
美 [fler]英 [fleə(r)]
  • n.照明弹;(短暂的)旺火;(摇曳的)光;(闪耀的)火光
  • v.加剧;(短暂)烧旺;(摇曳着)燃烧;(火光)闪耀
  • 网络闪光;耀斑;闪烁

复数:flares 现在分词:flaring 过去式:flared



v. n.

1.[i](短暂)烧旺;(摇曳着)燃烧;(火光)闪耀to burn brightly, but usually for only a short time or not steadily

2.[i]~ (up)突发;加剧to suddenly start or become much stronger

3.[t][i](+ speech)发怒地说;粗暴地说to say sth in an angry and aggressive way

4.[i]底部展开;呈喇叭形to become wider towards the bottom

5.[t][i]~ (sth)(尤指因气愤)使(鼻孔)张开,(鼻孔)张开if a person or an animalflares their nostrils(= the openings at the end of the nose) , or if their nostrilsflare , they become wider, especially as a sign of anger


大学英语精读单词表(第三册) - 豆丁网 ... infect vt. 感染; 传染 flare vi. (火焰) 闪耀 loft n. 阁楼 ...


帝国时代2中文正式版有哪些兵种_百度知道 ... 720 FLAGM 九环 112 FLARE 闪光 544 FLDOG 飞天犬 ...


NUKE - 剩风追梦的日志 - 网易博客 ... Grid 网格 Flare 耀斑 LightWrap 光线包裹 ...


游戏英文词汇 - 豆丁网 ... 炸弹 Bomb 照明弹 Flare 发射器 Launcher ...


NK-words2 - 博客的日志 - 网易博客 ... flap 垂下物,帽沿,袋盖 flare 闪耀,闪烁 flash 闪光(的) ...


光斑Flare)——镜头内因镜筒或镜片反射所产生的光线到达底片后造成画面灰朦的感觉(所谓的翳雾)降低了作品的清淅度 …


FLOWEXPO CHINA ... 喷头 sprayer 火炬 flare 换热器 heat exchanger ...


镜头的眩光flare) ,存在与否和镜头的设计有关,外加filter也可能令眩光出现。发表於 2006-5-13 21:51:51 |显示全部楼层 th…

Diagnosis is often delayed because of the difficulties in distinguishing between a flare-up and a septic affection of the joint. 诊断通常是延迟,因为难以区分爆发了感情和化粪池的联合。
Break Point The point of a controlled turn, roll, or flare usually relating to lapels, shawl collars, revere collars, and notched collars. 通常与翻领,青果领,西装领连在一起的,控制翻折的点。
Just as a sunspot was turning away from Earth on Sept. 8, the active region erupted, producing a solar flare and a fantastic prominence. 9月8日正当太阳黑子开始远离地球的时候,活跃区域又发生一次爆发,同时出现一个明显的突起。
"Santa asked me to let him know if the sun was about to belch a solar flare, " says Yau. “Santa说如果太阳那天要发飚的话,一定要告诉他,”姚说。
" God bless you , Captain Frank , " came Rupert's deep solemn voice out of the dark when the flare died . “上帝保佑你,弗兰克船长,”火光熄灭,只听见黑暗中传来鲁帕特深沉的煞有介事的声音。
We describe the case of a patient with a psoriatic flare over 98% of his body, despite methotrexate therapy. 我们描述的情况下,患者的银屑病耀斑超过98%的他的身体,尽管甲氨蝶呤治疗。
Dressed in a light dress, her rhythmic movements danced the flare. A pair of white velvet wings stretched at her back. 身体上一袭浅色的连衣裙,裙摆均匀的皱褶随着她的动作时而晃动,一对白色羽绒翅膀从她背后张开来。
Other remarkable images showing a ferocious solar flare as it loops out from the surface of the Sun were also released this week. 本周发布的其他图片显示,一次剧烈的太阳耀斑运动从太阳表面呈环形抛射出烈焰。
The flare peaked early Tuesday and created a large cloud that appeared to cover almost half the surface of the sun, NASA said. 周二早些时候达到峰值的照明弹,制造了一个巨大的云覆盖了几乎一半的太阳表面,NASA说。
Too slow to be a meteor, too bright when seen at dawn or dusk to be considered contrails, and with a signature flare of two tails. 流星的话太过缓慢,认为是飞机凝结尾气的话在破晓或黄昏时候看去太过明亮,而且还有明显的两条尾巴。
Indians in Uganda, however, seem confident that this month's flare-up was an exception, not the rule. 然而在乌干达的印度人看上去还是坚信本月的冲突只是个例外,并非普遍现象。
As investors scramble to protect themselves from the next credit flare-up in Europe, their worries are spreading to the U. K. 投资者急急忙忙地防范欧洲爆发下一轮信用危机之时,他们的担忧已经扩散到了英国。
That has combined with a flare up in Europe, where worries are increasing that Greece may soon default on its debts. 另外欧洲形势突然恶化,外界日益担心希腊不久将出现债务违约。
Clashes were continuing to flare into the early hours of Thursday morning, as fires continued to burn around Tahrir Square. 冲突持续到周四凌晨,解放广场的周围仍有大火。
Now when she feels a flare-up coming on, she drinks a glass or two daily for a few days, and she never gets infections anymore. 现在每当她发觉症状发作,就会每天喝一、两杯,连续喝个几天,从此之后她再也没有受过感染。
He showed me some scripts he did, which had great humor and flare, and I thought he was perfect for "Daomu. " 他给我看过他的一些手稿,很搞笑而且很有才,我觉得,对于“Daomu”,他是完美的。
This is not a lens flare, as no lens was involved in the water and windshield, but a real orb in the sky displayed on both surfaces! 这不是镜头光晕--因为在水中或挡风玻璃上不会产生镜头光晕--而是显示在两者表面的一个真正的天空中的球体。
In the same way, when mental defilements flare up in full strength, the power of such mental acts can spread to cause diseases in the body. 同样地,当心的杂染被全面搅动起来时,这种心理活动的力量会发散开来,使身体生病。
A few believe that inflation could flare up and force the Fed to begin boosting rates near the end of this year. 一些相信通货膨胀可以闪光在和上面力量对提高的开始的联邦理事会率靠近那结束今年。
I were so shocked when he flare notd up in front of eVery abundance one. 他在大部分人面前大发雷霆的时间,我真是吓坏了。
Because reading it again now the scenery sprang up in my mind was still the burning clouds like the flare radiance shining the people. 因为如今重新翻开它,涌现于我脑际的首先是光焰照人的火烧云。
Not infrequently, the flames of conflict flare up again just a few weeks or months after a cease-fire is signed. 有时候,停火协议签订后只几个月,甚或几个星期,战火又再燃起,这种情况屡见不鲜。
Here the field is nearly uniform within the coils and does not flare out anywhere as it does at the ends of an open solenoid. 这里线圈内的磁场接近均匀;那里任何地方都不会象在开口螺旋管两端那样发生向外扩张。
A flare-up in a jet of matter blasting from a monster black hole is giving astronomers an incredible light show. 来自于一个巨大黑洞的物质爆炸喷射所发生的貌似火焰的光亮景象让天文学家们难以置信。
I wouldn't have seen how, with a wave of his hand, the blue light of Heaven's threshold could flare on the other side of darkness. 我就不会通过他的一只挥动的手看到,天堂门槛处那道蓝色的光如何在黑暗的另一面摇曳。
With this tool it is a simple matter either to flare or to swage soft copper, brass or aluminum tubing. 适用于:切割软铜,黄铜,和铝材质的管状物体。
As we go about our days, Dr. McEwen said, the biochemical mediators of the stress response rise and fall, flutter and flare. 在今天,McEwen博士说,压力系统的生化干扰因素升高和降低。
The latest flare-up, which surfaced in May when the whistle-blowers aired their claims on an Arizona television program, is nothing new. 最新耀斑,其中5月份浮出水面时,举报人在亚利桑那州的电视节目播出他们的要求,并不是什么新鲜事。
Teacher: I actually do, thank you. I simply love it. As you know, I have a flare for the dramatic. 很好,谢谢。我爱这个小镇。你知道,我对戏剧方面的东西很感兴趣。
This was followed by reports of a squadron of aircraft over LA and a balloon-borne flare over Santa Monica. 紧跟着的是洛杉矶上空一中队空军飞机的射击声和圣摩尼卡的一个球载照明弹。