
美 [əˈbjus]英 [əˈbjuːs]
  • v.滥用;虐待;辱骂;伤害
  • n.滥用;虐待;辱骂;妄用
  • 网络谩骂;弊端;恶习

第三人称单数:abuses 现在分词:abusing 过去式:abused

prevent abuse,abuse authority,abuse position,avoid abuse
physical abuse,sexual abuse,widespread abuse,blatant abuse


n. v.

1.[u][sing]滥用;妄用the use of sth in a way that is wrong or harmful

2.[u][pl]虐待unfair, cruel or violent treatment of sb

3.[u]辱骂;恶语rude and offensive remarks, usually made when sb is very angry


雅思词汇表_百度文库 ... abstract 抽象的,难解的 abuse 滥用,辱骂 accommodation 招待设备 ...


英文字典_百度文库 ... abundant □ 富的 abuse 虐待;滥用 academic 学□的 ...


雅思词汇表_百度文库 ... abstract 抽象的,难解的 abuse 滥用,辱骂 accommodation 招待设备 ...


词根联想记忆法词汇教程(一)|联想记忆法背单词 ... abundant adj. 充裕的 abuse v. 滥用,虐待;n.滥用 abyss n. 深渊 ...


《牛津英汉词典》全集完整版TXT电子书 - 豆丁网 ... abundant adj. 丰富的,充裕的 abuse v. 滥用,谩骂 abasement n. 滥用 ...


常用英语单词:牛津3000词汇 ... absorb 吸收, 吸引 abuse 滥用;妄用 alcohol/drug/solvent abuse 酗酒;嗜毒;嗜吸胶毒 ...


字典中 腓 字的解释 ... (2) 疾病[ illness] (3) 弊端[ abuse] (4) 古代剔除膝盖骨或断足的酷刑[ a cruel torture] ...


雅思英语完整版_馆档网 ... abundance 丰富 abuse 滥用;恶习;辱骂 academic 学术的;学校的 ...

It is not just that they abuse the system; they also seem to feel entitled to abuse it. 这并不仅仅是因为他们滥用体系;而且他们似乎感觉自己被赋予了滥用它的权力。
She continued to travel around the nation, speaking out against drug and alcohol abuse. 她继续游走在国内各地,竭力呼吁反对滥用毒品与酒精。
All the sex education I'd had said that this was wrong, that it was abuse and incest. 所有我受过的性教育都说这是错的,这是性侵犯,是乱伦。
Sexual abuse during conflict is just one of many ways women and girls are brutalized and denied their fundamental rights, he said. 他说,战争期间的性虐待只是妇女和女童受到残暴对待并被剥夺基本人权的众多形式之一。
Jamila had fled to stay with her mother after enduring years of abuse from her husband and mother-in-law. 杰米拉在受了丈夫和婆母好几年的虐待之后,逃回了娘家和母亲一起过。
Mister Gordon uses words from hip-hop songs to help young people, especially those who grew up with poverty and abuse, as he did. 戈登先生采用希普霍普歌曲中的歌词来帮助年轻人,特别是帮助那些和他曾经一样生活在贫穷和受虐待的环境中的年轻人。
The man did not take the abuse kindly, however, and abandoning all respect, began to rise to respond to the guest of honor. 可那个男人对这句辱骂却不依不饶,他丢掉一切敬意,站起来准备回敬这位嘉宾。
I also learned from my study of sexual abuse that it casts a shadow of guilt and a hatred of body over the next generation. 根据我对性虐待的研究表明,性侵害会对罪恶感产生印象并且对下一代的厌恶蒙上阴影。
Remember also, when you see an opening where your opponent has no anti-infantry protection, to abuse the Buzzer Swarm support power. 也要记住,当你看到你的对后没有反步兵保护的空档时,用蜂群召唤能力去虐它吧。
If you're not willing to give up some freedoms (or at least the conveniences you grew up with), you must be in favor of child abuse. 如果你不愿意牺牲一些自由(或者至少牺牲一些“方便”)的话,你肯定会被别人指为虐待儿童。
If it is a man and a woman arguing, you may need to call for intervention if there is escalating verbal abuse or any physical abuse. 如果是一个男人和一个女人在吵架,如果出现不断升级的语言虐待或任何肢体虐待,你也许需要打电话叫介入。
A strong, literate, wealthy middle class that wants to stay that way tends to be a check on the abuse of political power. 一个强健的,有文化素养的,富裕的中产阶层需要一种方式取监督政治权利的滥用行为。
Public opinion is against the patriarchs , and the state will keep the children in custody if it finds evidence of abuse. 公众观点反对教会的首领,并且如果找到了虐待的证据,德州将继续保护这些儿童。
The patient son did not talk back to his father's servant. He suffered his abuse, even though it puzzled him. 尽管老人的儿子为自己受到辱骂而感到迷惑不解,他还是耐住性子没有反唇相讥。
They want the abuse to stop but they might be scared that the person abusing them will end up in jail. 他们不想继续遭受虐待,但可能更害怕虐待他们的人会坐牢。
and unreasonable, it was also unconstitutional. It also exhibits the elders gross abuse of authority and attempt to lord it over the saints. 这个要求要求不但不符合圣经,也没有道理,也是违(宪)法的。它也显明,长老的滥用权柄,及对圣徒们的辖制。
If Icann does not demonstrate that it genuinely intends to prevent abuse of trademarks, the two sides could end up in court, she warns. 如果Icann不证明它真心想要防止商标滥用的话,那么双方可能最终对簿公堂,她警告说。
It all adds up to this: Most of my neighbor organs can absorb an enormous amount of abuse without complaint. 总而言之,我的大部分临近机构都能忍受极大的欺凌而无怨言。
And then out of the superiority , such a human gives themselves permission to use, prostitute, abuse, starve, torture or war upon another. 而在优越感中,这个人类给自己权力去利用、出卖、虐待、使之挨饿、拷打别人或与别人战争。
With a falling dollar now eroding the value of its debt, abuse of that privilege has won the U. S. few friends among its creditors. 随着眼下不断贬值的美元令美国的债务缩水,滥用这种特权使美国在其债权国中不得人心。
We are so happy to see that there have been zero cases of drug abuse in schools. 我们很高兴见到过去有零宗校园滥药个案。
Sociologists say it encourages abuse, notably in the trafficking of the sort that Sakina first suffered from but is now ready to pay for. 社会学家说,它会助长暴力虐待,尤其是在Sakina最初遭遇的而现在要付钱的那种非法买卖。
After she was discharged from the hospital, she began to abuse drugs to get through the day. Inside, she was suffering deeply. 离开病院之后就开始吸毒,她以麻醉她自己本身来过日子,她的内心非常的痛苦,常常想要割腕自杀。
Stars seem to understand me, then it winked towards the moon and looking at the abuse, the moon seemed to help yo sister! 星星似乎听懂了我的话,它眨眨眼睛,朝月亮望了一眼儿,似乎向月亮姐姐求助哟!
The woman, who did not want to be identified, said the abuse only came to light several years later. 一位不愿透露姓名的女性表示,性侵犯的真相几年后才真相大白。
It is understood that this young woman had history of drug abuse, which might be the cause of her illness. 据了解,这名少妇曾有吸毒史,这可能是导致她患病的原因。
Although he was physically stronger than the others, my peaceful friend did not know how to deal with the verbal abuse. 虽然我的朋友在块头上比他们大,但是遇上这种情况他却不知道怎么处理。
Let Norwegian daily and on time to meet this woman, willing to put up with all the peculiarities of his sexual abuse and acts. 而让挪每天准时赴约,甘愿忍受他的种种怪癖和性虐待的行径。
The files detailed horrible cases of prisoner abuse by Iraqi forces that the US military knew about but did not seem to investigate. 文件内容包括可憎的伊拉克士兵虐囚事件的详情,并称美国军方知道这些事情却置之不理。
"For this to occur, our society must both render and convey a clearer verdict opposing this casual form of alcohol abuse, " he said. “为了促成这一结果,我们的社会必须表现并传达出明确的决断来反对这种滥饮酒的随意行为。”他说。