first lady

  • na.第一夫人
  • 网络总统夫人;前第一夫人;第一夫人号

first ladyfirst lady

first lady


3.(某行业、体育运动等方面的)巾帼英雄,女杰,女冠军the woman who is thought to be the best in a particular profession, sport, etc.


第一夫人First Lady)是一个尊称,适用于一个国家或联邦州领导人的妻子;如果领导人的配偶因各种原因而不能用胜任第一 …


急!国母的英文单词翻译_百度知道 ... First Lady 总统夫人 Queen 皇后 ...


美国前第一夫人first lady)萝拉布希(Laura Bush,小布希太太)上Oprah Winfrey(欧普拉)的节目,向美国观众「自我爆 …


...9年慕勒和爱亚卡普组成了联合鸽舍,就在这一年他们的第一夫人号(First Lady)NL87-8749922获得了国家帕品纳冠军,它还 …


最后的抬腿与一抛,是典型的天桥把式难称高雅,但她可是台湾社会「高贵的夫人」(first lady)。蓝营名嘴也知不对,粉饰曰 …


全姐第一夫人(First Lady)第一夫人作出直子女如下:- 灰劲力(Blue Power 已售中国)2006年7月15日NPO布洛伊斯(696公里 炎 …

First lady Michelle Obama, Vice President Biden and his wife, Jill, joined the president at the dedication. 随总统一同出席揭幕仪式的还有第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马、副总统拜登及夫人吉尔。
when you're First Lady. She used to sneak out of the White House in a baseball cap and sunglasses to go jogging. 当你是第一夫人时。她习惯于戴着棒球帽和太阳镜溜出白宫慢跑。
would obviously look to her as a First Lady to see exactly not just how to dress but how to hold yourself in certain situations. . . 会明显参考第一夫人,不仅去了解如何穿衣,而且了解如何在某些场合下保持自己的姿态…
But, before that, as first lady, she called for an independent Palestinian state at a time when it was not Clinton administration policy. 但是在此之前,作为第一夫人时,她曾呼吁巴勒斯坦国家独立,但那不是克林顿政府时期的政策。
THE FIRST LADY: You'll see that you don't need to be an expert in military life to give back to those who give so much to us. 你将看到你不需要成为军队生活顾问专家,这些专家带给那些为我们付出很多的士兵很多帮助。
The First Lady favors a very flattering length for her height ---just below the knee and it looks fantastic on her. 这位第一夫人唯独喜欢裙边只在膝盖下面一点——因为这让她看起来棒极了。
The first lady says the United States wants to do more, but the next step is up to Burma's military leaders. 第一夫人说,美国希望提供更多帮助,但下一步取决于缅甸军政府领导人。
The President is on his way home to Washington via Hawaii. He and the First Lady had dinner with the head of US Pacific Command last night. 布什总统转道夏威夷回国,昨晚,他和第一夫人与美国太平洋司令部的司令官共进晚餐。
The first lady said her mother pushes her to be the best woman, mother and professional she can be, and has always been there for her. 米歇尔称,母亲努力将她培养成为最棒的女性、最好的母亲和职业女性,并一直在一旁默默地支持她。
I had a great angle for a nice long shot of him and the First Lady getting a warm welcome from the people of Prague. 我会有一个很好的角度拍摄到他和第一夫人受到布拉格人民热烈欢迎的漂亮的长时间镜头。
The Secret Service said it had no indication that the individual went through the receiving line or met with the president or first lady. 特勤局说,没有迹象表明此人通过了迎宾队伍,也没有迹象显示他与奥巴马总统或第一夫人见了面。
The First Lady was more visible around the West Wing than the newly elected President of the United States. It was. . . odd. 第一夫人较新当选的美国总统更易在西翼周围见到,是…古怪的。
Until Ms. Ko died of breast cancer in 2004, she was Mr. Kim's de facto first lady and a fierce campaigner for her sons. 直到Ko夫人在2004年死于乳腺癌,她一直是金正日事实上的第一夫人,对孩子而言还是一个积极的活动家。
She did not want to go back to Washington, even to be first lady. 即使她成为第一夫人,她也不想到华盛顿去。
Obama would go on to meet his wife, First Lady Michelle Obama, a few years later. 那之后,过了好些年,奥巴马才找到了心目中的理想女性,即现在的第一夫人、他的妻子MichelleObama。
The First Lady said the dog will come to the White House in April, but the name is still undecided. 第一夫人还说,它将于四月来到白宫,但是他们还没决定它的名字。
The remaining 350 pages focus on Hillary's experience as First Lady, with just a few devoted to her time as a senator. 后三百五十页详细介绍了希拉里时任第一夫人,当选参议员时一些重要经历。
Then the field was narrowed down, and I was one of about 10 invited to actually cook for the first lady, a luncheon audition. 后来竞争圈子逐步缩小,大约有十人左右收到邀请,为第一夫人试做一顿午餐,我是其中之一。
China's new First Lady, Peng Liyuan, has become something of a global style icon on her first official state visit. 首次出访的中国新任第一夫人彭丽媛,俨然已经成为全球时尚偶像。
But Castresana could not know if he was sincere or if the First Lady, Sandra de Colom, would abide by the President's wishes. 但卡斯特雷萨纳不知道这是不是真话,也不知道第一夫人桑德拉·科罗姆是否也会遵守总统的命令。
He would get terrible letters from the public objecting to the First Lady cashing in on her position in the White House to make money. 他常常收到公众写来的一些措词激烈的信件,这些来信反对第一夫人利用她在白宫的地位赚钱。
The secret tapes will show that the former first lady felt that her husband's successor was at the heart of the plot to murder him. 秘密录音带将揭示,这位前第一夫人感觉亡夫的继任者才是这起刺杀事件的主谋。
He said he still corresponded with the former first lady, Nancy Reagan. 他说,他现在依旧和前第一夫人南希•里根保持着联系。
The former first lady has received numerous awards and accolades for her humanitarian work around the world. 前第一夫人在全世界范围内因她致力于人道主义事业而受到众多奖项以及多方赞颂。
Coolidge: First lady of the United States (1923-1929) as the wife of President Calvin Coolidge. She was known for her outgoing manner. 柯立芝:美国1923至1929年间第一夫人,是加尔文·柯立芝总统的妻子。以她的友好爽直态度著称。
The first lady said the presidential pooch celebrated his first birthday earlier this month with a Rose Garden party. 总统夫人介绍,本月初曾为总统爱犬的一周岁生日举办了一场玫瑰派对。
A spokeswoman says the First Lady wanted to keep it a private matter but decided to reveal it when asked about the bandage below her knee. 发言人表示第一夫人希望将此事作为私人事件,但是当被问及膝盖下的绷带时,她决定告诉大家真相。
With Barak Obama coming into presidency, his wife Michelle Obama becomes the First Lady of the United States. 随着巴拉克·奥巴马当选总统,他的妻子米歇尔·奥巴马也成为了美国的第一夫人。
He, his wife and first lady and, of course, President Obama all spoke in one of the biggest receptions around 10 tonight. 他自己,他的妻子和第一夫人,当然,奥巴马总统都表示最大的一个招待会是在今晚10点。
The former first lady managed to march on despite chaos in her campaign and growing calls for her to withdraw from the race. 这位前第一夫人在竞选团队乱作一团,外界舆论纷纷要求其退出的时候仍一往直前。