feel like

  • na.〈口〉想要…;愿意…;感觉像是…
  • 网络觉得;感到想要做;想做

feel likefeel like

feel like


... 5. Thank-you note 感谢函 6. feel like 想要 7. come along 出现 ...


初二下册英语单词表_百度文库 ... foreigner 外国人 feel like 觉得 by the way 随便说 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... be fed up 吃得过饱;对…极厌倦 feel like 感到想要做 feel out 试探出,摸清 ...


八年级下册英语词组_百度知道 ... be friendly to sb. 对某人友好 feel like 感觉像 a friend like you 像你一样的朋友 ...


Stay Healthy教案 ... 4. sneeze: 打喷嚏 5. feel like: 想做…… 2. miss 错过;丢失;想念 ...


“like”的短语有哪些? - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... far from 远非,离…很远 feel like 喜欢 feel bitter at 对…怀恨 ... ...


阿凡达中英文剧本附词汇笔记 - 豆丁网 ... cryo: 低温冷冻 feel like: 有…的感觉 tequila: 龙舌兰酒 ...

When you suddenly you see a bright light like the sun or a light bulb then you feel like you are going to sneeze. 当你突然看到类似于太阳或者电灯泡所发出的一束强光时,你会觉得好像有种打喷嚏的冲动。
Such a girl, like blue sky, uncertain of the cloud, often dream of flying, still feel like a wake up surrounded by white clouds. 有这样一个女孩,喜欢湛蓝的天,飘忽的云,经常梦到飞翔,醒来后依然觉得像是被白云环绕。
Which put me in a real bad mood, to the point where I didn't feel like doing anything anymore - not even blogging. 这使我很沮丧,简直到了什么也不想做的地步——连写博客都不想。
Growth experience of every person must have been the feel like an autistic child. 成长是每个人必须经历的,一直的觉得自己是个自闭的孩子。
Well, thanks for your support. You know I feel like a new man now. 咳,谢谢你的支持。知道吗,我现在感觉自己获得了新生。
Or you might expect, with all that heavy engineering, for it to feel like a road-going racer. But it is neither of these things. 沉重的机械构造及令你感到赛车手般的感觉,也可能会令你对它产生期待。
But I know all this means is Whiling on the hours Watching side-shows And I feel like I'm on the outside of a circle. 但我知晓,这一切都是在浪费时间,看杂耍一般。我感到自己身处于万事循复之外。
"For the next few months, gasoline will feel like a bargain, " she said. “在接下来的几个月,汽油会像廉价品一样,”她说道。
Feel like the absence of a bachelor's degree on your resume is forcing you to settle for a second-rate job? 感到履历里没有学士学位迫使你满足于一份二流工作?
I said to him: 'Mr. Anderson, you ought to go out and take a walk on a nice fall day like this, ' but he didn't feel like it. 我对他说:‘安德生先生,这样好的秋天天气,你应该出去散散步才是,但是他却不想出去。
"I feel like I'm digging a hole for myself, " he said, trying to break some of the tension that appeared to surface between the actors. “我觉得我在给自己挖一个洞。”他说,试着消除演员之间表面上的一些紧张。
The sunshine is burning hot, and I feel like a fish out of water and oxygen, seeing every object double and flickering. 炎热的阳光,我感觉就像一条离开水的鱼和氧气,看到每个物体的两倍,在闪烁。
Well, I feel like it's not a good thing, but I'm wondering if the diet and the meditation are enough to overcome this damage? 哦,我觉得它不是好东西,但我想知道饮食和冥想是否足以治愈损伤?
She makes me feel like I could be a tower, a big strong tower, yeah. The power to be, the power to give, the power to see, yeah, yeah. 她使我觉得我可以成为一座塔,一座坚实的塔,耶。这是一种力量,给予的力量,发现的力量,耶,耶。
Take it a step further and hum "Om" as you breathe out if you feel like it. 呼吸更深入一步时,如果你喜欢,可以在呼气时发声“噢嗯”。
Upon joining b5media, their design team put my blog on their professional looking theme and I started to feel like an authority. 在加入B5媒体后,他们的设计团队把我的博客包装上貌似他们专业的主题,我才开始觉得自己象个权威。
"I feel like the wise old woman CEO, trying to pave the path for a lot more after me, " she says. 她说:“现在的我就像个上了年纪的女掌门人,靠着自己的智慧,努力为更多的后来人铺平道路。”
But I feel like people took it the wrong way, and it kind of took all the excitement out of it. 但是我感觉到人们以一种错误的方式去理解它,这令到我的兴致全没了。
'When you read her books, you feel like the characters could be with you right now, ' says Ms. Baldwin. 鲍德温说,在读奥斯丁的作品时,你感觉书中的人物此刻就在你的身旁。
And I feel like a stranger In the land where I was born And I live like an outlaw. (合唱),我觉得自己像一个陌生人在土地我出生的地方,而我就像一个非法居住。
The list could go on and on, but I feel like all of our surface fears are only the result of some deeper fear. 这个答案单可以一直继续下去,但我觉得我们表面的这些惧怕是因为有更深的惧怕所产生的。
"Thanks, " he drawled slowly, "but I feel like my life is over if I can't be with the students, " and turned to leave the building. “谢谢”他慢吞吞地说,“但是如果不能跟学生们在一起,我感觉的我的生命就没有意义了。”说完,他转身离开了。
In an economy where income per person used to rise by barely 1% a year, today's growth rates feel like a miracle. 在这个人均收入年上升率仅为1%的经济中,目前的经济增长率已经被视为是奇迹了。
Well, maybe you are easy to replace. But that's no reason for you to feel like a peon. 你说得对,我不应该自己觉得我做的工作不重要,而且,想想看,我们大学校
Money talks and, for City, it has said goodbye to the days when they were made to feel like second-class citizens. 对曼城来说,金钱的魔力开始显现,他们已经向感觉自己是二等公民的时期说再见了。
And I feel like I have nothing to lose; I'm going against. . . you know, someone that's ranked higher than me. . . 我感觉我没什么可输的,我会与…你知道,排名高于我的人对手…
He said all the media attention made him feel like "Britney Spears with a headache. " 他说,媒体对他的关注让他觉得自己像是个得了头痛病的流行歌星。
You put the kids to bed, you've done all of the things that you had to do and you don't feel like it. 当你把孩子们放到床上时,你做完了一天中必须做的所有事情,那时你不想要性了。
The river is long, the boat seems fly in the air, don't know where to stop. I feel like an angel in the heaven, separated from earth. 乘着轻风(在江面上)无所不至,并不知到哪里才会停栖,感觉身轻得似要离开尘世飘飞而去,有如道家羽化成仙。
When you know how the card trick itself is done, you feel like a fool for falling for it. 当你知道换牌是怎么做到的,你感觉被这种把戏骗到像个傻瓜。