
美 [rɔŋ]英 [rɒŋ]
  • n.冤枉;过失;不得当的处置;【法】侵犯(权利)
  • v.冤枉;(损)害;使受害;虐待
  • adj.失常的;无聊的;不舒服的;错误的
  • adv.不对;不好;翻转;不舒服

比较级:wronger 最高级:wrongest 复数:wrongs 现在分词:wronging 过去式:wronged

wrong way,wrong side,wrong direction,wrong thing,wrong answer
absolutely wrong


Consider if thou hast hitherto behaved to all in such a way that this may be said of thee: Never has wronged a man in deed or word. 要考虑是否你从此要以这样一种方式表现于所有人,使人可以这样说你:一个在行为或语言中不犯错误的人。
At some time of our life , you may have been severely wronged or hurt by another person to such a degree that forgiveness seems impossible . 在我们的生活中,也许有时你会受到极大的误解或是伤害,这一切几乎是不可宽恕的。
Reject your sense of injury and the injury itself disappears. The best revenge is not to become like the one who wronged you. 忘了被伤害的感觉,伤害即逝。最好的复仇是不变成那个损害你的人。
However, later inquiries revealed that the driver was wronged. The road had to be covered with such a speed to keep up with the schedule. 后来向旁人打听,说是冤枉司机了,这条路就得这么飚,才能按照时刻表的要求到达。
Recently do not know how the heart is very sad but not cry ~ ~ cry feel wronged! 最近不知道怎样的心情非常难过,但没有哭〜〜哭觉得很委屈!
The thought came to her that she might have wronged her son. 她突然想到她可能冤枉了她的儿子。
"I can't help it! Some people are really annoying and I can't make love to them. " Wen Xianglin spoke as if she were being wronged . 「我没有办法呀!有些人实在讨厌,我没有办法和他们做爱。」文湘琳委屈地说。
As long as you continue to hold onto this belief, you will continue to feel the fire of being wronged. 只要你一直坚持这个信仰,你就会继续燃烧被冤枉的怒火。
And when he saw one of them being wronged, he defended him, and he avenged him who was being oppressed by striking the Egyptian dead. 他见有一个人被欺负,就护庇他,为那受欺压的人报仇,打死了那埃及人。
Mother's Day, the children's mother a bouquet of carnations is happy, all her hard work will be dissipated and the wronged. 母亲节时,儿女的一束康乃馨就是母亲的幸福,她所有的辛劳与委屈都将消散。
Advertisement: Story continues below The tale of an innocent woman cruelly wronged loses none of its grip in these post- feminist times. 宣传:故事继续。在后女权主义时代,这位无辜女人被冤枉,被压迫得失去权力。
The situation becomes less about the person who wronged you and more about how you are able to heal and develop a sense of peace. 我们应该更多地关注自己如何恢复及回复平静,而不是那个伤害你的人。
Go back, "can speak bird" with its wisdom and the king knew that he wronged the queen, and recognized the child, the family has reunited. 回去后,“能言鸟”用它的聪明才智使国王明白自己错怪了皇后,并认出了孩子,一家人又团聚了。
She was shouting, reminding him about every way she had been wronged and failed by him. 她还是一直大嚷,提醒他每一件因他而搞砸的事情。
Generally, the court does not seek to punish the wrongdoer but rather to make the wronged party whole through a money award called damages. 大体上来讲,法院不能够主动提起追究违法者责任的诉讼,只能判有过错的一方就其损害给付损害赔偿金。
e. g. When he realized that he had wronged his wife, he shed Peter's tears. 当他最终意识到自己误解了妻子的时候,他流下了悔恨的泪水。
This wretched and wronged old man is opposing it with all his might! - with all his own might, and the fiend's! 这个遭受委屈的不幸的老人正在竭力反对此事!竭尽他自己的,以及魔鬼的全力!
I never like to let others see my tears, I would rather let people think I am happy too heartless, but al do not want to seem poor wronged. 我从没有喜好让他人看睹我狄综泪,我甘心让他人觉得我悲泻妹出心出肺,也没有甘心让自己看起去委伸没有幸。
I have been wronged, why do I pay so much, but each time did not even gain a little, I am unfair to blame God. 我委屈,为什么我付出了那么多,但每次连一点收获都没有,我怨老天不公。
One day, . a grandchild was sick, the parents figured it was because the spirits had been wronged and a pig's head should be offered. 有一天,一个孙子生病了,他父母说是因为他触犯侮辱了鬼神,必须要供奉一个猪头。
but poor hatton , the most wronged , was the only one that really suffered much. 但是可怜的哈里顿,虽是最受委屈的,却也是唯一真正十分难受的人。
And try my utmost to make him believe that I wasn't wronged. Give me a few more days, I'll be fine. 会竭尽全力试着告诉他,不要觉得我委屈,稍待时日,我便会痊愈。
'Just when I've been putting such trust in you, and obliging you to please you, because I thought I had wronged you by that push! 我刚才正在相信你,顺从你,讨你喜欢,因为我觉得推了你,委屈了你!
The thieves tell Grape of the Party's correction regarding the landlords, who were wronged during the Land Reform in early 1950s. 这两个贼告诉葡萄,地主在50年代早期的土改时被冤枉了,现在党给他们平了反。
If the person who wronged you really cares about you they'll have beaten themselves up sufficiently before asking for your forgiveness. 如果一个真正关心你的人让你受到了不公正的对待,在请求你的原谅之前,他就已经会自责不已了。
d love to hear about your experiences with feeling wronged. Any insights you'd like to share? 我想听一听当你们被冤枉时的感觉。你想要和我们分享怎样的洞察力呢?
Suit for the breach of a civil duty must be brought by the person wronged. 破坏民事责任的诉讼案一定是由不法行为引起的。
No amount of government cheerleading or public relations rebranding will bring wronged or nervous investors back to this type of market. 无论政府如何鼓动,无论进行怎样的公关重新包装,这样的市场都无法将遭受冤屈或紧张不安的投资者吸引回来。
There might be good for thee, and thee alone, since thou hast been deeply wronged, and hast it at thy will to pardon. 由于你一直深深受到委屈,你就拥有一切极力来宽怨,你可以因此从中获益,而且只有你一人单独获益。
Love does not demand its own way. Love is not irritable, and it keeps no record of when it has been wronged. 爱没有自己的方式,爱不是急躁的,当爱错了的时候不需要记录。