
美 [klæs]英 [klɑːs]
  • n.班;课;上课;班级
  • adj.很好的;优秀的;出色的
  • v.把…看作(或分类、归类)
  • 网络类别(classification);等级;纲

复数:classes 现在分词:classing 过去式:classed

same class,middle class,upper class,ruling class,superior class
attend class,class hold,give class,skip class,Miss class


教育in education

1.[cspv]班;班级a group of students who are taught together

2.[c][u]课;上课an occasion when a group of students meet to be taught

3.[c](某科目的)系列课程a series of classes on a particular subject

4.[cspv]同届毕业生a group of students who finish their studies at school, college or university in a particular year

社会in society

5.[cspv]阶级;阶层one of the groups of people in a society that are thought of as being at the same social or economic level

6.[u]社会等级the way that people are divided into different social and economic groups

人╱动物群体group of people/animals

7.[c]种类;类别;等级a group of people, animals or things that have similar characteristics or qualities


8.[u]优雅;典雅;高超an elegant quality or a high level of skill that is impressive

火车;飞机in train/plane

9.[c]等级;舱位等级each of several different levels of comfort that are available to travellers in a plane, etc.

大学学位of university degree

10.[c](英国学位考试的)等级one of the levels of achievement in a British university degree exam

(class)一个单独的as文件,类是用来描述一个对象(面对对象的编程模式)的,Adobe建议每个类就是一个单独的文件,文件名 …


类别型态:经由类别class)的宣告而得到。如果 Car 是一个类别,而 aCar 是一个这个类别的变数,则 Car 便是 aCar 的型 …


理工-家里蹲大学 ... 宿舍 space 班级 Class 办公楼 office ...


网路部分又可分为位址的等级Class)、电脑所在的网区域号码, 网路部份用来表示此主机所连接的网路编号。 主机部分则 …

人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... more pron. 更多的;更大的 class n. 班级;(一节) interesting adj. 有趣的;令人感兴趣的 ...

但由 (Class) 开始已经唔同啦!!!牡蛎系双壳纲 (Bivalvia), 而鲍鱼系腹足纲 (Gastropoda)宝贝呢, 就只系指 Cypraea 呢个 genus …


将"阶级"(class)这个要命的词扩大到机械,将"斗争"(struggle)这个更要命的词延伸到公路,你会有许多可怕的发现,让你心惊胆战,不 …

After Albert made it out of my class, something interesting happened. 在艾伯特顺利地通过这门课程,从我的课堂上离开之后,有趣的事情发生了。
When automatic detection is in use, a machine is considered server-class if it has at least two CPUs and two gigabytes of physical memory. 在使用自动探测时,如果一台机器拥有至少两个CPU和2GB物理内存,就会把它当成服务器。
We, students of class 11, are just like this pigeon, ready to expand our wings and fly to the vast blue sky! 我们11班的所有同学也正像这只鸽子一样,正蓄势待发地展开双翅,飞向辽阔的蓝天!
The latest suggests that academic performance improves if children are not allowed to put their hands up in class. 最新的研究指出,如果不允许学生在课堂上举手回答问题,他们的学习成绩会有所提高。
I'll never forget the first day of Grade Six when you took out a thick book and began to read the story to our class. 我永远不会忘记六年级的第一天,你拿着一本薄薄的书并且开始向全班阅读故事。
Swift, though born a member of Ireland's colonial ruling class, came to be known as one of the greatest of Irish patriots. 斯威夫特,但出生的成员,爱尔兰的殖民统治阶级,后来被称为最伟大的爱尔兰爱国者。
I envied that female students with the quarters, ah, the class has a birthday song for her to sing it! 我好羡慕同宿舍的那个女同学啊,全班都有为她唱生日歌呢!
It is a class method, as it is static, but needs to be able to call the setUserServices method in case of a cache miss. 它是一个类方法,因为它是静态的,但是需要能够在丢失缓存时调用setUserServices方法。
How much quality the first-class firewall has? 一流防火墙有多少成色?
There is always resistance in the lower classes to any attempt by an upper class to lay down rules for "English as it should be spoken. " 每当上流社会想给“规范英语”制订一些条条框框时,总会遭到下层人民的抵制。
They appeared to be middle class; one was accompanied by his child. 他们像是中层人士,其中一位还带着孩子。
class , and override this method , returning from it a specific set of secondary interfaces. 类继承并重写此方法,使之返回一组指定的辅助接口。
She loved the German band Rammstein and signed up for a language class to understand the lyrics. 她喜爱德国Rammstein乐队,并因此注册德语课以期听懂他们的歌词。
Therefore, he considered that dominate the class and be among the dominant class, oppression is not the only form of existence. 因此,他认为支配阶级和被支配阶级之间,压迫不是惟一的存在方式。
Keep this thread alive so Blizzard can see how much we care about our class. 保存这活着穿线于,如此大风雪能见到我们关心我们的班级多少。
Attracting R& D to Shanghai is a central part of the city's ambition to turn itself into a world-class services centre. 吸引研发中心落户上海是该城市转变为世界级服务中心战略的核心部分。
"That's okay, " she said. "I'm just calling my daughter. She's sitting up in first class. " 她回答道:“那好吧。我只是在与我的女儿通话。她坐在第一排。”
As a spiritual aristocrat, he has no truck with the complacent notions of progress and conquest of a Whiggish middle class. 他本人是一个精神世界丰富的贵族,他不会对国家的经济发展洋洋得意,也不会花心思去研究如何战胜辉格党中产阶级。
He is always in the first place in his class, so there is no way for all the other students to catch up with him. 他在班里总是排名第一,对其他同学来说,要赶上他简直是不可能的。
Enables you to work with a business object or other class and create Web applications that rely on middle-tier objects to manage data. 允许您使用业务对象或其他类,以及创建依赖中间层对象管理数据的Web应用程序。
The growing Chinese middle class means there is no shortage of parents willing to pay $2, 200 a year for tuition of two hours a week. 日益壮大的中国中产阶层意味着,愿意为每周两小时的课时支付每年2200美元学费的父母不乏其人。
Every class, her mother held at the door with touchdown earthquake left to her only spirit depend on. 每次上课,她妈妈就默默在门外陪着地震后给她留下的唯一精神依靠。
And I learned in that class -- because I would do things like this . . . and they were all gathered around, going, what's he trying to say? 我也从他们身上学到很多,因为我上课的时候只做手势,于是所有的学生聚在一起讨论,他到底想说什么?
The "Affluent Middle Class Farmer" Social Class : It was one of the social classes classified in Chinese countryside in 1950s. 富裕中农是1950年代中国农村划分的阶级成分之一。
In the movie, Jack is a 3rd class passenger on the Titanic who sneaks his way up to first class with the hopes of never getting caught. 在本片中,Jack是泰坦尼克号上三等舱的乘客,为了避免感冒,他偷偷溜进了头等舱。
Class is a useful tool for logging simulation measures , but you could record events by any other technique you wished also . 类对记录模拟措施是个有用的工具,但您也可以通过您想使用的其它任何技术来记录事件。
I learned more spoken English by living it up and hanging out with American friends than I did in traditional English class. 通过尽情享受与美国朋友闲逛,我学到比在传统英语课中更多的口语。
I'm pleased with your happiness, esp. With Miss Li's good friend. In today's class, I'd like to tell you a story about "Great Friends" 我也因为你们的高兴而高兴,特别是为某同学有那么好的朋友而高兴。今天的课上我给你们讲个“好朋友”的故事。
Brian finished the "H-vac" programme in 2007 at the top of his class, but he landed in an economy already beginning to teeter. 2007年,布赖恩以全班前几名的成绩完成了H-vac课程,但此时美国经济已开始步履蹒跚。
There once was a girl who was always left behind to the last one in the running exercise in PE class due to her physically weak body. 一个女孩,小的时候由于身体纤弱,每次体育课跑步都落在最后。