fairy tale

  • n.童话故事;虚构的故事;妄言
  • 网络神话;神话故事;说谎

复数:fairy tales

fairy talefairy tale

fairy tale


2.不实之词;谎言a story that sb tells that is not true; a lie


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... Czar n (俄国)沙皇 △ fairy tale n 神话;童话;谎言 give in 让步;投降 ...


[六年级英语]KOKO爱英语十一册单词表 - 豆丁网 ... Nuwa 女娲 fairy tale 童话故事 goddess 女神 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... Czar n (俄国)沙皇 △ fairy tale n 神话;童话;谎言 give in 让步;投降 ...


神(),组词要4个_百度知道 ... 中国上古神话传说[ fable;myth] 神话故事[ fairy tale] 神昏[ coma] ...


说谎(fairy tale) 作词:施人诚 作曲:李双飞 编曲:吕绍淳 制作人:王治平 是有过几个不错对象 说起来并不寂寞孤单 可能我 ... …


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... Czar n (俄国)沙皇 △ fairy tale n 神话;童话;谎言 give in 让步;投降 ...


DD234英语听力学习网 - 英文歌曲 ... Take Me To Your Heart - 带我走进你的心 Fairy Tale - 传奇 Baby - 宝贝 ...


一名角色扮演者扮成动漫系列《妖精的尾巴》(Fairy Tale)中的艾露莎·舒卡勒托(Erza Scarlet)。动漫电玩节举办了一个角色扮演 …

Finishing her first book as she did was not the "fairy tale resolution" the press has since made it out to be. 完成了她的第一本书并不是一场“幻想小说的革命”而是压力使它最后成为这样。
It was as if they swam straight from the pages of a fairy-tale. 他们看起来就好像是从神话故事书中直接游出来的生物。
You might be able to rush like the hare from the famous fairy tale - which leads to sloppy work and eventual burn out. 你可能需要跑得像来自著名童话故事中的野兔一样--它导致草率的工作,并最终失去热情。
You found a fairy tale, and inspired by love, fueled by desire, you set out a journey to make her real. 你找到了一个童话,在爱的启发下,在渴望的推动下,你开始了自己的旅程并把她变成了真实。
Whilst you're all tucked up in bed reading your favorite fairy-tale or horror story you can read to the glow of this uncomplicated lamp. 当你窝在床上看你最爱的童话故事或者鬼故事的时候,还可以沐浴在这盏造型简单的灯光里。
five-star beautiful flowers like a small bell waves roll out of the ring sounds, I seemed to have entered a fairy-tale world. 风一吹,五星花像一个个美丽的小铃铛摇出一阵阵动听的铃声,我仿佛进入了一个童话世界。
Peasemore is the sort of fairy-tale village that, judging by Tory rhetoric about the "broken society" , ought no longer to exist. Peasemore是一个童话般的乡村,如果用托利党“破裂社会”的话说,这个村早就不应该存在了。
She likes to see the children in the eyes of good, for the reader built a brilliant fairy tale world. 她喜欢用儿童的眼睛来看人世间的美好,为读者营造了一个烂漫的童话般的世界。
Hangzhou translation no matter how the world changes, good fairy tale is always accompany the child grow the important partner. 杭州翻译不管世界怎样变化,优秀的童话永远是陪伴孩子成长的重要伙伴。
After stringent security, into the center of the venue, the reporter feel like a fairy tale into a colorful world. 经过严格的安检,踏入会场中心后,记者感觉犹如进入了一个五彩缤纷的童话世界。
The name Rapunzel was chosen to remind people of the importance of eating good, wholesome food, just as it was depicted in the fairy tale. 长发公主的名字被选为提醒吃人的重要性良好,健康的食物,就像是童话故事的描绘。
The beautiful and high - quality one has seemed close at hand , extremely easy to obtain like the fairy tale! 童话般美丽优质的似乎已近在咫尺、唾手可得!
Frosty the Snowman is a fairy tale, they say; He was made of snow, but the children know how he came to life one day. 人说雪人佛斯弟是个童话人物,他虽是雪堆成的,但孩童们知道就在某天他变成活人。
The travel's fairy tale seems to fall down in the first step , but there will be bright in the future and a happy ending. 这个关于旅行的童话似乎在第一次迈步就崴脚了,但会有明朗的未来和幸福的结局。
Once upon a time the young man was perhaps not a frog in the beginning of the fairy tale as in the story first told by the Grimm brothers. 从前的年轻人也许不是在为故事中首先由格林兄弟童话故事开始告诉青蛙。
i know that life is not a fairy tale, and i'm not asking for a happy ending. all i'm asking is a real imperfect love story about you and me. 我知道,生活不是童话,所以我不求童话般的完美结局,只希望能拥有一个不完美但却真实的爱情故事。故事的主角,只有你和我。
Ge Laoer Huoci respected Hollywood cartoon film "Shrek" , calling it a rare Watch Now is not the fairy tale. 格劳尔霍茨推崇好莱坞的卡通片《怪物史莱克》,称之为难得的不以貌取人的童话。
You are probably thinking that it is very immature of me to be telling a fairy tale like this one. 也许你会觉得这样一篇童话对于我这样的年龄显得幼稚,
As a multi-racial person, with a very dysfunctional history, until recently: I am not Cinderella, my life has not been a fairy tale. 作为一个多血统、有着缺陷童年的人,现在我可以说:我不是灰姑娘,我的人生不是童话故事。
Science history, with the charm of a fairy-tale legend, records some of the high points and iconic details of that saga. 相关的科学史文献以富于童话色彩的笔调记录了这段传奇经历的巅峰时期和代表性细节。
" The word comes from Serendip, the name of a country in the fifth-century fairy tale " The Three Princes of Serendip. 这个词源自Serendip(锡兰的旧称),是五世纪时童话故事《锡兰国三王子》中的国名。
Should the father wake the children from the dream of the fairy tale, or let them wake subconsciously like the Sundays as usual? 作为父亲,该把孩子从童话梦里面唤醒,还是让他们能象过周日一样睡到“自然醒”?
"Gobbledegook" sounds like the name of a monster in a fairy tale. 这个词听起来像是神话传说中某个妖怪的名字。
A "Peter Pan" , is a character in a fairy - tale. He goes to a place called Never-never Land where he never grows up. 彼得潘是一个神话人物,他去了一个叫不老之地的地方,在那里他永远也不会变老。
"She's just a fairy tale character others will read about. . . and metaphor for hope to me, " I replied with a wink. “她只是一个人们可能会读到的某个童话故事里的人物…我把她比作希望。”我冲她眨眨眼作为回应。
In such a beautiful classroom, you felt as if you were in a fairy tale world. No wonder these children come to school everyday so happily. 置身于这样美丽的教室就像进入了春天的童话世界,难怪孩子们每天欢天喜地的来上学呢。
Every fairy tale has its minor setback, and Moore's carriage broke down on the way to the ball when her pickup truck got a flat tire. 每个童话故事有它的较小挫折,并且当她的轻型货车得到一个瘪胎时,穆尔的运费接近球失败。
Although not tell you a fairy-tale romantic love but occasionally increase the long-term happiness is the goal of my future. 虽然不敢说给你一个童话般的爱情但偶尔浪漫加幸福是我未来长期的奋斗目标。
There's a quality of legend about freaks. Like a person in a fairy tale who stops you and demands that you answer a riddle. 生活中关于畸形的人有着不少传奇的故事,就像那个童话中拦住你并要求你回答一个谜语的人。
And a world of ice and snow, pure enchanting dream of, yet I do not want to see a fairy-tale between the city's sad. 而一个冰天雪地的世界,纯洁的令人神往,却让我无意间看到一座童话般城市的心酸。