
  • n.费;国际马术联合会
  • 网络国际马联;国际马术联合会(Federation Equestre Internationale);国际财务执行官组织(Financial Executives International)



如何根据中文名起英文名_百度文库 ... 房/方- -Fang - -Fei 盖- -Kai ...


国际马联场地障碍世界杯国际马联FEI)场地障碍世界杯是由国际马术联合会主办,由各地区马术协会承办 的跨年度马术场地 …

国际马术联合会(Federation Equestre Internationale)

但赛后国际马术联合会(FEI)宣布剥夺他在雅典奥运会上获得的马术障碍个人赛金牌。因为奥康纳夺冠时所驾驭的赛马沃特福德 …

国际财务执行官组织(Financial Executives International)

  FEIFinancial Executives International,财务经理协会)和普华永道(Price Waterhouse&Coopers)于2001年11月8日至12 …

财务经理协会(Financial Executives Institute)

财务经理协会FEI)的支持下,美国管理会计师协会(IMA)于1999年采用实地调研和问卷调查的方法,分析了管理会计领 …

Poor man, she said now, and for a moment, lost in his reverie, Teacher Fei wondered if he had told her about the avenging daughter. 可怜人,母亲说道,然后有一刻又陷入自己的沉思中。范老师想不起自己是不是已经把女儿复仇的故事告诉了母亲。
The analysis of the form of Fei's essay reveals that his concept of "Random Writing" is in essence to attach importance to inspiration. 从散文形式上剖析,废名从六朝散文中提炼出“乱写”的观念,其实质是重灵感的创作心理。
Cough throat-based virtual real standard of evidence, in this virtual Fei Wei, the wind is the heat throat. 喉源性咳嗽为本虚标实之证,本虚在肺胃,风痰热之实在喉。
Rebelliously, Han Fei-tzu gave her the most false answer to her question. "To lie with her, " he said. 韩非子难以控制的给了她最错误的答案。“和她躺在一起。”他说。
Mother's day is approaching, Ariel has bought 5 tickets to singer Fei Yu Qing's concert for her mother and her relatives as a gift. 母亲节将至,林依晨买下5张费玉清演唱会加演场次的门票,送妈妈、外婆、姨妈、姑婆等长辈当礼物。
Hopefully, this let the "heroes Ewan" things do not happen again, we never want to see that Cong Fei eye drops hero tears. 但愿这种让“壮士扼腕”的事情不要再发生,我们永远也不愿看到丛飞眼角那滴英雄泪。
"Let me, " Teacher Fei said, and though the man hesitated for a moment, he did not argue. “我来,”范老师说,男人迟疑了一下,但没有再争。
Han Fei-tzu set Qing-jay on her feet; she had not been deeply asleep, and so she woke at once and stood there, blinking slowly. 韩非子把清照放下,她没有睡沉,立刻清醒过来站在了那里,慢慢的眨着眼睛。
"Mei Fei Se Wu " is an idiom whose meaning is self-evident and easy to understand. “眉飞色舞”是个从字面上就能看懂意思的成语,非常好理解。
So, your English-speaking taxi idea has legs, Wang Fei. So let's run with it for a minute. 所以,如果你想的开一家说英语的出租车公司很不错。我们来支持一分钟吧。
It was not right, thought Han Fei-tzu, for his wife to die before him: her ancestor-of-the-heart had outlived her husband. 这是不对的,韩非子想,他的妻子在他之前死去是不对的:因为她的心灵之祖活得比她的丈夫要长久。
"Han Fei" Road "to the concept of things that the general law, and specific matters of law" arguments. 韩非用“道”这一概念来表示事物的总规律,而且具体事物的规律就是“理”了。
Wang Fei: No, I think I will sign up for an online account. Give it a go. 不去了,我想申请网上银行。试一下。
He appointed Tang Fei as the Air Force was the "Premier" while Lee accepted the recommendations of his ming as "chief of staff" . 他在起用空军出身的唐飞担任“行政院长”的同时,接受李登辉的建议,留任汤曜明为“参谋总长”。
Nor did Han Fei-tzu mind the touch of his wife's flesh as he tucked his own three papers into her other sleeve. 韩非子把他的三张信纸插入她另只袖中的时候,也没有在意触碰妻子的身体。
Without withdrawing his hand, he mouthed a threat at Teacher Fei, who lifted his arms as if surrendering and stood up to leave. 男孩没有停手,而是对范老师发出威吓的声音,范老师举起双手做出投降的样子,然后起身离开了。
Wang Fei: Finn's decided to take us out for a ride today and he's driving now. Finn决定今天带我们出去兜风,他正在开车。
Is an old master to see the clues, and gave him careful instructions, Zhang Fei, they realized what these are, have learned their use. 还是一位老师傅看出了端倪,给了他悉心的指点,张飞这才明白了这些是什么东西,也学会了它们的使用方法。
Fans invariably comment on Mr. Fei's 6-foot-3 frame and his blue eyes, and on his links with the United States. 歌迷们常常谈论到费翔6.3英尺的身高和他蓝色的眼睛以及他美国人的身份。
A different message, left by a woman who hailed the girl as a guardian of the morality of modern China, taunted Teacher Fei in bold type. 在另外一条留言中,一个女人把女孩称为现代中国的道德卫士,并用粗体字辱骂了范老师。
"Die to happen? I? Admire, to, beauty, you just instruct my martial skill call what name? " Zhang Fei smiled for a while, then asked a way. “死到临头?我?哈,对了,美女,你刚才教我的武技叫什么名字?”张斐笑了一下,然后问道。
When the phone was picked up again, Teacher Fei was surprised by the voice, which sounded as though it belonged to a much older man. 等有人接起电话时,范老师很吃惊,因为声音听上去像个年纪大得多的人。
Not to be outdone , Jay also invited his moms idol, Fei Yu Qing, to collaborate in a song for his album Still Fantasy . 除此,在《依然范特西》里,周董还特意邀请了妈妈的偶像费玉清一起合作。
The next day, Teacher Fei saw that his second message to the girl had also been confiscated by the cyberworld. 第二天,范老师看见自己留给女孩的第二条留言也被删除了。
When Teng Fei's mother told him that his dad had been taken ill the horrified teenager rushed straight to hospital. 当母亲告诉腾飞他父亲生病了,这个被吓坏了的少年直往医院冲。
Fei said the poultry and livestock died in place of Huan Jing's family, who escaped disaster by following his instructions. 费长房说:这些家禽和牲畜都是代替你的家人死去了,他们正是通过这种方式逃过了灾难。
Yan Fei shakes his head and says that some weeks he's lucky to have a single tourist appear for a day. 杨非摇了摇头说,几周中有一个游客停留一天,他就很幸运了。
Han Fei- tzu heard a new sound in her breathy voice -- a popping sound, like bubbles bursting with her words . 韩非子听见她微弱的声音有着一种新的声响——爆裂的声响,像是她的语句中含着气泡爆裂。
She was always playing Wolf, Wolf said, stupid, useless, Wonang Fei, always likes to be too small and gray wolf White Wolf to compare. 她总是打灰太狼,说灰太狼笨蛋、没用、窝囊废,总爱把小白狼和灰太狼做比较。
Various twists and turns like a meteor Department quietly glide spring moon, pain thread involved in the dust Saola the sky Fei Xu. 辗转处秋月春风似流星悄然滑过,痛的丝线牵扯在尘间扫落了漫天飞絮。