
美 [ʃit]英 [ʃiːt]
  • n.薄板;床单;纸张;报纸
  • v.覆盖;展开;给…铺床单;铺开
  • adj.片状的
  • 网络工作表;被单;薄片

复数:sheets 现在分词:sheeting 现在分词:sheeted

steel sheet,thin sheet,blank sheet,galvanized sheet,plastic sheet



床上on bed

1.床单;被单a large piece of thin cloth used on a bed to lie on or lie under

纸of paper

2.一张(通常指标准尺寸的纸)a piece of paper for writing or printing on, etc. usually in a standard size

片flat thin piece

3.薄片,薄板(多指正方形或长方形的)a flat thin piece of any material, normally square or rectangular

大片wide flat area

4.一大片(覆盖物)a wide flat area of sth, covering the surface of sth else

火;水of fire/water

5.一大片,一大堆,一大摊(移动的火或水)a large moving mass of fire or water


商务英语词汇大全_外语教育网 ... blanket 毯子 sheet 床单 bedspread 床罩 ...


工作表标用来表示工作表Sheet)的名称。最前端显示且呈白色的标签为当前工作表的标签,此时屏幕上显示的是该工作表中 …


被字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 被袋〖 beddingbag〗 被单sheet〗 被动〖 passive〗 ...

人教版_高中英语_选修9单词 - 豆丁网 ... suitcase,n. 手提箱;衣箱 sheet,n. 片;;薄片;被单 actress,n. 女演员 ...


薄_百度百科 ... 〖土地〗贫瘠〖 infertile〗 薄板sheet;sheetmetal;steelsheet〗 薄饼〖 pizza;thinpancake〗 ...

人教版_高中英语_选修9单词 - 豆丁网 ... suitcase,n. 手提箱;衣箱 sheet,n. ;张;薄片;被单 actress,n. 女演员 ...


高中英语... ... shelf n. (墙壁,书橱等的)架子,搁板 sheet n. (纸等薄物的)一张;薄片;被单,褥单 sheep n. (绵)羊;易受人摆 …

Therefore, at every time of clearing, the total amounts on both sides of the clearing house's balance sheet are always equal. 所以,在每次交换时,票据交换所资金平衡表两边的总金额总是相等的。
At night, hundreds of men and boys sleep in a huge sheet-metal shed like this one, packed mattress to mattress. 到了晚上,数百名男人和男孩子挤在一所巨大的铁皮房子里,睡在挨在一起床垫上。
As such, brands can be considered just as valuable as any other item on a corporate balance sheet. 例如说,品牌可被认为与公司资产负债表上的其它任何条目同等重要。
I jumped up to put the fire out and only to see a big hole left in the sheet. 我跳了起来,把火扑灭,却看到在纸上剩下一个大洞。
The collector's heart stood still as he saw that the sheet, which had been offered him, had inverted centers. 当这个集邮者看到邮票时他的心跳刹那间停顿了,给他的这版邮票有一个倒转的中心。
In it was a copy of the bid sheet that the competitor was gonna submit the next day. 里面是他们竞价单的复印件,是我们对手第二天要交的。
It was a simply a blank sheet of paper instead the copy he gave him had been written out in full as usual. 但这回狱卒给他的信没有像往常那样把全文写完。它只是一张白纸。
The probes show that it doesn't have many craters, but seems to be covered with a smooth sheet of ice, a global glacier. 探测船显示它上面的陨石坑不多,但表面似乎覆盖了一层平滑的冰。
Saxon also allows the tree to be supplied to user-written code for further processing, or to be fed as input to another style sheet. Saxon还允许将树提供给用户以便进一步处理,或者作为输入提供给另一个样式表。
She sweeps a litter of disarranged papers out of her way, snatches a sheet of paper from her stationery case and tries resolutely to write. 她把一堆乱纸推到一旁,从文具匣里抓起一张信纸,决心写下去。
My own choice, I took a sheet of paper and drew a little oval like a conference table and I put seven seats around it. 我拿出一张纸,画了个像办公桌似的椭圆形在上面,然后我在周围画了七个座位。
The trick is to use another style sheet, generate_html. xsl, in Listing 10 to turn start. xsl into a more typical style sheet. 诀窍是使用清单10中的另一个样式表generate_html.xsl将start.xsl转换成更典型的样式表。
When a style sheet is applied to an XML document, it is often helpful to include the creation date of the transformed result in the output. 将样式表应用于XML文档时,在输出中包含已转换结果的创建日期通常都很有用。
Magnesium is harmless to human beings, and therefore such a multilayer sheet can be preferably used as a material of a food or medicine bag. 镁是对人体无害的,因此这样的多层片材可以作为最好的食品或*袋材料。
In closing, let me share with you my cheat sheet, the Ant setup I use to make all my classpath and JAXB samples easy. 最后让我们来分享我的一个秘技,用于轻松制作classpath和JAXB示例的Ant设置。
He turned and went into the bedroom. Mary Turner was a stiff shape under a soiled white sheet. 他转身走进卧室,看到玛丽·特纳的僵硬的尸体,盖着一条泥污的白被单。
He filled out a sheet of paper for listing all his arrests. It is called a rap sheet. 他填了一张关于他过去历次被捕的表格。该表格称为刑事犯登记表。
That's easy to forget, as budget battles rage and teacher performance is viewed through the cold metrics of the balance sheet. 这些是很容易遗忘的,因为预算之争甚嚣尘上,老师业绩仅以资产负载表的冷指标来衡量。
Round up a black item and a gray item. Set these on your white sheet of paper under the strong light, along with one of your white items. 找出一个黑色和灰色的物体,并把它们和你的白色物体一起放在白纸上,打上强光。
The door and parts of the fixed part may be made of perforated sheet metal. 门和固定部分的多个部分可由穿孔金属板制成。
Can you imagine the relief when people can start again with not just a clean sheet, but with the advantage of being funded once more. 你能想象这宽心的心情么!当人民能够重新开始而不再只是账单变空白了,而且是再次被资助的优势。
It taught me values. If I bought something, whether a sheet of paper or my tuition, I knew how much it was costing. 我去买东西时,无论是买一张纸还是付学费,我都知道它价值几何。
The bank created and sold Hudson Mezzanine, which contained residential mortgage-backed securities from its own balance sheet, in late 2006. 高盛于2006年末创设并出售了HudsonMezzanine,其中包含了来自其自身资产负债表的住房抵押贷款证券。
The block shown here redirects a jib sheet from the front of the boat back to the cockpit. 这里显示的滑轮装置将一根前三角帆支索从船头拉回到驾驶舱。
To use just a portion of the loaded document as the style sheet, navigate to the node corresponding to the beginning of the style sheet. 若要只使用所加载文档中的一部分作为样式表,请定位到对应于样式表开始处的节点。
Her skin was as white as a sheet until she ast in the sunshine for a while. 直到她坐到太阳底下一会儿,皮肤才不那么白了。
The complete sheet of article heart depends on to the main substance of every stage . 整篇文章的中心依托于各个段落的主要内容。
But the copy he gave him had not been written out in full as usual. It was simply a blank sheet of paper. 这是一个简单的一张白纸,相反,他给他复印件已经像往常那样把全文写的。
Again, she acted as though the duck had simply disappeared, making no attempt to search for it under the sheet. 再一次地,好像鸭子已经不见了一样,她没有尝试着在被褥中找它。
The old man stared at the blank sheet of paper for a few seconds . 老人对那张空白的纸凝视了几秒钟。