
美 [stem]英 [stem]
  • n.(花草的)茎;柄;(高脚酒杯的)脚;烟斗柄
  • adj.有茎[梗]的;装有小柄的;去掉茎(或梗)的;去掉茎[梗,柄]的
  • v.阻止;封堵;遏止
  • abbr.(=Scanning transmission electron microscope)扫描透射式电子显微镜
  • 网络阀杆;词干;茎干

过去式:stemmed 第三人称单数:stems 现在分词:stemming

stem tide,stem flow,stem rise,stem current


n. v.

4.有…茎(或梗)的having one or more stems of the type mentioned

5.词干the main part of a word that stays the same when endings are added to it


from stem to stern

从船头到船尾all the way from the front of a ship to the back


波纹管截止阀_百度百科 ... 垫片 gasket 阀杆 stem 柔性石墨 Flexible graphite、PTFE ...

托福听力分类词汇汇总_百度文库 ... rosette (叶的)丛生 stem stalk 杆 ...


(2) 词干(stem) 指的是未经词形变化的原形词。例如:动词to impede(hinder)的词根是impede,必须注意,词的词形变化(infle…

<3>口Stem)――连接斗柄,此部分可拆出,以方便清洁。<4>榫(Tenon)――口柄嵌入斗柄,使之相连接的凸榫<5>烟 …


职称英语考试大纲(B级) - 豆丁网 ... steep a. 陡峭的 stem n. 茎,干;柄,把,颈 stereo a. 立体声的 ...


100句记7000单词带音标 - 豆丁网 ... combined 组合的, 结合 的 42. stem 茎,干,船首 stony 石头的(石质的) ...

THE 20S ARE LIKE the stem cell of human development, the pluripotent moment when any of several outcomes is possible. 这些20来岁的人就像是人类发展当中的干细胞,是不同结果都有可能发生的多潜能性时刻。
It would be better to derive human stem cell lines from the body's mature cells, he said, a method that researchers are still working on. 由身体成熟细胞培养为人类胚胎干细胞会是一个更好的办法,不过研究人员还在努力研究这项技术。
"So it is going to be interesting to see if prions play any role in demyelinating diseases that stem from the brain, " he says. “如果小蛋白在脑部的其他疾病中都有影响那就更有趣了”,他说。
Embryonic stem cells are the source of every cell, tissue and organ in the body. 身体中的每一个细胞,组织和器官都来源于胚性干细胞。
In monkeys, the stem might not have bound to cells or might have latched on in a manner that did not trigger a response. 在猴子体内,抗体的Fc区域可能并不会黏附在细胞上,或是即使黏附在细胞上也无法启动免疫反应。
Spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) are the only stem cells in the body that transmit genetic information to the next generation. 精原干细胞是机体内唯一一个能传递遗传信息至下一代的干细胞。
But a modified approach that does not involve viruses is likely to be the ultimate way of making human stem cells. 一种改良的没有病毒参与的方法可能是制造人体干细胞的最终方式。
Adipose stem cells have been used in numerous centers for cosmetic and reconstructive applications in humans, March said. 脂肪干细胞已经在很多中心被用于人类美容和整形中。
The stem of everyone eager, the sweat bedewed clothes, flow full ZHANG ZHANG's smiling face, hope the whose on the faces is all red all. 大家干得可起劲了,汗水沾湿了衣服,流满了张张笑脸,望望谁的脸上都是红通通的。
The allied air strikes against Libya are presenting a new challenge for the Bank of Japan in its efforts to stem the rise of the yen. 多国部队对利比亚的空中打击,正在对日本央行(BankofJapan)阻止日圆升值的努力构成新的挑战。
For all the innovation of the past decade, nobody had been able to stem the flow of money out of the business. 尽管在过去的10年里进行了种种创新,但没有人能够阻止资金源源不断地流出音乐行业。
Oddly enough, it was one that most Americans support: it would have expanded federal funding for embryonic stem-cell research. 说也奇怪,这是一项大多数美国人都支持的法案——加大联邦政府对胚胎干细胞研究的资助。
He said authorities would collaborate with other jurisdictions to stem the flow of drugs at the source. 李明逵又表示,警方会与外地执法部门加强合作,从源头上堵截毒品。
Straight ahead of her, as though it were a rose on a stem . 在她躯干的前方,宛如一朵玫瑰缀在长长的枝条上。
He observed that, at night, a plant's leaves drooped next to the sides of the stem but in the morning they rose as if to worship the sun. 他发现,植物的叶子在夜间低垂于茎干的两侧,但到了早晨,这些叶子又升直了“身板”,似乎在向冉冉升起的太阳崇拜致意。
Professor Lovell-Badge, however, said the Chinese paper did not prove that the eggs that gave rise to babies came from the stem cells. 然而路夫.巴德教授说这篇论文不能证实那些能够繁殖小老鼠的卵子来自于干细胞。
We believe that if you can't stem the bleeding, you risk losing up to 4% of your market share within the next six to 12 months. 我们相信如果你不能悬崖勒马的话,在未来的六到十二个月中面临丧失近4%市场份额的风险。
The reason embryonic stem cells are valued by scientists is that the cells' descendants can turn into any other sort of body cell. 科学家们认为胚胎干细胞有价值是因为,胚胎干细胞可以发育成为任何其他种类的体细胞。
Marban said he made the discovery accidentally while trying to reproduce cardiac stem cells. 马班说,他在试图繁殖心脏干细胞时意外发现这个结果。
Even through the twilight they could see that clinging to its stem against the wall was the long ivy leaf. 即使透过暮光他们也能看到那片长长的常青藤叶子,靠着砖墙,仅仅抱住梗茎。
For years, private financing has been used to create embryonic stem cell lines, mostly from discarded embryos from fertility clinics. 多年来,私人资金已用于制造胚胎干细胞系,绝大多数是从妇产科医院丢弃的胚胎中制造出来的。
If it were only a flower, round and small and sweet, I could pluck it from its stem to set it in your hair. 假如它是一朵花,圆圆小小香香的,我就能从枝上采来戴在你的发上。
In the forests, trees in the wind might be induced stem bending even destroyed, thus affecting the quality and yield of wood. 树木在风压作用下可能被压弯或者直接被毁坏,因而影响木材的质量和产量,给林业造成巨大的经济损失。
But the general thinking seems to be that cancer stem cells represent a small population of the cells in a tumor. 但是一般想法仿佛如此:癌症干细胞只占肿瘤细胞很小一部分。
This is to take a body cell and order it to turn into a stem cell using a set of molecular instructions. 这种方法靠一系列分子指令将体细胞转化成干细胞。
Aside from transforming plain old human skin into stem cells, the placenta and amniotic fluid seem to have an abundance of these cells. 除了改变普通人类皮肤成干细胞,胎盘和羊水似乎有大量的这种细胞。
Councils are trying to stem the problem by using ductile steel for replacements, which has no scrap value. 市政部门试图通过更换韧钢井盖的办法来解决问题,因为韧钢井盖没有废品价值。
Her team is now testing to see whether stem cells will turn into endothelial cells in the channels and into muscle cells elsewhere. 她的团队正在实验,以测试干细胞是否能变成管腔内的内皮细胞和各处的肌肉细胞。
The beautiful maiden took the flax from her head, wound it round the stem of a slender birch, grasped the spindle, and began to spin. 少女从她头上取下亚麻,将它绕在一根细细的白桦树枝上,抓起纱锭开始纺纱。
You and I share the life of that immortal cell, known to science as the stem cell. 你和我都分享了这个不朽细胞的生命,也就是科学上众所周知的干细胞。