
美 [ˈfɪnɪʃ]英 ['fɪnɪʃ]
  • v.完成;做好;(使)结束;吃完
  • n.抛光;结局;结尾;最后部分
  • 网络表面处理;修饰;完成安装

第三人称单数:finishes 现在分词:finishing 过去式:finished

finish school,finish course,finish college,finish education,finish construction


v. n.

1.[t][i]完成;做好to stop doing sth or making sth because it is complete

2.[i][t](使)结束to come to an end; to bring sth to an end

3.[t]~ sth (off/up)吃完,喝光,用尽(所剩之物)to eat, drink or use what remains of sth

4.[i](赛跑、竞赛)得…名;获…成绩to be in a particular state or position at the end of a race or a competition

5.[t](informal)~ sb (off)使筋疲力尽;使失去耐心to make sb so tired or impatient that they cannot do any more


人教版八年级上册英语单词_百度文库 ... forget v. 忘记 finish v. 结束,完成 tourist n. 旅行者 ...


人教版八年级上册英语单词_百度文库 ... forget v. 忘记 finish v. 结束,完成 tourist n. 旅行者 ...


标准件定义及分类 ... 热处理: heat-treatment 表面处理finish 去氢: Lustrating hydrogen ...


CATIA软件的10个使用技巧 —— 机械英才网 ... find 查找 寻找工具 finish 完成 修饰 fit points 拟合点 拟合点 ...


WAMP_百度百科 ... 【install】 开始安装。 【Finish完成安装。 J2EE 和. ...


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... finger n. 手指 finish v. 结束;做完 fire n. 火;火炉;火灾 ...


比赛中,路面上空会有检查点(CHECK)和终点FINISH)提示。比赛中地图也完全开放,所有岔路都可以走,敌人也经常走 …


2011年中考英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... finger 手指 446. finish 完成,结束 447. fire 火,炉火,火灾 448. ...

He took a trip to southern California , and there he found just the weather and scenery he needed to finish his movie. 他去加洲南部旅行,在那里他恰好发现了要完成他的电影所需的财富和外景。
On top of that, the producer and director didn't want me to work too hard so they let me finish up after filming a couple of shots. 还有,制片、导演等人不想我太辛苦,拍了几个镜头就说让我收工。
When you finish eating your Hollywood ice cream cone, you immediately put it out of your mind, but that lollipop isn't so easily forgotten. 只是好莱坞冰淇淋吃多了,吃完会马上忘在脑后,这支棒棒糖却不这么简单?
Don't thank me for coming in. At least let me finish. 不…别谢谢我来至少让我演完
You ready to go? - Let me just finish this. 你准备好要走了吗?-让我先把这个完成
Jeff is an insightful writer and I encourage you to pay him a visit when you finish here. 杰夫是一位有深度的作家,我鼓励你读完后去拜访他。
I do not care or I did not finish drinking, I threw the cans of milk in the first leg the dog, and he seemed to feel the pain of it! 我不管我的旺仔喝完还是没喝完,我把牛奶罐扔在那只狗的前腿上,好像是感觉痛了吧!
Under repair, common lathe, pins, bolts, nuts, etc, also used to increase the various parts of the surface finish. 在修理中,常用车床加工轴、定位销、螺栓螺母等零件,同时也用于增加各种零件的表面光洁度等工作。
It is one of the best strains for contributing big tannin volume and is characterized by ripe fruit, smoke and a licorice finish. 这是一个最好的品种和数量,为促进宁大特点是成熟果实,烟、甘草到底。
PEDR O. K. , if you want it that way. You finish the painting, and I''ll be happy to sign my name. I love to see an artist working. 好吧,如果是这样,你来画画,我来签名。我倒很爱看你们这些艺术家工作。
The series finale is being split into two movies for which filming began five months ago and is due to finish in about a year. 根据最后一部小说改编的终结版于5个月前开拍,将在一年内完成。影片分上下两集。
I see that you were up very late last night and I think you just finish your work and then write to me. 我看到你了很晚了,昨晚,我认为你刚刚完成你的工作,然后写信给我。
He did not finish the first paragraph. The lines blurred and ran together and his head nodded. 第一段没读完,一行行的事已模糊成了一片,他打起了盹。
Home machine rang, allison finish DE law to big can wind send messages to let him see her, she came out in a unit the door. 家里座机响了,佳佳接完德律风就给大可发短信让他出来见她,她在单元门口。
His mother confined him to his room for the weekend for his failing to finish his homework. 他妈妈周末不让他出房门,因为她每做完作业。
I know this is not the point of "I cannot finish a movie one day" , I am still confused sometimes of considering what I should do now. 我知道“一天做不了电影”不是重点,我现在有时候也还是会迷茫不知道自己该怎么办。
And, the more times the ball goes through a given player to finish in a shot, the better that player performed. 而球经过某一球员之后射门的次数越多,这名球员的表现也就越好。
When she told me what I do not love you, I really feel like a monkey, like to be thorough from start to finish to tell her. 当她说出我不爱你了的时候,我真的感觉自己好象一只猴一样,从头到尾彻彻底底被她给耍了。
I ask him in a low voice, urging him to finish his sentence. 我问他的声音很低,敦促他完成他的判决。
After my daughter and I passed him in the first few minutes, we easily found more courage to finish ourselves. 我和女儿在比赛的最初几分钟内超过了他,当时顿觉勇气倍增,一定要跑完全程。
Note that the split file named yaa did not finish with a newline character, so our prompt was offset after we used cat to display it. 注意,名为yaa的分解文件并未使用换行符表示结束,因此当使用cat显示提示之后,会发现提示出现了偏移。
You need to hold the ball across the playing field with multiple obstacles to the finish to advance to the next level. 你需要拿球穿越运动场多障碍地完成提前到下一水平。
To finish the work by the end of next month seems to be a problem. 在下个月底以前完成这项任务似乎有困难。
A week later , when he wanted to finish the book , he found he had lost his place . 一星期后,当他想读完那本书时,他发现他忘了上次读到哪儿了。
"Herb-brandy by all means, " said Tushin; "but still to conceive of a future life . . . " He did not finish his sentence. “可以请您喝一点草浸酒,”图申说道,“还是要明了未来的人生……”他没有把话说完。
When I reached the finish line, I turned my head to see that all of my competitors were behind me and I realized I was the number one. 当我到达了终点线,我转动我的头看,所有我的竞争者是在我之后并且我体会我是第号一个。
The surface finish and condition at the point of sealing contact are also critical. 密封接触点的表面光洁度和状态也是很关键的。
The last chapter is a conclusion, which summarize and finish up the thesis and point out insufficient and the place still to be improved. 对论文进行总结收尾,提出论题研究成果,指出不足和有待改进之处。
Whenever you start a new job, one of the key things to ask is what time you start and what time you finish. 在你开始一个新工作的时候,问清楚你的工作时间是非常重要的。
saying, 'This fellow began to build and was not able to finish. ' 说,这个人开了工,却不能完工。