
  • n.【女名】女子名
  • 网络周;洲;秋



正确的中文名翻译英文名_在线英语词典 ... CHAU 舟 CHAU CHAU 洲 ...

正确的中文名翻译英文名_在线英语词典 ... CHAU 周 CHAU CHAU 秋 ...

正确的中文名翻译英文名_在线英语词典 ... CHAU 洲 CHAU CHEN 陈 ...

中文姓氏对应的英文单词_百度文库 ... 曾/郑 - -Tsang/Cheng/Ts eng 周/ - -Chau/Chou/Chow 包/鲍- -Paul/Pao ...


香港政府粤语拼音 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 ... chap 集插 chau 周秋 che 輋车 ...

Juicy Lemon 狂串乐基儿 Medley -... ... 肯( hang) ( chau) 许( hui) ...

中文输入法世界 ... wan 搵 chau bo 煲 ...


高能物理与核物理|期刊杂志|辐射防护网 ... A. Chao( 赵午) L. L. Chau( 乔玲丽) T. Han( 韩涛) ...

The tranquil environment of Peng Chau with its diversified ecology makes it a popular destination for lovers of natural scenery. 该岛拥有宁静的环境及多样化的自然生态,是喜爱大自然的游客常到的地方。
On the morning of the luncheon, he made his way to Central by ferry from his home in Cheung Chau, and then jumped into a taxi. 在举行午宴的那个早上,他乘渡轮从位于长洲的家中抵达中环,然后钻进一辆的士。
And in the final stages, organizers are working to ensure the safety of every corner. Lian Chau Yuan, CCTV. 而在这最后的阶段,组织者在努力保证每个角落的安全。连楚原,中央电视台。
As a remote Island, Tung Ping Chau completely lack of any urban atmosphere. 东平洲地处偏远,没有沾上丝毫的城市气息。
Why are female teacher is accused students gods (Tan Chau said the prostitutes)? 为什么学生会骂女老师是鸡婆(坦洲称妓女)?
As the eldest son Ajiaoatras, this country was known as the Atlantis Empire It was also known as the Atlantic or the Atlantic Chau island. 由于长子名叫亚特拉斯,因此这个国家就被称为亚特兰蒂斯帝国,也有人称它为大西岛或大西洲。
The other main crossing is at Lok Ma Chau, which is the only one operating 24 hours a day, and travellers can reach it by metro, bus or car. 另一个主要口岸位于落马洲,这是唯一一个全天24小时工作的口岸,旅客可以乘坐地铁、公交或汽车抵达。
Patrick Chau, Peace Mark chairman, says his company did not focus on brand ownership. 宜进利的董事长周湛煌(PatrickChau)就表示,他的公司并未专注于取得品牌所有权。
After a discussion, Bing Bing and the children decide to make a boat trip to Cheung Chau. 冰冰姐姐与小朋友商量去旅行的地点,最后决定一起乘船去长洲。
WHEN Ngo Bao Chau won a Fields Medal, the mathematics version of a Nobel prize, it made headline news in his native Vietnam. 当NgoBaoChau获得数学界的诺贝尔奖——菲尔兹奖后,越南本土将其登上了头版头条。
Dressed in dark blue jeans and a light yellow T-shirt, Chau Pham Duc Hao, a student from Vietnam, looks no different from a Chinese student. 穿著深蓝色的牛仔裤和一件浅黄色的T恤,周范德豪,一位来自越南的学生,看起来和中国学生没有两样。
The company is mainly operating from the Austrian Chau, also in Zhuhai imported water pearl powder. 本公司主要是经营从奥洲进口的金还珠海水珍珠粉。
back in the old days , cheung chau also served as an aeronautical weather station from 1953 till 1992 , when it went automatic. 回想当年,长洲信号站从一九五三至一九九二年间也是一个航空气象站,之后转为自动化运作。
Next Station: Lok Ma Chau, interchange station for the Long Hua Line at Fu Tian Checkpoint. 下一站:落马洲,乘客可在该站前往福田口岸站转乘龙华线。
The revised proposal would also include a few additional fish ponds at Lut Chau for uses including Drainage improvement. 计划修订包括将甩洲附近额外几个鱼塘纳入发展范围,预计留作渠务改善等用途。
All the subscribers must be registered electors for the Ap Lei Chau North constituency. 所有提名人必须是已登记为鸭洲北选区的选民。
To this lovely old couple, Cheung Chau was the big city, a 45-minute ride away in their uncovered wooden sampan. 对于这对可爱的老夫妻来说,长洲是座大城市。坐他们的无篷舢板,需要45分钟。
Fishing village fishing beach the previous name is Chau Island, then to Sun Yat-sen when it changed its name to a fishing village. 渔村先前的名字叫渔滩洲,是孙中山当年来时才把它更名为渔村的。
I speak insincerely standing up, salute: "Chau Jie understood that, asks the presidium to feel relieved. " 我言不由衷地起立,敬礼,说道:“桥杰明白,请主席团放心。”
Yuen Chau qin guo da, but have a good relationship of the company from 2002 since the second half into another period of rapid development. “9.11”事件后,圆洲勤达受到一定冲击,然而公司良好的业务关系,使其从2002年下半年起进入了另一个快速发展的时期。
Tung Ping Chau Marine Park differs from Hoi Ha Wan as it has two small core areas within the park where all fishing is banned . 由于东坪洲海岸公园禁止于园内两个核心区捕鱼,故情况与海下湾相异。
Reconstruction of the catwalk and rubble causeway of the existing Tung Ping Chau Public Pier and improving the facilities of the pier. 重建现有东平洲公众码头的步桥和堤道,以及改善码头的设备。
Description: Promotes public awareness of environmental issues, concentrating on Peng Chau's environment and local culture. 推广环保意识及实行环保教育,并著重于保护坪洲的自然环境及文物古迹。
Those who can afford to go overseas. The best and brightest, like Mr Chau, rarely return. 那些有能力到国外求学,像吴宝珠这样最优秀、最聪明的人很少回国。
number of passengers travelling from cheung chau to cental is expected to climb up to over 13 , 000 by 6 pm. 预计截至下午六时,乘搭渡轮由长洲前往中环的乘客人数将超过13,000人。
Chek Lap Kok and Lam Chau islands were linked together to create a base for a new international airport. 赤鱲角和榄洲岛被连接在一起做为新国际机场的基地。
Chau was built in the village of two tile- roofed house, buy a few acres of land, and living off from farming. 在那洲村口盖起了两间瓦房,购买了几亩田地,又过起耕种生活。
having reached the coast , they then had to swim across a channel to wong wan chau , near double haven. 到达岸边后,他们得游水横渡海峡到印洲塘附近的岛往湾洲。
It is understood that the city of low-cost spaces less concentrated in Chaoyang, Tung Chau, Fengtai, Tai Hing , Changping areas. 据了解,本市中低价位楼盘主要集中在朝阳、通州、丰台、大兴、昌平等区域。
Fortunately, Tung Chau District government is fully cognizant of this. 好在通州区政府已充分认识到这一点。