financial times

  • un.(英国,加拿大)《金融时报》

financial timesfinancial times

financial times

A Fed staff paper secured by the Financial Times notes that the appropriate real interest rate for the U. S. economy would be a negative 5%. 《金融时代》获得的一份美联储内部文件说,美国经济最理想的真实利率应为负5%。
"We certainly can't see a compelling reason to do it, " he said in an interview with the Financial Times. 吉姆·阿尔博接受《金融时报》采访时称,“我们没有充分的理由升级发动机。”
"We aim to be the elite among the domestic brands, " Wang Dazong, BAIC president, said in an interview with the Financial Times. 北汽控股总经理汪大总在接受英国《金融时报》采访时说:“我们的目标是成为中国自主品牌中的精英。”
" We have had preliminary interest from a wide range of potential bidders , " Mr Wilson told the Financial Times in an interview on Sunday . 昨日,麦智信在接受英国《金融时报》采访时表示:“来自诸多方面的潜在竞购者向我们表达了初步兴趣。”
It was forwarded to me by various people, including a female Financial Times reader based in London. 好几个人将这份电邮转给了我,其中包括一位常驻伦敦的英国《金融时报》的女性读者。
As you may know already, the hard financial times are the main problem of the car manufacturers all over the world. 正如你可能已经知道,硬盘是金融时报的主要问题的汽车制造商在世界各地。
Mr Deripaska insisted in an interview with the Financial Times last week that it did not matter if the IPO was delayed until next year. 德里帕斯卡上周接受英国《金融时报》采访时仍坚称,即使上市被推迟至明年也没有关系。
Nasdaq OMX, the transatlantic exchange, has closed its liaison office in India, people familiar with the matter told the Financial Times. 知情人士向英国《金融时报》透露,跨大西洋证券交易所集团NasdaqOMX已关闭了在印度的联络处。
Robert Benmosche, AIG's chief executive, told the Financial Times this week that the listing of AIA was one of his top priorities. 美国国际集团首席执行官罗伯特·本默切(RobertBenmosche)本周告诉《金融时报》,友邦保险的上市是其首要任务之一。
"A more balanced approach would have been helpful, " he said in a Financial Times debate on the future of capitalism. 他在英国《金融时报》关于资本主义未来的讨论中表示:“一个更为均衡的措施本应会有所帮助。”
We rushed to market to be first and got great coverage in the Financial Times (we were in London). 我们急切地向市场宣布“第一”,并获得了《金融时报》(FinancialTimes)的精彩报道(当时我们在伦敦)。
"If it is managed right it makes all the sense in the world, " he said in an interview with the Financial Times. 威尔在接受英国《金融时报》采访时表示:“如果管理得当,这种结合是非常合理的。”
Jim Goodnight points to a story on the front page of his Financial Times. He is slightly agitated. 吉姆?古德奈特(JimGoodnight)指着手中英国《金融时报》头版上的一篇报道,神情有点激动。
McGrath told the Financial Times in an interview the majority of investors were supportive of him and Thiam. McGrath在接受金融时报专访时表示,多数投资人都支持他和Thiam。
The Financial Times said the move marks the beginning of changes in Baidu's personnel policy. 英国《金融时报》称,此举标志着百度人事政策变革的开始。
It may bring me a bit closer to those Financial Times readers who measure out their lives in meetings of this sort. 英国《金融时报》的一些读者整日参加这种董事会议,今后也许我会离他们更近一点。
"I'm interested in the way support is building up for international action, " he said in an interview with the Financial Times. 他在接受英国《金融时报》采访时表示:“我感兴趣的,对国际行动的支持正在加大。”
"He did not come across as the foreign minister of a friendly nation, " he told the Financial Times. “他看上去不像是来自友好国家的外交部长,”这名官员告诉英国《金融时报》。
In London he revealed to the Financial Times that he was carrying Smith's "The Theory of Moral Sentiments" in his suitcase. 在伦敦,他通过FinancialTimes(金融时报)透露,他已经把史密斯的《道德观理论》一书放进了他的行囊。
And then the embarrassment is going to be crippling, to me, to the luckless company and to the Financial Times. 而后,这种困窘必然给我本人、那家不幸的公司、以及英国《金融时报》造成极大的伤害。
Prof Chesbrough was one of the speakers at last week's Financial Times innovation conference in London. 切斯布罗格教授是上周英国《金融时报》伦敦创新会议的发言人之一。
"I continue to see conditions for the steel industry as being very favourable, " said Mr Mittal in an interview with the Financial Times. 拉克西米-米塔尔在接受英国《金融时报》采访时表示:“我仍然认为,钢铁行业的环境非常有利。”
Danah Boyd from Berkely & Harvard is, as the Financial Times referred to her, "the high priestess of social networking" . DanahBoyd毕业于贝克利与哈佛大学,金融时报形容她是“社会网络的女祭司”。
Some, like the Financial Times, pulled out of the App Store and went with a Web app instead. 还有些出版商,如《金融时报》(FinancialTimes),则干脆撤出了苹果的应用商店,推出了自己的网页应用。
As the Financial Times publishes its tenth global MBA ranking, this correlation is all too apparent. 在英国《金融时报》公布其第10份全球MBA排名之际,这种关系分外明显。
Now, Chinese tastes are beginning to influence the design of the products the rest of the world buys, the Financial Times reported. 但现在,“中国品味”开始影响销往世界其它地区产品的设计。
Several lawyers interviewed by the Financial Times agreed that she was likely to receive a commuted death sentence. 英国《金融时报》采访的多名律师一致认为,她可能被判死刑缓期执行。
A big headline across the front page of Monday's Financial Times summed up the position: "Romer upbeat on economy. " 周一金融时报头版头条标题总结了这样的立场:“Romer对经济状况乐观”
"As you get into higher end capability, I am not so sure that the rate of acceleration is the same, " he told the Financial Times. “当你(武器)性能更高端时,我不能肯定你的加速度能否保持不变。”
However, the company recently spoke to the Financial Times about some of its techniques for marketing to the super-rich. 然而,这家公司最近向英国《金融时报》透露了一些向超级富豪进行营销的技巧。