
美 [fild]英 [fiːld]
  • n.场;字段;领域;田
  • v.接;使参加竞选;使参加比赛;担任守场员
  • adj.田间的;野外的;实地的
  • 网络田地;田野;栏位

复数:fields 现在分词:fielding 过去式:fielded

electrical field,same field,input field,popular field
enter field,field team,develop field,till field,field plow


n. v.

田地area of land

1.[c]田;地;牧场an area of land in the country used for growing crops or keeping animals in, usually surrounded by a fence, etc.

2.[c](作某种用途的)场地an area of land used for the purpose mentioned

3.[c](覆盖…的或有…的)大片地方a large area of land covered with the thing mentioned; an area from which the thing mentioned is obtained


4.[c]专业;学科;界;领域a particular subject or activity that sb works in or is interested in

实地工作practical work

5.[c]实地;野外the fact of people doing practical work or study, rather than working in a library or laboratory

体育运动in sport

6.[c]运动场an area of land used for playing a sport on

8.[singspv](比赛项目的)全体参赛者all the people or animals competing in a particular sports event

商业in business

9.[singspv]行业all the people or products competing in a particular area of business


10.[c]场an area within which the force mentioned has an effect


11.[c]字段;信息组;栏part of a record that is a separate item of data


leave the field clear for sb|leave sb in possession of the field

为…的胜利铺平道路;为…的成功扫清障碍to enable sb to be successful in a particular area of activity because other people or groups have given up competing with them

play the field

性滥交;乱搞男女关系to have sexual relationships with a lot of different people


字段field)或者数据项(data item)对应于信息世界中的属性。记录(record)是字段的有序集合对应于信息世界的实体。

(Field)又称成员变量(Member Variable),它表示存储位置,是C#中类不可缺少的一部分。域的类型可以是C#中任何数据类 …

场独立型的人倾向于把一个( Field)的某一部分看作独立于周围环境的整体;场依存型的人往往被整个场的组织结构决定着他们 …


四年级下册英语单词_百度文库 ... fairy 仙女 field 运动场,田地 fresh 新鲜的 ...


字典中 樊 字的解释 ... (4) 关鸟兽的笼子[ bird or beast cage] (6) 领域;范围[ field] (7) 旁,边际[ side] ...


陌_百度百科 ... 4. 泛指道路[ road] 6. 田野[ field] 7. 街道[ street] ...


栏位 (field) :每一笔纪录中各个独立的资讯元素 (element),就称为栏位 (field)。检索点 (access point) :在每一笔纪录中,可 …


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... few pron. 不多;少数 不多的;少数的 field n. 田地;牧场;场地 fifteen num. 十五 ...

The smallest planet made out of the dense stuff with the most lunar-like landscape at its surface, and yet, generating magnetic field. 这颗最小的星球由密集的物质组成,好像月面景观在其表面一样,然而,却产生着磁场。
You might be a trader doing business part-time, supplementing your full-time income by putting to use your expertise in a certain field. 也许你在这行就做个兼职,利用你在某领域的特有专长赚外快(为你的全职工资添点补助)。
If only one solution can be found for a field problem, then it is usually a stupid solution. 如果一个战场上的问题只有一种解决方案,这通常是个愚蠢的方案。
Although interior design has existed since the beginning of architecture, its development into a specialized field is really quite recent. 尽管室内设计自建筑业出现以来就产生了,但它发展成一专门领域却是最近的事。
Miao word as the name implies, is a species of field crops, in ancient times, the word represents the Miao ethnic group paddy - Miao people. 苗字顾名思义,就是田里种的庄稼,因此在上古时代,苗字代表了种水稻的族群-苗民。
Mr. Thompson goes out to the field alone in the hot sun. He works all day while his three sons do nothing. His neighbors see him. 汤普森先生顶着炎炎烈日独自到园子里去干活。他的三个儿子无所事事,而他却不得不整日工作。邻居们看到了汤普森先生。
Beckham has not yet commented if it was the bracelet that helped him get back to peak fitness and finally back on the field in September. 贝克汉姆并没有发表言论证实,到底是不是能量手环帮助他重回巅峰状态,并最终在九月回到赛场。
The form of the stable geomagnetic field is like that of a bar magnet at the center of the Earth. 稳定地磁场的形状与地球中心的棒磁铁的形状相似。
This example (Figure 8) has a table and a small piece of text on the page to identify the field and lay it out neatly. 本例(图8)有一张表格和文本以识别栏并整齐的布置。
Western leaders say China's currency manipulation gives it a home field advantage. But even so, China faces domestic pressures. 西方领导人说中国对货币的操纵,给了它一个主场优势。但即使如此,中国仍然面临着国内压力。
In the cultural field, the next two years are going to be very exciting. 在文化领域,未来两年将会给我们带来令人激动的事情。
The array of patches forms a resonant surface on which surface currents can be resonantly excited for generating at least one field modus. 所述贴片的阵列构成了谐振表面,在该谐振表面上能够以谐振方式激励表面电流,以便产生至少一个场形式。
No one to speak, even Tangwan example, she did not understand, but also the terror of the gas field shook not dare to speak. 谁都没有说话,甚至包括唐宛如,她并没有听懂,但也被整个恐怖的气场震得不敢说话。
Well, I want to figure out how much my vector field is going across that surface. 下面我们要搞清楚,这个向量场是如何穿过曲面的。
It is a growing field trying to understand how the environment interacts with genes. 这个成长中的研究领域旨在了解环境与基因间如何相互影响。
After driving a short while, she rolled down the car window and threw it out into a field. 在开了一小段路程后,她摇下车窗,把他丈夫的命根仍在了野地。
Just as iron filings arc from one end of a magnet to another, the plasma is sliding in an arc along magnetic field lines. 等离子体在弧形内沿着磁力线滑动,和铁屑在磁体两极之间呈现的弧形一样。
Like a powerful magnet, this field has attracted many experts and scholars and considerable research funds since the beginning of the 1990s. 自从二十世纪九十年月以来,这一范畴就像一块强力磁铁一样吸收了浩繁的专家、学者以及可不雅的研讨经费。
Ben: Yeah. And if I don't get my average up to a B, he's not going to let me go on the class field trip to the Hayden Planetarium . 本:对,如果我不把平均分提到B,他就不让我和班里的同学一起去海登天文馆。
She had circled through a ploughed field for a mile until the light of the fires died out behind her. 她打田畈里绕圈子走了一英里多路,直到那火光远远消失在她的背后。
And Ruth the Moabite said to Naomi, "Let me go to the field and glean among the ears of grain after him in whose sight I shall find favor. " 摩押女子路得对拿俄米说:「容我往田间去,我蒙谁的恩,就在谁的身后拾取麦穗。」
Having absorbed much foreign technology, it now seems to be tilting the playing field in favour of its own companies. 在吸收了大量外国技术之后,中国现在似乎正在打造一种有利于本土企业的竞争环境。
Since it is relatively easy to operate a website as an electronic journal, many scholars and scientists have become active in this field. 以网站为电子学刊的平台,已经是相对简单的事,许多学者和科学家已活跃于此领域。
Therefore, if a query filter field is one of these types, and the associated table is large, the query can be very slow. 因此,如果查询筛选字段是这种类型中的一个,而相关的表格很大,那么查询的速度会非常慢。
The IT field has grown to the point where, as with the medical field, it's impossible for one person to master all of it. 跟医学领域一样,IT领域已经发展到一个人没办法掌握完所有的东西的地步了。
During our trip we had come across small amounts of cotton grass along the roads, but I never expected to see such a huge field of it. 可是在旅途中,我们所遇到的棉草量却是很少的,但我没想到会看到这样一块庞大的田地。
A field audit investigation might have been conducted in relation to cases falling within the above categories. 本局有可能就上述三类个案进行实地审核调查。
If you fail this test then you know for sure that you are not gradient field so you might as well do that. 如果通不过检验,那么可以肯定,它不是梯度场,你可能也会那样做。
The study of consumers behavior trend has always been a very active field in the study of western consuming behavior. 消费者行为倾向的前因研究一直都是西方消费行为研究中非常活跃的领域。
Keep in mind that the name you pick for a field will be used in all clients of any particular Team Foundation Server. 请记住,为字段选取的名称将在任何特定TeamFoundationServer的所有客户端中使用。