八小时中从头站到尾。
Exercise included walking briskly for up to 60 minutes for five days a week for a target of at least 10, 000 steps a day. 运动包括每天轻快散步60分钟——至少每天10,000步的目标——每周五天。