wizarding world

  • 网络巫师世界;魔法世界

wizarding worldwizarding world

wizarding world


08/15——鬼魂 - □- 百科密室 - □-... ... Wizarding World 巫师世界 Ghosts 鬼魂 ...


09/04—飞天扫帚 - □- 百科密室 - □-... ... broom magic 扫帚魔法 Wizarding World 魔法世界 broomsticks 飞天扫帚 ...

As for the rest of it . . . I'll admit it, it makes me a little melancholy, just as the Wizarding World of Harry Potter made me melancholy. 至于它的休息……我承认它,它让我有点惆怅,就像哈利波特的魔法世界让我忧郁。
I shall miss his friendship more than I can say, but my loss is nothing compared to the Wizarding world's. 我不敢相信我会失去这样一个朋友,但是我的损失肯定无法与整个巫师界相比。
apparently he is too busy enjoying his quiet life with his wife to be much engaged in the woes of the wizarding world. 显然,他乐于和妻子过着隐居的生活,根本不关心巫师世界的黑暗与丑陋。
The intent is to make it easier for you to explore the Wizarding World using the Harry Potter Lexicon's many encyclopedias and catalogs. 其目的是为了让你,借助哈利波特词典的许多百科全书和目录,更容易地探索巫术世界。
Though nondescript , this alley is one of the primary gateways in Britain from the Muggle world into the wizarding world. 尽管很普通,这个小道是从英国的麻瓜世界通向巫师世界的主通道。
Please everybody see here, a pair of small inconspicuous pictures, but for the wizarding world of harry potter train. 请大家看到这里,一副看似不起眼的图画,却是哈利波特开往魔法世界的火车。
The Death Eaters have been around in the Wizarding World for some years. Originally, they bore the name Knights of Walpurgis (1). 食死徒在巫师界已经有很长的历史,他们本来的名子是沃普吉斯骑士【注一】。
Voldemort exploits this prejudice, turning the natural enmity between various groups in the wizarding world to his advantage. 伏地魔巧妙地利用了这种偏见,把魔法界各种族间的天然对立变成了他篡权的工具。
But, change out of the wizarding world not male in the country of the ideal, so let male feel frustrated. 可是,变出来的魔法世界并不是大雄的理想国,所以让大雄感到沮丧。
Uncle Vernon had even padlocked Harry's owl, Hedwig, inside her cage, to stop her carrying messages to anyone in the wizarding world. 弗农姨父不想让哈利的猫头鹰海德薇从魔法世界带回任何消息,于是把它也锁在笼子里。
The fact that Petunia hates animals is very telling indeed, as the Wizarding world is simply filled with animals. 佩妮讨厌动物,这是很明显的,比如魔法世界就是一个有着很多动物的地方。
In the epic finale, the battle between the good and evil forces of the wizarding world escalates into an all-out war. 在这部史诗的最后一集,善恶的战斗让巫师世界恶化成为全面战争。
"Over the years, this memory charm has helped the Ministry of Magic to keep the wizarding world secret, " Highfield says. “多年来,这种魔法帮助魔法部保持魔法世界的秘密,”海菲尔德说道。
While not mentioned by name, this magical effect is seen in a number of places in the Wizarding World. 毋庸多语,这种魔法效应遍布魔法界的各个角落。
There are a lot of great gizmos in the wizarding world, but Harry relies on his trusty invisibility cloak more than anything else. 在魔法世界里有许许多多的伟大的小发明,但是哈利却惟独对他的隐形斗篷情有独钟。
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire takes us deeper into the characters' minds and the darkness of the Wizarding World. 哈利波特与火焰杯将我们引领巫师世界更阴暗且不为人知的秘密中。
Quidditch is the passion of the entire wizarding world, especially those who participate. 魁地奇是整个巫师界的热情所在,尤其是对于那些参赛者而言。
He undergoes many dangerous magical transformations and consorts with those considered the "worst" of the wizarding world (CS18). 他经历了很多次十分危险的魔法变身,和巫师世界里品行恶劣的人物为伍(密室,第18章)。
Harry, he's taking over the Ministry and the newspapers and half the Wizarding world! Don't let him inside your head too! 哈利,他已经攻下了魔法部和各大报社,整个魔法界已经沦陷了半个。不要让他也侵入你的大脑里!
"The Wizarding World of Harry Potter " will include Hogwarts and the Forbidden Forest, in an artist's rendering . “哈利波特的魔法世界”将艺术的再现霍格沃茨和禁忌森林。
These spells are used routinely by the Ministry of Magic as they work to keep the Wizarding World a secret from the Muggles. 当魔法部致力于不让麻瓜知道魔法世界的工作时,这些通常被作为最常用的咒语。
Harry receives letters of invitation from the wizarding world through the Dursleys' mail. 哈利通过德思礼家的邮箱接到了魔法世界的邀请。
Warner Bros. also is running a Harry Potter sweepstakes, with grand prize being a trip to Orlando's Wizarding World. See here to enter. 华纳兄弟同时还在发售一款哈利波特主题的彩票,有机会赢得奥兰多魔法世界的旅行,在这里可以购买。
The severity of the situation is such that the Muggles are alerted along with the Wizarding world. 形势如此严重,连麻瓜都和巫师一样得到了警告。
Next year "The Wizarding World of Harry Potter" will open in a Universal Studios theme park in Florida. 明年,“哈利.波特的魔法世界”即将在佛罗里达的环球影城开放。
"The Wizarding World of Harry Potter" is expected to open this year. There are sure to be thrills awaiting fans at the park. “哈利·波特的魔法世界”主题公园将于今年开门迎客,届时定会令哈迷们欣喜若狂。
The pub was built by Daisy Dodderidge around 1500 "to serve as a gateway between the non-wizarding world and Diagon Alley ( fw32). " 破釜酒吧由戴茜·多德里奇在大约1500年前建造,“作为从常人的世界通向对角巷的入口(fw32)”。
Good luck. I hope we meet again. The hopes of the Wizarding world rest upon your shoulders. 祝你好运。我希望咱们能再见面。魔法界的希望全寄托在你身上了。
When the Prophet published stories deriding Harry Potter and Dumbledore, most people in the Wizarding World believed what they read. 当报上刊出了嘲弄哈利·波特和邓布利多的报导后,巫师世界的大多数人都相信了他们读到的。
"The Wizarding World of Harry Potter" is expected to open in 2009. “哈利波特的魔法世界”将于2009年开放。